The Artisan
interesting that you say thatThat's a really big direwolf. I'm thinking something that size wouldn't live long in the world of men.
fun fact: direwolves are real. but they all died.
interesting that you say thatThat's a really big direwolf. I'm thinking something that size wouldn't live long in the world of men.
Nymeria wasn't that huge 2 episodes ago...
who in the right mind would want to sit on a throne that could deep cut you
No, but she was still pretty fucking big
From season 9.
From season 9.
Is there any way I can watch this in the UK with no Sky or Virgin TV?
Is it online somewhere? I normally wait till the following day then go to my parents and watch it but I'm off work tomorrow so thought I'd watch it live if possible.
I always thought the direwolves had a correlation with characters' relationships with each other, like with Lady's death Sansa joined her new family.
With Grey Wind's death the red wedding happened.
With Shaggydog's death Rickon was doomed to die by Ramsay's hand.
With Summer's death Bran became the three-eyed raven.
Nymeria and Ghost are still alive though. If Ghost even still exists that is.
Best fanart coming through
Yeah and they do a free trial as well! Thanks!
Is there any way I can watch this in the UK with no Sky or Virgin TV?
Is it online somewhere? I normally wait till the following day then go to my parents and watch it but I'm off work tomorrow so thought I'd watch it live if possible.
"ive got u now eddy stork."
"but y small finga y u do this to me"
"i play the gam of throons."
I'm thinking that if Arya returned to Braavos or something Nymeria would die, and Jon turning full Targaryen would signal the end for Ghost.
Best fanart coming through
I'm thinking that if Arya returned to Braavos or something Nymeria would die, and Jon turning full Targaryen would signal the end for Ghost.
Best fanart coming through
All the direwolves felt flat to me besides Ghost and maybe Summer.
All the direwolves felt flat to me besides Ghost and maybe Summer.
Well, I think Nymeria will save Arya at some point and then die.
Best fanart coming through
I can't believe how they shafted Summer.
This is what the White Walkers are hiding in the far north, dinosaurs incased in ice
it'd be so cute if they dated in real life. they look so good together
that's because they shrank the direwolves' roles. from their introduction at their dead mother I thought their roles would be more important but it looks like they show up only when it's convenient for the plot.
Hodor's origin is sadder to me than his death.Summers death was only overshadowed because of how sad Hodors death was.
would you like me to start posting youtube videos of how much chemistry they have together even off the cameras, then?I don't think "They look good together" is a good basis for a relationship.
Which is why I keep saying it is as if he's retconned off the show. What is this cut scene you speak of?Ghost has been shown a grand total of 0 times this season. What hurts most is they filmed a scene for episode 2 and cut it.
would you like me to start posting youtube videos of how much chemistry they have together even off the cameras, then?
would you like me to start posting youtube videos of how much chemistry they have together even off the cameras, then?
Which is why I keep saying it is as if he's retconned off the show. What is this cut scene you speak of?
I kind of want to, but i'm afraid someone on here will respond: "Hey, I made thatthis fanart is making me laugh way too hard
post more
ugh, so why the fuck did they cut it, then? for budget? i don't understand that excuse; why can't HBO just buy more CGI for this show? they are obviously going to make profit off of it so why can't the show be granted a higher budget since each season outperforms the previousBrian Cogman (writer) said on Twitter a scene between Jon/Ghost was filmed and cut from ep 2.
Presumably before he leaves for Dragonstone.
Hodor's origin is sadder to me than his death.
Hodor died saving Meera & Bran. Blackfish died letting Brienne & Poddrick escape. Grenn died at Jon's orders protecting Castle Black. Yoren died trying to protect Arya, Gendry, and the rest of his youngin recruits. Barristan died trying to keep the peace, and Osha died serving the Starks.
Hodor's childhood however was ruined because of Bran. He could've been a great warrior had it not been for Bran's fuckery.
Jon could still be a bastard. I'm finding it very hard to believe both Rhaegar and Lyanna were married. I doubt my boy Jon is legit either way.
Like, I'd feel it would be an asspull if Sam managed to find something that's relevant to Jon's lineage.
ugh, so why the fuck did they cut it, then? for budget? i don't understand that excuse; why can't HBO just buy more CGI for this show? they are obviously going to make profit off of it so why can't the show be granted a higher budget since each season outperforms the previous
Summer's death was just all round pathetic. Went out in a literal whimper with seemingly 0 impact on Bran.Summers death was only overshadowed because of how sad Hodors death was.
Probably going to find Rhaegar's last will and testament, naming Jon as his legitimate heir. He was temporarily King between Aerys' death and his own, it'd be legit. Although I'd find it more likely that Howland Reed might have it, perhaps it was on Lysanna in the ToJ and Ned entrusted it to him.
What happened in the last pages of this thread ...did i miss something big ? Its like all Dany/Jon fan fic...i mean we know its happening at some point...but yeah, did we get some new confirmation?