He says No.
People still think if they have sex after no, it's not rape.
He says No.
He says No.
Initially yes, but he seemed to enjoy it not even a second later. If he really didn't want to, he would've expressed that in a much clearer manner, but he didn't.
'No', and saying nothing else after is pretty clear.
Do you think the scene with Jaime and Cersei a couple seasons back was rape? She says stop, not here, not here, and then starts physically to consent.
She's clearly emotionally more stable and powerful than Jaime is in the new episode's scene, his first response is no and she forces herself on him, it's irregardless that he then has sex with her - and if you think the last scene was rape this is also.
If he said no and she stopped and respected his wish they wouldn't have had sex.
I highly disagree that the recent one was rape, I do agree that the other one was rape though. The reason I disagree with the recent one is because, honestly, it looked like he changed his stance on the whole situation the second they started to make out. He was completely fine with having his dick in her mouth for example.
Looked more to me like submission, he was stood upright in a static position like he was being taken advantage of. The shot of her grabbing his ass I think portrayed well that she had all the power in this scene.
Conversely in the scene that you say is rape she jumps on him and continues to make out with him, from what she says in that scene her main complaint for not wanting it is the location, she says not here, implying okay, but somewhere else. So in that scene in the end she seemed fine with it? Jaime in this week's scene simply just says 'no'.
I don't understand how one is rape and the other is not. And I'm sorry, but him standing still like a deer in headlights as she performs a sex act on him with the assumption of 'he has his dick in her mouth he's lovin' it!', really overlooks the initial 'no'.
The only difference is that in the old scene when Cersei physically starts to consent, if she instead did not consent and continued to say no, I don't think Jaime would've stopped.'No', and saying nothing else after is pretty clear.
Do you think the scene with Jaime and Cersei a couple seasons back was rape? She says stop, not here, not here, and then starts physically to consent.
She's clearly emotionally more stable and powerful than Jaime is in the new episode's scene, his first response is no and she forces herself on him, it's irregardless that he then has sex with her - and if you think the last scene was rape this is also.
If he said no and she stopped and respected his wish they wouldn't have had sex.
I don't think he's been weird, I just think he is up to no good. I really, really think there is more to Varys and Tyrion, like they are planning something. Me and my girlfriend have been talking about how the Lannisters are staying one step ahead of Dany. Maybe Varys is leaking their plans. It's fun to speculate.
I totally believe Jaime will walk in on Euron and Cersei doing it.
Well a sorcerer castrated him during a ritual when he was still a child.Varys always looks like next needs a stool softener after talking to a priestess.
He most likely isn't and it's just Tyrion being a dumbass.
Show is taking the path of least resistance to the end.
it's entertaining to see him lose confidence sometimes, though.If only Varys had a crate large enough to fit Ned Stark.
Watching the siege of King's Landing and holy shit....battle scenes in this show are just fantastic. When they actually show battle scenes instead of skirmishes it'll look phenomenal.
Euron will fist her with Jaime's golden hand.
there's one line in this episode that keeps confusing me, when Jon says "it's hard for me to fathom, it really is. if someone told me about the night king..."
when Jon said it's hard for him to fathom, does he mean if he didn't know about the night king and someone tried to warn him about them he would dismiss it as Dany did? Or did he mean that if someone told him, he would immediately start preparing?
this confuses me because he pauses for a second, and then says "you probably don't believe me"after that, so I want to know what thought came to him for him to say that.
there's one line in this episode that keeps confusing me, when Jon says "it's hard for me to fathom, it really is. if someone told me about the night king..."
when Jon said it's hard for him to fathom, does he mean if he didn't know about the night king and someone tried to warn him about them he would dismiss it as Dany did? Or did he mean that if someone told him, he would immediately start preparing?
this confuses me because he pauses for a second, and then says "you probably don't believe me"after that, so I want to know what thought came to him for him to say that.
He's just saying that he cannot fathom how so many people dismiss the idea that the White Walkers are real, because if someone told him about The Night King, he'd listen and believe them.
In 2 when KL receives a raven from the wall asking for more men and warning of the dead rising. Tyrion warns the rest of the small council this may have some truth, saying he knows Mormont is not a liar.
In the last episode he acts as if it's the first he ever heard of it.
Should he not have reacted a lot differently?
It seemed more hypothetical. As if Jon was saying if I were in your shoes and someone told me about the WWs and the dead rising I'd also find it hard to imagine etc.
Jon has seen White Walkers, wights, wargs, giants, mammoths, and now dragons. He probably has the most complete pokedex.
Not with Bran's hacks.Jon has seen White Walkers, wights, wargs, giants, mammoths, and now dragons. He probably has the most complete pokedex.
I don't think this is the case 'cus we've seen him get annoyed having to explain to a bunch of people, even the ones that do believe him, just how insanely powerful The Night King is and how they cannot be bothered with petty shit related to Thrones anymore.
The entire bit about Aemon warning the lords of Westeros was just a big tease. No one believed him.
word, so the former thing I saidHe's just saying that he cannot fathom how so many people dismiss the idea that the White Walkers are real, because if someone told him about The Night King, he'd listen and believe them.
those guys are getting a bad ass rep for their dumbass civil war show.The entire conversation on Dragonstore is just Dan and Dave having a conversation with themselves. It's fun to watch, but none of the dialogue feels organic to these characters.
Well yeah, I'm sure things happen similarly. But the mark of a good story isn't he least what happens but how it happens.
You can tell the simplest, most straightforward story in a highly engaging way.
Season 7's dialogue just seems it's retreading familiar ground where characters meet and repeat things that have been said before in order to reach the conclusion that they must be either enemies or friends.
Game of Thrones is genius because of GRRM, not them. I don't care how much from seasons 6,7, and 8 are original, it is still the same storyline that GRRM is telling
They did some fantastic stuff the first few seasons. By fantastic stuff I mean their own original scenes.
I feel they only really planned for the red wedding at first. Season 5 was a sloppy buffer of sorts, them hoping that GRRM would release a book for them to work with again. When this didn't happen it seemed that a lot of care and thought disappeared as they hope to finish the series as quickly as they can and move on. I hope the ending they deliver is satisfactory, the last few seasons don't hold a candle to the earlier few. When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.
I also feel this season in particular is a huge departure from what we're going to get in the last two books.
Also, why the fuck does Randyl Tarly not give a shit his century old family heirloom was stolen?
I fucking hate thennsAlso the Thenns, Hornfoots, Ice River Clans
worse than missingnoNot with Bran's hacks.
They did some fantastic stuff the first few seasons. By fantastic stuff I mean their own original scenes.
I feel they only really planned for the red wedding at first. Season 5 was a sloppy buffer of sorts, them hoping that GRRM would release a book for them to work with again. When this didn't happen it seemed that a lot of care and thought disappeared as they hope to finish the series as quickly as they can and move on. I hope the ending they deliver is satisfactory, the last few seasons don't hold a candle to the earlier few. When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.
I also feel this season in particular is a huge departure from what we're going to get in the last two books.
Also, why the fuck does Randyl Tarly not give a shit his century old family heirloom was stolen?
Also, why the fuck does Randyl Tarly not give a shit his century old family heirloom was stolen?
Before last week I would've sworn Varys was loyal to Dany, but the encounter with Melisandre did give me doubts. I almost felt a tone of "mhmm I know what you been up to and you're gonna die for it" from her. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm beginning to wonder if Dany's little speech about burning him if he betrays her was put in for a reason. Varys, like Littlefinger, is always looking at the bigger picture and playing at a higher level, though his motives seem more altruistic, like all of his decisions are made with a "greater good" in mind.
I don't see it with Tyrion though. I just can't imagine he would ever intentionally do anything to help Cersei.
Poor Varys
Heshinsi and others should learn from these soul snatchings. Our Lord is real....or Bran.
I don't think this is the case 'cus we've seen him get annoyed having to explain to a bunch of people, even the ones that do believe him, just how insanely powerful The Night King is and how they cannot be bothered with petty shit related to Thrones anymore.
You can clearlysee Dany riding on top of drogon on the next On segment.Will ep 4 be the field of fire or will drogon get hurt?
Yup, that's exactly how that scene played out for me.I also took that pause to indicate he just realised how crazy he sounds, to someone who would have little or no prior knowledge of White Walkers or the army of the dead. When he took the time to place himself in that person's shoes, he pauses because it does sound crazy as hell. Hence the bit where he asks Tyrion how he can prove something exists to people who don't believe such things are real.
im expecting Drogon to bite it.My bets on the dragons:
1. Viserion - gets ganked by a ballista at King's Landing because Viserys was a punk bitch.
2. Rhaegal - everyone seems to think the Night King is gonna get himself a rez'd ice dragon, if he does it won't be Viserion, too far south. So I'd say Jon and co. head up to Eastwatch to deliver Tormund some dragonglass and shit goes down with the white walkers. Things look dire but Dany swoops in with Drogon and Rhaegal, burning zombies. Rhaegal bites it and Mr. Cool Ice rezzes him up an ice dragon.
3. Drogon only dies if Dany dies.