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Jon defeated a fookin' legend, automatically #1
Jon defeated a fookin' legend, automatically #1
Jon also got lucky in his fights against Karl Tanner and the thenn asshole.
If he didn't start fighting dirty I don't think he would've won against the thenn.
Jon also got lucky in his fights against Karl Tanner and the thenn asshole.
If he didn't start fighting dirty I don't think he would've won against the thenn.
So that's why there's almost zero Bronn screentime? Because of Lena Headey being a cunt.
Now I look forward to Cersei dying even more.
You telling us you wouldn't go postal if you got your hands on that cunt?
A lot of people like to dump on Cersei by pointing out that scene where Tywin said she isn't as smart as she thinks she is... but in the context of that scene, she was right and Tywin was wrong. The Tyrells WERE trying to undermine that Lannisters, and like an episode later Tywin realizes this too.
This observation came out of nowhere, but I see people pointing this out every time a Cersei discussion comes up in terms of her strategic ability.
A lot of people like to dump on Cersei by pointing out that scene where Tywin said she isn't as smart as she thinks she is... but in the context of that scene, she was right and Tywin was wrong. The Tyrells WERE trying to undermine that Lannisters, and like an episode later Tywin realizes this too.
This observation came out of nowhere, but I see people pointing this out every time a Cersei discussion comes up in terms of her strategic ability.
Yeah, a lot of people thinking Cersei is dumb is other characters saying that she is dumb, but she's never actually done anything particularly stupid. Cruel for the sake of it, yeah, but not 'oops i fucked up' dumb.
The only time I think she fucked up real bad was with The High Sparrows but those fuckers tricked EVERYONE, so if Cersei is dumb, then so everyone else.
That's pretty rude. Could have nothing to do with her. Regardless they rarely ever shared screen timr together anyway.So that's why there's almost zero Bronn screentime? Because of Lena Headey being a cunt.
Now I look forward to Cersei dying even more.
Blowing up the sept was reeeaally damn short-sighted and idiotic. The only reason she hasn't already died for it is because of Euron ex machina and Tyrion trying to be too smart for his own good.Yeah, a lot of people thinking Cersei is dumb is other characters saying that she is dumb, but she's never actually done anything particularly stupid. Cruel for the sake of it, yeah, but not 'oops i fucked up' dumb.
Well based on last episode no one in kings landing seem to care about the sept, like it never happened. And actively rooting for her.Blowing up the sept was reeeaally damn short-sighted and idiotic. The only reason she hasn't already died for it is because of Euron ex machina and Tyrion trying to be too smart for his own good.
Blowing up the sept was reeeaally damn short-sighted and idiotic. The only reason she hasn't already died for it is because of Euron ex machina and Tyrion trying to be too smart for his own good.
It's not just that. Blowing up the sept turned the remaining Tyrells against the crown. Which should have been a big deal but then they somehow captured Highgarden with barely any losses.Well based on last episode no one in kings landing seem to care about the sept, like it never happened. And actively rooting for her.
Doesn't make much sense, but here we are
She killed her rivals when she should have been worrying about her enemies. Of course Dany is coming regardless, but Cersei would have had somewhat of a fighting chance instead of this current situation where Euron can do no wrong because the writers have written themselves into a corner.I don't agree, Dany was coming regardless of the sept blowing up or not, that event has nothing to do with Euron or Tyrion either. When she killed everyone in the sept, she wiped out two of her biggest enemies (high sparrow and margaery - although margaery was largely a self-made enemy) and cleared the way for her to take the throne. Of course, she thought she'd be advising her son without interference again, but that didn't work out, so now she's queen.
Euron, Tyrion, Dany etc have absolutely nothing to do with any of that. If she hadn't done that, she'd just be in a powerless position while Dany plotted against Tommen, the Tyrells and the High Sparrow.
Well based on last episode no one in kings landing seem to care about the sept, like it never happened. And actively rooting for her.
Doesn't make much sense, but here we are
It's not just that. Blowing up the sept turned the remaining Tyrells against the crown. Which should have been a big deal but then they somehow captured Highgarden with barely any losses.
She killed her rivals when she should have been worrying about her enemies. She absolutely weakened her position with that move.
Her personal position is irrelevant when the city gets sacked and she get beheaded within a month.Her position before she blew up the sept was marginalised by her own son and disgraced by the public, condemned by the religious fundalmentalists who were corraling all the power in King's Landing around themselves. She essentially had no position, and made an extreme move to level the playing field. Since then, everything she's done has solidified her position - allying with a strong naval force, converting an enemy's military leader to her side, and then destroying that enemy and using its resources to pay off her debts to the bank and ensuring their continued support for the short term at the least. She's also winning the war so far. It won't last, but I don't see how any of these moves can really be considered fuck ups.
I don't agree, Dany was coming regardless of the sept blowing up or not, that event has nothing to do with Euron or Tyrion either. When she killed everyone in the sept, she wiped out two of her biggest enemies (high sparrow and margaery - although margaery was largely a self-made enemy) and cleared the way for her to take the throne. Of course, she thought she'd be advising her son without interference again, but that didn't work out, so now she's queen.
Euron, Tyrion, Dany etc have absolutely nothing to do with any of that. If she hadn't done that, she'd just be in a powerless position while Dany plotted against Tommen, the Tyrells and the High Sparrow.
Like Jaime said to Euron, not long ago they were spitting on my sister and if you turn on us, they'll cheer to see your head on a spike.
Really, the people are idiots. Perhaps the cheering is out of fear, but they went from being rather dormant, to wanting to see Ned beheaded to spitting on Joffrey, then following the high sparrow, spitting on Cersei, now loving Cersei. You would think it was out of fear, but there doesn't seem to be any coherent rhyme or reason, they seem all over the place in their actions towards those in power, or whatever is convenient for the story.
Her personal position is irrelevant when the city gets sacked and she get beheaded within a month. Dead queen vs. mother of the king who has no real power. I'd take the latter.
She ensured that that would happen by severing the most important alliance they had. She's only alive because of unbelievable luck and some "creative" writing.
Maybe new zombie Jon is also immune to fire? We haven't seen him come in contact with it since his revival.
Her position before she blew up the sept was marginalised by her own son and disgraced by the public, condemned by the religious fundalmentalists who were corraling all the power in King's Landing around themselves. She essentially had no position, and made an extreme move to level the playing field. Since then, everything she's done has solidified her position - allying with a strong naval force, converting an enemy's military leader to her side, and then destroying that enemy and using its resources to pay off her debts to the bank and ensuring their continued support for the short term at the least. She's also winning the war so far. It won't last, but I don't see how any of these moves can really be considered fuck ups.
Lol pretty much. She could have set half the city ablaze with Dragon fire, and the survivors would be cool with it.Ah, the High Sparrow was also all by her own doing. She thought she could create a monster to feast on her enemies, only to have that same monster turn its gaze on her when its appetite grew more ravenous.
"What will we find when we strip away your finery?"
Do you think Dany should have went straight for King's Landing right off the bat, based on how the people there would fall in line once the battle is over?
She is responsible for all of that. Margaery tells her let's be friends and sisters, and she rages out on her. She then tries crawling her way back to Marg's good graces, and when she overhears Marg and her hand maidens giggling, she decides that she's going to rearm ISIS and use them to destroy the Tyrells. She's a fucking lunatic who gets fucked by her own traps.
Lol pretty much. She could have set half the city ablaze with Dragon fire, and the survivors would be cool with it.
By Dany. She should have already been beheaded (or maybe burned alive) by Dany. That's my whole point, she should have had absolutely no chance once the Tyrells turned from the biggest ally to one of the enemies.When you say she would have been beheaded, by who exactly? The Tyrells? They wouldn't have the strength to take over King's Landing and make that happen. The Dornish were already gunning for her anyway, with no movement, not a big threat. Jon is too busy to worry about Cersei and Dany was also coming to take over the country regardless. She killed all the people who might have beheaded her for blowing up the sept by blowing up the sept and killing them all!
Do you think Dany should have went straight for King's Landing right off the bat, based on how the people there would fall in line once the battle is over?
Yeah she is a lunatic, but I mentioned the situation she was in to say that blowing up the Sept wasn't a mistake given the situation she was in, which the guy I was responding to said it was by leaving her in a weaker position - I don't see how it didn't leave her in a much better position, excluding Tommen's suicide in response.
The High Sparrow stuff is I guess a fuck up on her part, I had forgotten she was egging him on initially, but she won in the end. My point isn't that she's a smart and good leader, it's that she's a smart and terrible leader. She isn't complete inhuman, but she is extremely vindictive and cruel. That doesn't mean she can't win every single fight she finds herself in, because Westeros is an ugly shithole of a country where cruelty is pretty much the law. I think right now she's probably more capable than she's ever been because now she is focusing simply on domination, and doesn't have anything left to protect except herself (and, I guess, Jamie, but I'm sure she'd continue on without him).
It wasn't.It always amuses me when people suggest that blowing up the sept was somehow a mistake on Cersei's part. The certain punishment for her crimes was death -- it was either kill or be killed.
This is exactly the sort of short-sighted thinking that lead her to that idiotic decision.Destroying the Sept, and everyone in it, was the best possible move she could have made in that moment.
She went from having almost no power and influence to becoming Queen.
If I was Dany, I think I'd go ahead and fire all of my advisers.
By Dany. She should have already been beheaded (or maybe burned alive) by Dany. That's my whole point, she should have had absolutely no chance once the Tyrells turned from the biggest ally to one of the enemies.
Blowing the sept has sort of worked out for he so far, but that has been by sheer dumb luck, not by foresight or intelligence.
If I was Dany, I think I'd go ahead and fire all of my advisers.
And by firing, I mean feed them to my dragons.
Because she took his armada in the last season and didn't expect Euron Greyjoy to do the GoT equivalent of this in such a short time.It is incredible how with all the brain power and sneakiness of Tyrion, the spy capabilities of Varys, and the Ironborn Greyjoys, that Tyrion's master plan never accounted for Euron Greyjoy. He wasn't even a piece on the map in the second season. How exactly did Yara forget that she has a lunatic uncle who has an armada just waiting to be used? How did that conversation not come up? "Hey so my murderous uncle has like a thousand ships, should we be worried about that Tyrion?"
Destroying the Sept, and everyone in it, was the best possible move she could have made in that moment.
She went from having almost no power and influence to becoming Queen.
She is responsible for all of that. Margaery tells her let's be friends and sisters, and she rages out on her. She then tries crawling her way back to Marg's good graces, and when she overhears Marg and her hand maidens giggling, she decides that she's going to rearm ISIS and use them to destroy the Tyrells. She's a fucking lunatic who gets fucked by her own traps.
It wasn't.
The Lannisters would have had Euron anyway. The Tyrells wouldn't have been an enemy to destroy, they would have been allies. Everything you mention would have been better and easier if she hadn't blown up the sept.I just don't see how it is dumb luck. The first thing she did this season was ally with Euron - she invited him to King's Landing because she knew she needed more support, so she got some. He's turned out to be very useful. Then, she apparently accurately predicted that Dany would attack Casterly Rock first, a place of minimal strategic significance, so she took that moment while her biggest threat was distracted to take out one of Dany's allies and also make herself rich again. Meanwhile, her military commander Jamie had ensured that the latter would be an even easier job by taking one of the Tyrell's military leaders and his men away from them and having them ally with Cersei.
These are all smart moves that don't really have anything to do with luck. Whether she had any of this planned when she blew up the Sept isn't really relevant - she was pushed into a corner and, since power is the most important thing to her, did the most meaningful thing she could do to clear the way to regain it. Since then, she's been getting stronger.
Because she took his armada and didn't expect Euron Greyjoy to do the GoT equivalent of this in such a short time.
Jorah Fedora omg lol...We all anticipate the triumphant return of Jorah Fedora, dude will set them on a proper course.
Are you for real? Margery and the Tyrells were never her friends. From the very beginning they've been gunning for a position at the top. It's actually a credit to Cersei that she could see that. Margaery is fake and so is her grandma. They can smile to her face and then plot to murder one son and manipulate the other behind her back. Cersei was right to distrust the Tyrells, she was wrong to trust the High Sparrow. Good thing she solved both problems in the S6 finale.
I'm pretty sure they weren't going to kill her. If it was made clear in the show that they would, I missed it. Letting her go at all if they're just going to kill her a bit later would be very dumb.Yes it was. They were going to kill her if she went to trial. Was the alternative to run? Then what would she be left with? At that point, she may as well have been dead.
I'm pretty sure they weren't going to kill her. If it was made clear in the show that they would, I missed it. Letting her go at all if they're just going to kill her a bit later would be very dumb.
Destroying the Sept, and everyone in it, was the best possible move she could have made in that moment.
She went from having almost no power and influence to becoming Queen.
Oh I assumed they said they took most of their ships. Yea that's a pretty bad idea to not inform them of Euron then.She didn't take his armada, she took some of their fastest ships.
The Lannisters would have had Euron anyway. The Tyrells wouldn't have been an enemy to destroy, they would have been allies. Everything you mention would have been better and easier if she hadn't blown up the sept.