You guys just wait until the show overtakes the books, and the show writes turn Podrick into the Game of Thrones:
Tears will come.
I really hope that they start to flesh out the characters and settings of Slavers Bay. It feels really rushed together compared to Westeros, whereas they should be giving it a ton of attention considering it will likely be carrying the story in a few seasons. They really need to give it the same level of depth. Leaving out characters like Belwas and changing Xoan were bad decisions IMO. And all of the enemies feel like faceless, expendable people much like the vague and nameless "rulers of Qarth".
lol what?Need a couple more torture episodes before I start feeling sorry for traitor theon. Sansa needs to be tortured too for betraying ned.
she is stupid and annoying as fuck and I hate herI love how Ygritte is like "roads, lol"
Roads are useful damnit.
just general spoilers, series some TV speculation stuffOn Talisa.. ASOSif she really is a spy, she's one cold bitch. Using dat ass for evil...goddamn.
I was just wondering about Tormund Giantsbane [book difference]Doesn't he stay north of the wall during Jon's adventure south? How is he going to make it to the other side? Will he be held prisoner until Mance comes to the wall? Am I misremembering things completely?
just general spoilers, series some TV speculation stuff
I really fail to see how her writing a letter means she is a spy, did I miss something there?
1. write letter
2. ???
3. you are a spy
what am i missing for step 2?
also bear scene was disappointing, doesn't he kill the bear in the books?
am I bad for wanting Margaery to "teach" Sansa ^^
SOS-If Robb thinks his wife is pregnant, is he still going to legitimize Jon and make him his heir?
Pretty sure he knew she was pregnant in the books as well. I think he just wanted to make sure there was someone capable of ruling immediately.
SOS-He named Jon heir in the books because she couldn't get pregnant. Her mother was surreptitiously giving her moon tea.
I hate to bring this dude's member up yet again in this thread, but I don't think Theon got straight up chopped. There was too much going on with that knife (it looked like a fucking shark's tooth or something) for him to just strike it off. Plus with the guy saying how he's just going to make some "alterations", ugh.
Yes, let's leave Theon off screen till episode 9 or 10 please.
SOS-He named Jon heir in the books because she couldn't get pregnant. Her mother was surreptitiously giving her moon tea.
1 Week Break is Coming
I have a feeling that most people don't realize that there won't be a Game of Thrones episode during Memorial day weekend. The episode that would have aired that day is ASOS. We'll have to wait another week for it.The Red Wedding
Lame! HBO this isn't right.
Oh, it's absolutely necessary in this case though!
SOS-If Robb thinks his wife is pregnant, is he still going to legitimize Jon and make him his heir?
There was a bit of psychological torture. You could see how fearful he was at first, then he let his guard down a bit and then BAM his penis is chopped off
Well they totally butchered and rewrote how Jaime rescued Brienne. My favorite part potentially in all the books. The bear just looked playful as well.
Regarding Theon's torture: They haven't even really shown anything too horrendous, just merely suggested it, [series]. A friend of mine says she can't take these scenes because they set her off like a gory horror movie, which I find baffling since they've not shown very much physical damage on-screen (other than a finger being pricked a few times). It's hardly gruesome, even if you have a low tolerance.all of which I thought might be depicted much more explicitly and graphically than it has been
In general people seem so impatient with Theon's storyline... I dont think it's meant to be digested as some grand plotline right now either, more like a windowed update. I find it pretty interesting and I'm intrigued by the way the show is teasing the mystery of the figure. I get it, since it treats things as though the audience is being tortured with the lack of information as well. I guess I can understand why some find it a little bit frustrating but it comes off as incredibly pouty when the reaction is "I want answers now!" I know in reality it's not this reductive for most people but I can't help but think that the luxury of marathoning shows in this day and age has made everyone unable to take each episode as a block to a greater whole.
On the other hand, I do find the show creators haven't been able to pull off certain season-long threads as well as I'd like, so maybe there is reason to complain/worry. On the other hand of that, I also don't think that's what people are bitching about.
Don't mind me while I sit here and debate myself...
Well they totally butchered and rewrote how Jaime rescued Brienne. My favorite part potentially in all the books. The bear just looked playful as well.
I could oversee the bear not feeling threatening but with this whole scene we lost:I think they did a great job with the scene and I disagree about the bear looking playful. Seemed pretty fucking pissed off to me. Beyond that, unless they used extensive CGI there is only so much they can do with a real animal. That bear has probably been trained to as non-violent as they can train a bear to be for his entire life.
I'd say that confirms it.
And I enjoyed the episode a lot. Glad Theon's scene wasn't as horrifying as I feared.
Series-ishLots of people in both threads seem to feel like any plot point that comes up needs to be introduced and resolved in a matter of 1 or 2 episodes. That's not going to be the case with a lot of the story threads they are in the process of setting up....
Is it just me or do the CG dragons look a little better than last season? Probably just my imagination.
We get what's going on with Theon, we've seen enough now to know what's happening to him while we aren't watching, just get us back involved when something changes. Same deal with Jon Snow, he had near identical conversations in this episode to the last one.
When you spend 10 seconds showing a character getting kidnapped and then waste 2 minutes re-iterating plot points everyone understood last week I think it's kinda understandable to be impatient with the show. It's not a book you are sitting down with getting lost in the world for hours at a time, it's a TV show giving you a 60 minute window each week, it's pretty natural to want to see as much development as possible.
Is it just me or do the CG dragons look a little better than last season? Probably just my imagination.
As for some of the speculation regarding [ASoS/ TV speculation]Talisa being a spy... yeah, I REALLY hope they don't go down that road. The RW comes down to nailing some of the little details. I'm already wondering whether they alter "Jaime Lannister sends his regards" and we likely won't have other moments like the Smalljon going out like a badass. And who knows whether they'll keep Jinglebell in there. I'm ok with the show making some changes here and there for adaptation purposes but for the big moments like the RW, they have nail those. I don't want to have some stupid reveal that Talisa is a spy or anything like that to shit up the RW. That's not needed at all and would just muddy the waters of that scene. Seriously... I'll be pretty pissed if they have Talisa just a spy. I think I would lose all my faith in the showrunners at that point.