- He was bought out by Cersei (i.e. not as much a friend to Tyrion as we thought)
- Hadn't come to see Tyrion at all prior to this meeting, or seemingly made no attempts to either
- Alluded to murdering his future wife's sister in the future so that he could rule a castle
- Had no interest in fighting for his so-called "friend" (though against the Mountain, that's somewhat reasonable)
All I'm saying is that scene soured my opinion of Bronn. No need to jump down my throat.
Even though he was bought out by Cersei, he did stay true to his word and offered Tyrion a chance to double the offer. Tyrion simply couldn't.
- He was bought out by Cersei (i.e. not as much a friend to Tyrion as we thought)
- Hadn't come to see Tyrion at all prior to this meeting, or seemingly made no attempts to either
- He was bought out by Cersei (i.e. not as much a friend to Tyrion as we thought)
- Hadn't come to see Tyrion at all prior to this meeting, or seemingly made no attempts to either
- Alluded to murdering his future wife's sister in the future so that he could rule a castle
- Had no interest in fighting for his so-called "friend" (though against the Mountain, that's somewhat reasonable)
You can imagine my reaction.
I don't think Bronn is thinking this through. Like a true sellsword gold has blinded him. I highly doubt Cersei is going to let Bronn lord over a castle. She will have his head on a pike within fortnight.-Bronn never hid his loyalty to money and his own self interest. He's a sell-sword, his allegiance is to the highest bidder.
Couldn't Jaime just break Tyrion out?
As if Tywin is going to do anything to Jaime.
I don't think Bronn is thinking this through. Like a true sellsword gold has blinded him. I highly doubt Cersei is going to let Bronn lord over a castle. She will have his head on a pike within fortnight.
Couldn't have it said it better. He did accept Cercei's blatant bribe, yet he actually went to talk to Tyrion, and gave him the opportunity to convince him. He didn't need to do either.If you paid any attention to the scene, you would have seen that the real reason Bronn doesn't want to fight for Tyrion is that he does not want to die. He doesn't believe he can win against The Mountain. That scene cemented the fact that they were not just parties of a contract, but friends.
Couldn't Jaime just break Tyrion out?
As if Tywin is going to do anything to Jaime.
Hey, where did you find the screen cap for your avatar? There was a shot of Queen Melisandre that I want to use from this episode.
All I'm saying is that scene soured my opinion of Bronn. No need to jump down my throat.
Couldn't have it said it better. He did accept Cercei's blatant bribe, yet he actually went to talk to Tyrion, and gave him the opportunity to convince him. He didn't need to do either.
And the arguments he gave against him fighting The Mountain were flawless.
He pretty much said (without saying), that he would do anything for Tyrion, as long as it didn't involve throwing his life in such way. Incidentally, the same case than Jaime - his closest relative.
If Bronn knew that his chances of winning the combat were higher, he likely would have fought for him, money or not. Coming from a sellsword, that's pretty much the highest display of Bros'ness you can get.
Bronn's statement that he liked Tyrion, but he liked himself more, is a good enough explanation for me considering his background. Bronn was never about laying his life down for others. Dude like money, pussy, and living.
Yeah, I'm guessing that the Oberyn/Mountain fight (regardless of the result) will be just be the beginning of larger series of events.I do think if Oberyn loses than Bronn will try to bust Tyrion out of jail the night before his execution.
Exactly. Bronn gave Tyrion every chance, he was looking for an excuse to fight for him. Some way that he could justify not taking the deal he had been given. Watching that scene I am positive that he wanted to do it, he wants to help his friend, but he can't justify taking the risk. Not against The Mountain. Had Cercei chosen anyone else it's clear he would have done it.
I do think if Oberyn loses than Bronn will try to bust Tyrion out of jail the night before his execution.
But he would have done it if it weren't such a risk or if Tyrion had ever done anything similar.
That's what's great about Bronn. Sure he's a sell sword, but he's also loyal and a good friend.
No one would willingly take on The Mountain without a damn good reason. Not Jamie, not Bronn, no one. Oberyn is the one guy in the series who could possibly take him and has a damn good reason to fight him.
Speaking of Bronn, why didn't Tyrion question him about Shay? Wasn't he the last one to see that she took off on a boat away from King's Landing?
Yeah, I kept thinking about that. I was thinking that maybe Bronn had been helping Cersei from the beginning, but then again, Joffrey had not been killed yet when Tyrion sent Shae away.
Yeah, I kept thinking about that. I was thinking that maybe Bronn had been helping Cersei from the beginning, but then again, Joffrey had not been killed yet when Tyrion sent Shae away.
It was one of the official promo shots for the latest episode, I found it on WinterisComing.net
I didn't see any Mel shots sorry.
The main problem is that he's nearly twenty years younger than the actor playing Sandor, who is supposed to be his lil bro, lol.
Well if he survives the trial by combat he'll probably be recast next season so I wouldn't worry about it too much![]()
Plus it's fantasy so they could always say he's another face shifter or like Benjamin Button on steroids or something.Well if he survives the trial by combat he'll probably be recast next season so I wouldn't worry about it too much![]()
That's an odd pic of New Mountain since he's squinting from the sun
I think the recast is fine
That's awesome. I don't like Oberyn but I hope he wins for the sake of Tyrion.
He looks good just not like this guy's big brother.
May I ask why?
S2's Mountain is the worst lol. Evil my ass
He'll probably only be around for an episode anyway. You'd think I would have learned my lesson with this show, but I don't picture Oberyn losing this.
That's awesome. I don't like Oberyn but I hope he wins for the sake of Tyrion.
He looks good just not like this guy's big brother.
Part of it might be due to the actor being something like 25 or 26 years old.
I'm aware which makes them not trying to age him at all kinda weird.