What in all the fucks did I just watch
Exactly how I feel, 3 hours later...
What in all the fucks did I just watch
What? Littlefinger not an enemy, huh? Has she (and you for that matter) forgotten this guys betrayal of Ned in the Throne room? Now that we know he was responsible for Jon Arryn's death, everything that has happened to the Starks is his fault.
Indeed. Can't agree more.Cersei's Sith training sessions are finally baring fruit. The entirety of Sansa's testimony was ripped right out the Queen Regent's playbook. Cersei also taught her that a weapon powerful enough to bring most men to heel rests between her legs. Never thought I would say this, but Sansa is poised to have Baelish eating out of her hand.
Littlefinger: "You think you know me?"
Sansa: "I know what you want."
Oberyn's woman: "Don't leave me in this world alone, my love."
Oberyn: "Of course not."
Your opinion sucks, amnesiac.
Yes, but right now he's Sansa's best bet at survival. Everyone between the Vale and the North wants her dead. If Little Finger doesn't take over the Vale and the kid does, then her life is basically contingent on her keeping that little shit in a good mood. She knows Little Finger wants her, he won't hurt her, and this gives her time to look for another option. It was the first smart move she's made this season.
I guess this is a fair point, but it all hinges on rather Littlefinger genuinely cares about her, or does see her as just another chess piece on the board. Seeing this guy in action makes me wary if any move or word he says. I'm just afraid for Sansa, and if it were me, I'd probably make the gamble to deal with the cousin. If push comes to shove, little cousin can go fly. She'd have to marry him to get the Vale though, that could complicate things. I see where you're coming from.
Oberyn? More like Jobberyn.
I know Tywin called it for The Mountain but is he even alive? He got stabbed real good.
And I got a feeling Tyrion is still somehow gonna get out it. One of his traits is just how damn lucky he is. He'll luck his way out again, I'm willing to bet on it.
So the Gods won't call a draw? Weak.No way, he got skewered. Only reason The Mountain won was because he crushed Obyern's head before he bled out.
So the Gods won't call a draw? Weak.
Well , I agree this thread is filled with stupid whiners whi have no idea what they are talking about and should probably watch something else. Also never study history.To some of the dumb ass, overly negative criticisms in this thread:
I swear to god GAF can you enjoy anything just once. This is the most vile forum.
It WAS a horrible episode. Oberyn dying just made it that much worse.Show is getting pretty tedious to watch, honestly.
I don't care about Daenerys' story. It's really boring and I get that she's a prominent figure. Go to war already. The last thing that was remotely interesting that was related to her was that guy (I've given up on names) fighting to prove his worthiness or something.
The whole Ramsey/Reek thing I don't care for anymore. They've ruined Theon Greyjoy, who was more interesting than Ramsey.
The Wildling/Jon Snow/Wall plotline, I don't know, I'm kind of opinion-less on it. It was interesting when Snow became a Wildling, but nothing seems to be happening now...
This would've been a horrible episode if it weren't for the trial combat in the last 10 minutes of it.
If Tyrion gets axed, I don't know if I can force myself to watch the show anymore...
Oberyn vs. Mountain summary:
beetles story wasn't in the books and it was pointless filler. hell. most of tyrion's interaction with jamie in the cell was show made.I thought the episode was pretty darn great. That beetle conversation, though...? ugh. Felt like it was killing time. To me, it didn't feel like foreshadowing, nor was it revelatory about character. It just felt like an insert for two great actors to monologue because they needed to fill a gap. For me, it was one of the few times they've taken a liberty on the show (I don't remember this scene in the books, but I could be wrong), and it didn't necessarily pan out. Normally GoT monologues are fantastic little morsels. The Oberon/Tyrion 'underwhelming' monster monologue was beautiful (and directly from the books).
As someone previously said, I'd have rather they filled the time with a scene of Oberon announcing his intentions to Cersei and Tywin.
Regardless, it's nitpicking. Still a fantastic episode.
#team Nathalie Emmanuel and ObamaSullied
the only really odd part was having Ygritte spare the woman and baby, since they've made a point of her being pretty evil up until now. Though i suppose it's nice that Sam might get to see them again.
Wait, I get it! The beetles are the decent characters in the show, and the slow guy crushing them without reason is GRRM! How meta.
Yeah it wasn't exactly subtle, but subtlety isn't always king. I just started the first book :3 gonna see if I can catch up
ohhhh lmfao is that why Tyrion kept asking ""Why does he do it?"
What? Littlefinger not an enemy, huh? Has she (and you for that matter) forgotten this guys betrayal of Ned in the Throne room? Now that we know he was responsible for Jon Arryn's death, everything that has happened to the Starks is his fault.
She's not much of a hero though. Heroes don't do half the shit she's done. She's got no empathy nor any sense of mercy for the vanquished.
I think the only hero in this story is Jon Snow.
Those are the screams that will haunt your dreams. I can't remember any death that brutal..... Ever. Just too many elements to the cruelty.I was screaming as he was getting his head crushed. Good god that was brutal. I mean holy shit.
I see that people keep saying that they want the Lannisters- generic- to die, cause they are the bad guys.
I was expecting people to have moved past this phase of Lannisters-bad guys against Starks-good guys. Because, honestly, if you think about it, which are the Lannisters that you want to be killed?
We have Tywin and Cercei- which i get it.
But then we have Tyrion-which everybody seems to like- and Jaime- who some of you may not like, but honestly, he isn´t that bad, at all.
And then we have Kevan, Tywin´s brother, who didn´t seem that bad either. And Lancel who is an idiot, but not such an evil guy that we want necessarily to get killed.
So why keep saying that we want the Lannisters to die like they were the representative of Evil in this show? There are only two of the Lannisters who deserve this statement. And I think there are other people far worse.
As regards the Starks, Arya is definitely moving to the dark side. And we don´t know if Sansa is not going there, either.
So I think we moved past the phase "the Lannisters are bad guys and they all deserve to die" long ago! And the idea, which I thought should have come across by now, is that there aren´t actually so much Pure Evil versus Poor Good guys in this show. The majority move between different shades of grey...
Edit: We also have Tommen, who seems like such a nice kid. And Myrcella, who was also a nice young lady..