Brienne vs The Mountain? Would she have chance? Probably not.
I doubt anyone of the main cast would have a chance. Really only reason oberyn did was he was a spear user. You get within mountains range and you're fucked.
Brienne vs The Mountain? Would she have chance? Probably not.
If GRRM has a hard on for killing main characters could he not kill the ones that are actually cool? Kill of that whiny boring fuckwit Jon Snow. Or idiotic malcontent Dany. Every scene those two are in drags the show down several notches.
Just off them and leave us the likes of Oberyn.
I don't mind people not liking her character or actress. That's all good and fine as I said before. I've been there myself with other popular TV shows.Please don't start this.... This show is extremely polarizing, there are going to be people that don't like certain characters. Even Tyrion had haters in the first season for some of the lines he had. Very few if any of these characters are perfect. I like Dany, but I'm not mystified that some people would be less than impressed with the way her character has been written recently. Leaving the cities she liberated, having to be talked down from the torture, and jettisoning a guy who a lot of people like tonight.
Re-fucking-lax please... the last thing I want to see is the crap that plagued Breaking Bad, where if anyone dared dislike Skylar they were a sexist misogynistic asshole. It just KILLED conversation in those threads.
She shouldn't be in a position to give people an ultimatum in the first place. And free men/women choose their destiny, make their own decisions, which nobody can do under her 'rule'. Everything is muh laydee, kneeling before Zod the imperialist.
Just to confirm but little finger you know.... fucked Sansa right?
well then I'd say he's dead because he has a lethal wound and his part in the story is over. I suspect he'll be announced as dead next episode and we wont be wasting any more time on him.But it's not an instantaneous death. That's the whole point.
I don't know, but if he does die, I'm done.
Oberyn vs. Mountain summary:
On a different note, I thought it was interesting that Ramsay and Jon (the two unrelated bastards) both shared the same last name - Snow. I guess its the default for northern bastards.
"better spent elsewhere in the story"
You're cementing his point that all you care about is the plot. I've read the books as well, and scenes like that one are exactly what make adapting things a worthwhile endeavour. Probably one of the best scenes ever since the show started and it went completely above your head because you're "obsessed" about the plot progression.
The allegory was masterfully crafted. And the delivery was spot on.
Also, Arya's burst of laughter was a standout moment of character development.
But it's not an instantaneous death. That's the whole point.
I doubt anyone of the main cast would have a chance. Really only reason oberyn did was he was a spear user. You get within mountains range and you're fucked.
Seriously, 5 hours on and I'm still shook about Oberyn. Ugh. The fact that he had single handedly embarrassed the Lannisters by easily besting their champion, and with such style and passion, only to be so fucking brutally destroyed when he became drunk with confidence and fervor. And his entire quest was just, and he had such charisma.
Random thought edit: is Kings Landing like DC, and it just exists in Westeros, or is there a smaller kingdom it leads as well?
It is very hard to accept as a viewer. This event was probably more shocking for me than the Red Wedding - and I was SHOCKED by that :O
saw this on the misc:
About to get fuked in the blackwater by stannis? Nope tywin puts in a last minute cheat code and in come the tyrell's with unlimited ships and money to help save the day. How do i get rid of robb stark in season 3? I'll just scheme some hail mary play with roose and waldy to kill off all the starks at a wedding without losing a single person on my side. My grandson joffrey gets poisoned. No big deal we'll have his younger, more aesthetic, kinder, smarter brother become king and not a single fuk was given
I'm pretty sure GRRM did that just to confuse people![]()
Oberyn vs. Mountain summary:
I think that was Oberyn's biggest mistake actually. He lost a battle trying to take a false confession out of the Mountain. The Mountain had no order, he is just the Mountain, I think he raped her, and he murdered her and he killed her children just because he is who he is. Just like the stubborn guy crushing the beetles.Also I feel dumb asking but, what was the point of the beetle story? The symbolism was lost on me.
Oh. My. God.
So people are shitting on Dany because she's "entitled"? Have you people been watching this show? Almost every god damn character has entitlement issues. The show is called GAME OF THRONES. It's centered around people who feel entitled to power and their obsessions.
jesus fuck
saw this on the misc:
Also I feel dumb asking but, what was the point of the beetle story? The symbolism was lost on me.
Amazing post. Gotta be the best salt posts ive seen since ive become a member here lmao.saw this on the misc:
Nah, I've already read all the books, so I know the plot. It just seemed like that time could have been better spent elsewhere in the story. Same goes for the molestown scene in the beginning.
There was a part of me the mountain would yell out Tywin at the end and Oberyn would have chucked his spear right through Tywin's head right there in front of everybody...and then...yeah. This was the most painful death since Ned because I really liked this character and his story.
I hold out hope at least that his spear did end up killing the mountain. At least in that way he would have gotten revenge.
I just can't see Tyrion dying like this. They have been ignoring Stannis too long. Maybe he will come in and fuck some shit up during the execution or something.
Damn, that fight.
But what I enjoy the most are all the salty tears and the complaints about "the bad guys always winning".