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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

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This ranging party is one of the dopest ensembles the show has had. I do wish Brienne was there, though. And my dudes Sandor and Gendry better not die.

That rowing joke is the type of fanservice I can get behind. It was great.

It is, it's easily one of the best groups.

Yeah, and Davos was perfect for the line lol.

Tormund must live for his lady Brienne. At the last minute before all the magnificent 7 die Drogon shows up to save Jon since he took a liking to him. Also, I bet Ghost shows up. If they can't at least have Ghost show up North of the wall where Jon needs him most, I give up.

Hehe yeah, Tormund needs to live.

Heh yeah, Drogon shows up like one of the lions of Voltron sensing him in trouble ;)

Yeah, Ghost should probably show up if he gets in trouble.


I agree with this list other than Gendry. Like I said, that kid's getting got. No one in the writing room wants to deal with his claim to the throne as even a semi-serious plot thread moving forward because unlike the other contenders no effort has been made to get the viewer invested in the idea of him as a claimant.

Yeah it feels like his been brought back so all possible storylines can be closed. Would suck if he gets got next week.


Gendry needs to live so that he can die in the final battle. Not having all 4 houses that are the headliners of this show's opening credits not represented in the final battle would be disappointing lol. Plus I need that Arya/Gendry reunion convo.


I may have missed a few important bits regarding the blindfolded man and his companion. Why are they Important and why can the blindfolded man summon flame to his sword during the preview. ?

The Lord of Light chose him to be a Dark Souls character so he gets to respawn and light his sword on fire. The rest are his groupies and The Hound is a long because he doesn't have anything better to do and actually saw shit when he looked into the fire like that one guy said to so he's along for the ride.
Yeah, I expect it to be quite atmospheric again. So I hope a lot of the runtime of next week's episode is with them without jumping away too often since this is such a great group, seeing them journey, interact, and fight together should be amazing.
It'll be like The battle of the bastards, get stuff out of the way first then focus on the fighting


Yeah I believe the Brotherhood Boys are toast. Forever Friendzoned Jorah is free to be dead as well. Tormund is 50/50 since he hasn't had much to do for awhile other than him pining for Bri. Gendry could die but it would be a waste after bringing him back after so many seasons to not get revenge on the Lannisters but just die in the snow. I give him 25% chance of dying. Jon, Hound have plot armor and the rest of the men are so dead.


Gendry needs to live so that he can die in the final battle. Not having all 4 houses that are the headliners of this show's opening credits not represented in the final battle would be disappointing lol. Plus I need that Arya/Gendry reunion convo.

I'm sure they'll reunite at some point and they'll have one scene together before one is whisked away to the other side of the continent.

I really hate the pacing this season.


Just when you think this series can't blow your mind even more, an episode like that happens.

Jon, Tormund, Jorah, The Hound, Gendry and the Brotherhood. The Westeros All Stars are heading beyond the wall

One question though, where the fuck is Theon?


3 dragons can fly anywhere, would be an easy and fast way to snatch up 1 dead lion king skywalker, dragon whisperer afraid of snow hurting her babies or wut


All season Jon had been doubted. By his own people in winter fell and anyone else he bothers to tell. Makes sense for him to go all kamikaze to nab a dead soldier to finally prove something to these motherfuckers

But damn man. What a bunch of bad asses. Walking off straight into winter with no plan, no hesitation, just booze and swords


I really wasn't feeling this episode. Maybe it was the first scene that just soured me on it. Jaime and Bron just swimming away? That's some high-level bullshit right there. I guess things were moving fast so that's good, but I don't know... The episode kinda felt like a collection of scenes rather than a coherent episode with a through line.

- Gilly just randomly finding a scroll that tells us that Jon isn't a bastard? Like, really?
- Sam leaving the Citadel? What is he trying to achieve with that?
- Littlefinger used to be such a cool character. I'm really not liking this "I'm pitting the starks against each other" plot.

Also, the whole thing with wanting a truce with Cercei just feels like a way to even the playing field when Cercei is losing, by giving her a way to do some weird scheming.

i wonder if dany's populist fascism this season was inspired by the rise of trump

What?? O.O
You jabronis can keep your Cleganebowls and your Battle of the Bastards. I kneel at the altar of the true greatest fight in Westeros: The Donnybrook of the D___ons. There were heroes on both sides, but in the end there could be only one victor. And I think you all know who it was.

So there's still a chance that Jorah and Danaeys end up together, right? I'm crossing my fingers for Jon Snow to die in the final episode.

Hell no lol. Dany only has eyes for Jon. It's written all over her face, especially when he pet her dragon.

Haha, no way man. Go back and watch his re-introduction. I'll paraphrase it for you:

GENDRY: I'm Robert's son, and therefore a potential heir to the throne!
JON: Does literally anyone except you, me, and Davos know about this?
GENDRY: Nope! Say, do you have any extremely dangerous tasks in very remote areas I can invite myself along to for no particular reason?
JON: Oh gosh boy it just so happens one opened up this very instant.
DAVOS: (Sighs) What are the odds, eh?

I know before I said that the Brotherhood Without Banners were the killedest dudes in all the world, but this dude? This is the killedest dude in all the universe.

Pretty much. Saw that and was like "whelp, he dead".

Honestly if GRRM were writing, I'm sure he would be doing something better with LF. I still thinking that he would die before the final because it would show that scheming can only go so far when there is magical shit going on. Alas if only he actually wrote his books. Pretty sure the showrunners were hoping the story would have been wrapped up before any of this really.

Branhattan is just letting things play out.

yeah, whatever that means. used to what? having another person be a monarch? just having another person around as counsel?

"I want you here, with me"

What the fuck was that Arya and Sansa scene? Why is Arya being such a bitch?

Also, somebody please kill Jon Snow. Oh my God what a fucking awful character I cant take it anymore ffs

Ps: Cersei is my animal spirit, slay queen

Because Arya is right and Sansa doesn't have any skill except being LF's white whale.

And wtf Cersei? Worst character on the show.

I thought I would hate Jorah coming back. But since his return he doesnt seem as friendzoney.

Because he's dead soon.

It doesn't seem entirely convincing that Jon wants to, though. Dany for sure but not Jon even though he's attracted to her.

Jon flat out said to Davos that there was no time, not that he wasn't interested. He has eyes.

She's an awful character that was portrayed on the show as a dunce who thinks they are smarter than they are. The show made a point to constantly point it out. Her father even mentions it a couple of times in the first season. After last season, they don't really know what to do with her, so now we're supposed to take her as a mastermind. Give me a break.

Tarly (after tonight's episode especially) is proving to be more interesting.

She's still a fucking dunce. Jamie had to spell out why Olenna wasn't lying. Shes no more of a mastermind than when she resurrected the faith militant, it backfired, and then had to blow everyone up.

And I don't think she's pregnant. More manipulation.

You shut your dirty mouth

Madqueen Cersei is going to blow his ass up

You wish. Tyrion got half of Tywins brain. Cersei got the looks.

After Robert's Rebellion there was a time of peace. Many of their current troops would be from this generation of adults with some veterans of Robert's War. The steppe life is basically a constant state of warfare. The faceless men dedicate their lives to assassination. The Unsullied have no lives beyond fighting.

It's comparing "normal" people to people born into the military caste. Spartans vs Athenians, but on a continental level.

Well, just imagine some cops fighting against an entire country of Delta Force guys who are here to curb stomp everything. Crushing defeat is only option.

Even Jamie was like "yea, this is an L no matter who we have fighting for us."

Side note, Varys had the best advice, Littlefinger is catching a blade soon.


I may have missed a few important bits regarding the blindfolded man and his companion. Why are they Important and why can the blindfolded man summon flame to his sword during the preview. ?
They are followers of the lord of light and one of them keeps getting brought back from the dead.


It is, it's easily one of the best groups.

Yeah, and Davos was perfect for the line lol.

Hehe yeah, Tormund needs to live.

Heh yeah, Drogon shows up like one of the lions of Voltron sensing him in trouble ;)

Yeah, Ghost should probably show up if he gets in trouble.

I'm kinda starting to resent my prediction... the show has a tendency to kill of direwolves when a Stark makes a personal or life altering transition... in this possible case: Jon coming to grips with Dragons wanting belly rubs from him... :'( Symbolizing Jon moving away from being a Stark and moving closer to his Targeryen heritage. RIP, Ghost.

To add to my predictions: Gendry most live for his lady Arya.

Also, I think Arya was trying to push Sansa's buttons to see if she could get a genuine gauge over Sansa's current personality. Maybe Arya will come to see that killing/betraying Jon is a bridge too far for Sansa, despite her former reputation as a girl fond of vanity. See has to see that Jon trusted Sansa with the North for a reason.


Also, the whole thing with wanting a truce with Cercei just feels like a way to even the playing field when Cercei is losing, by giving her a way to do some weird scheming.

Indeed, she could have gotten all of Cersei's forces to bend then knee without a battle in s day or so and then consolidate forces in the north. This would have made more sense if the wall is already crumbling or if there is a better sense of urgency.

Also, this is reminding of the KMT/Communist fight in China during WWII in a very remote way.


Probably been mentioned already but so far everyone who has said "I wish you good fortune in the wars to come" has died immediately afterwards. Doesn't bode well for Jonno
I really don't get the animosity between Arya and Sansa, what's that all about?

Overall it was another really good episode, loved the scene with Jon patting the dragon, lol. Has anyone other than Dany ever done that?

With just two episodes to go im pretty nervous about what is going to get shown and what isn't before another 12 month break.


semen stains the mountaintops
I really don't get the,animosity between Arya and Sansa, what's that all about?

Arya never really liked Sansa at all but she did love Jon and now she can see that Sansa isn't defending Jon like she should and she can see that part of her wants Jon out of the job.

Arya isn't having any of that bullshit.
Jaime and Bronn easily saved and forced beef in Winterfell, sorry but why. Littlefinger has done shit and now I get this dumb montage?`That was bad man. I liked the rest, though.
Haha at Gilly just nonchalantly spouting out from the scroll that Jon Snow, a.k.a.
Jon Targaryen
, is the rightful king of the seven kingdoms and Sam being like "FUCK THIS DUDE'S SHITS!!!!!" <rage quit>.


I really don't get the animosity between Arya and Sansa, what's that all about?

Overall it was another really good episode, loved the scene with Jon patting the dragon, lol. Has anyone other than Dany ever done that?

With just two episodes to go im pretty nervous about what is going to get shown and what isn't before another 12 month break.

Arya was always a bit distant from Sansa and viewed her as spoiled and shallow. The last time they saw each other Sansa was standing next to Joffrey as their father was being beheaded. She hasn't got any idea what Sansa's been through and just sees the same spoilt brat who wants to be in high places and will lie to get there.
Fuck, Tarly was a cunt right to the end.

Dany: Hey, would you rather die or be maybe just a little bit less racist?
Randyll Tarly: Hitler did nothing wrong.

Also, it feels like a race against time for which will happen first - Jon finds out he's a legitimate Targ heir or he takes his dad's sister to Bonerville.

Hoping that Littlefinger playing Arya and Sansa against each other is just a fake out and either Bran interjects or Arya realizes what's up. Then the three of them can all gather around and take turns shanking LF for a full 5 minutes of uninterrupted screen time.


semen stains the mountaintops
If anyone dies from the Seven Knights Squad, Ima be real pissed. I have my bets on Thoros, just so he can't res Jon and Beric and probably Jorah so Jon can become closer to Jon. The Hound will probably make it so we can get some more Arya and The Hound goodness.


I really don't get the animosity between Arya and Sansa, what's that all about?

Overall it was another really good episode, loved the scene with Jon patting the dragon, lol. Has anyone other than Dany ever done that?

With just two episodes to go im pretty nervous about what is going to get shown and what isn't before another 12 month break.

I think Arya wanted Sansa to tell those lords to shut up the moment they started complaining, or maybe she really did want them executed but that would've been a terrible idea, if anyone remembers what happened with Robb and the Karstarks. Arya might be a great assassin but she isn't a great tactician, otherwise she would've mobilised the Frey forces against the Lannisters when she was impersonating Walder

I think the problem for Arya was that Sansa listened to their complaints and then told them how very kind they were, but they made their bed and now they have to sleep in it. It's loyalty to Jon but it doesn't exactly discourage mutinous feelings. Maybe Arya really does just want them all executed at the first sign of mutiny, or maybe she's confusing their complaining as a sign of imminent mutiny, she might have even worse trust issues than Sansa. Would laugh my arse off if Arya kills Sansa because of that letter lol
Loved this episode. Especially Cersei. Man I love her more every week

I try to understand this position. Then I remember she had a bunch of babies pulled from their mothers and killed.

So Cersei's Red Wedding sequel isn't gonna get anywhere since she told the audience she was gonna do it. I'm guessing Dany will expect it. Probably have her dragons flyover and threaten that if she dies, then the dragons can't be controlled and will burn King's Landing to the ground.
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