"God's Beard!"
Might wanna spoiler that cubicle.
Their relationship is incredibly short-lived in the books.She vouches for him in one chapter, there's the cave scene in one chapter, the wall in another, and then the escape. That's it.
I guess. I think this thread goes completely overboard on spoiler tagging things. I can somewhat understand spoiler tagging AFFC/ADWD material but if you're reading this thread and haven't read Storm of Swords you're a fucking idiot.
Regarding Theon and his captor ASOS:I think they aren't going to reveal who he is until the Red Wedding. Roose is there and everyone is mingling, and Robb comes over and there's a guy next to him and Roose introduces him as his bastard, Ramsay. And he turns around and all the show only watchers are like WTF. Or some similar reveal at the Red Wedding and Ramsay will be involved there somehow.
I just feel like they are going to do a one two punch of both reveals for maximum fuck upedness.
ASOS/show speculationI'm not sure why you would describe it as contrived.As it is explained in the video, having her be a Lannister spy actually makes sense.
Yeah, its like Dany last season. You could give her material to the finest actor in the world and it would still suck.Kit usually does good work when he's actually given something to do other than stand there and look dumb. Which isn't very often, but is happening a bit more now.
Episode 9 speculationSupposedly as the wedding goes on it gradually becomes darker and more foreboding. I think a good time for the Ramsay reveal would be a little over halfway through the episode. Enough time for people to get a bad feeling about everything that's going on (add to the sense of dread) but with no time to think through what's happening.
Logically, I really don't see why Roose Bolton's bastard would be at a wedding that important. Jon Snow wasn't even allowed to eat dinner with his family and the royal family in the pilot. Ramsay is just the bastard son of a minor lord. Not saying it couldn't happen though.
Regarding Theon and his captor ASOS:I think they aren't going to reveal who he is until the Red Wedding. Roose is there and everyone is mingling, and Robb comes over and there's a guy next to him and Roose introduces him as his bastard, Ramsay. And he turns around and all the show only watchers are like WTF. Or some similar reveal at the Red Wedding and Ramsay will be involved there somehow.
I just feel like they are going to do a one two punch of both reveals for maximum fuck upedness.
[ASoS/Show speculation]Sure it would make sense within the show but it would seem awfully hokey to me. Do we really need Robb being betrayed by his own wife too? Its bad enough his bannermen betray him but then having Talisa switch sides too? Eh. It would all depend on the execution of such a reveal of course, but the RW is dramatic and emotional enough as it is in the books that I don't think they need to toss in some heavy handed reveal that Robb just married and knocked up a Lannister spy who has been spying on him for months/years. That would just seem like some daytime soap opera shit, IMO. Its bad enough that Robb screws up by marrying anyone other than the Frey he was betrothed to. They don't need to compound Robb's stupidity by making him fall for a Lannister super spy. It would make the RW go from this sort of far reaching consequence to a one time mistake that Robb regrets and the fallout of that, to Robb just being the biggest dumbass in the seven kingdoms and then being murdered for being a total dumbass. I just think it would be an unneeded wrinkle in a plot event thats gripping as hell already. The showrunners just trying to make their mark on it by tossing in another ingredient is just as likely to ruin it as anything.
[ASoS/Show speculation]Sure it would make sense within the show but it would seem awfully hokey to me. Do we really need Robb being betrayed by his own wife too? Its bad enough his bannermen betray him but then having Talisa switch sides too? Eh. It would all depend on the execution of such a reveal of course, but the RW is dramatic and emotional enough as it is in the books that I don't think they need to toss in some heavy handed reveal that Robb just married and knocked up a Lannister spy who has been spying on him for months/years. That would just seem like some daytime soap opera shit, IMO. Its bad enough that Robb screws up by marrying anyone other than the Frey he was betrothed to. They don't need to compound Robb's stupidity by making him fall for a Lannister super spy. It would make the RW go from this sort of far reaching consequence to a one time mistake that Robb regrets and the fallout of that, to Robb just being the biggest dumbass in the seven kingdoms and then being murdered for being a total dumbass. I just think it would be an unneeded wrinkle in a plot event thats gripping as hell already. The showrunners just trying to make their mark on it by tossing in another ingredient is just as likely to ruin it as anything.
Yes. The final three episodes from this season air on May 19th, June 2nd, and June 9th.Two weeks? There's an episode next week, then there's the two week wait, right? This was only episode 7.
ASOSI don't think the number of chapters their relationship lasts matters much. At this point in his arc (pre-Queenscrown), Ygritte is a pretty dominant force in Jon's story.
During this part of the book their relationship is certainly important but the show started their relationship halfway through CoK instead of the early part of SoS. I think their interaction is starting to get stale.
ASOSI think it all works to increase the dramatic effect of Ygritte's death. If people were upset about Ros dying, I can't wait to see the reaction to Jon's lady love going back to the mud.
ASOSI think people underestimate how many show watchers really like Jon Snow. Book readers often seem to only grumble about how they are botching his story this way or that way, but I ask my mom who her favorite character on the show is and it's Jon Snow. She's totally into his romance thing, and how he's torn between the two sides and how it's all going to end up with the wildlings and Night's Watch.
ASOSI think it all works to increase the dramatic effect of Ygritte's death. If people were upset about Ros dying, I can't wait to see the reaction to Jon's lady love going back to the mud.
Book readers just really liked Qhorin Halfhand...for some reason.
Okay, I just translatedfrom the show and [Huge ASoS/show spoilers]Talisa's letterI lied, I can't read shit.
Book readers just really liked Qhorin Halfhand...for some reason.
I just feel like it's a major disservice to gloss over Qhorin and Jon's plan to spy on the Wildlings in a 30 second scene, and then to totally botch their fight which could have redeemed it somewhat
I just feel like it's a major disservice to gloss over Qhorin and Jon's plan to spy on the Wildlings in a 30 second scene, and then to totally botch their fight which could have redeemed it somewhat
Qhorin serves as a good short-term mentor for Jon. The chase through the Skirling Pass is exciting and really shows the honor, courage, and intelligence of the Night's Watch members involved. It culminates with one of the most meaningful fights in the series.
On the show, Jon chases Ygritte twice and gets captured and all of his interactions with Ygritte in season 2 make him look dumb.
It's pretty understandable that book readers wouldn't be terribly happy about it.
ASOS/Show SpeculationIt sounds like your big issue is just that it would be a change. I'm still not grasping why it would be a change for the worse. Tywin believes that they must make a concerted effort to bring about Robb's downfall, outside of the battlefield. Talisa is a plant meant to destroy Robb's alliance with the Freys. It works for me.
Will it make Robb seem dumb in the grand scheme of things? Probably. But Robb IS dumb. Whether it's being duped by a Lannister spy, or it's compromising a vital alliance to protect the honor of a woman he doesn't even fucking know. Robb Stark is an idiot.
But when it really comes down to it, as interesting as his time with Jon Snow was, Qhorin is an almost inconsequential character when it comes to the actual plot. And the TV show only has time for the plot. The only truly important thing Qhorin did was setup Jon as a double agent/spy in the wildlings, which was accomplished in the show. Beyond that his character is completely meaningless as far as the shows needs. He is a plot device for Jon Snow to gain the wildlings' trust.
[ASoS Major Spoilers/ TV speculation]If Talisa is a plant sent by Tywin, then Robb's downfall isn't so much self inflicted (which is where the tragedy of it comes from) but he was simply duped and played for a fool.
ASOS/Show speculationDid Tywin stick Robb's dick into Talisa? Did anyone force him to marry her? If not, then Robb's downfall is still largely self-inflicted.
ASOSSOS-If Robb thinks his wife is pregnant, is he still going to legitimize Jon and make him his heir?
I got sick of waiting.
Pretty much.
If she turns out to be a spy I will be very disappointed, because there's no reason for it. It also moves Robb from a guy who screwed up, to someone who was totally betrayed. The whole point of it in the books was Robb is young and stupid, and his decisions led to his downfall.
Not to mention the idea that they could plant someone who he would fall in love with and marry is absurd.
ASOS/show spec.And he would still be young and stupid, and his decisions would still lead to his downfall. Again, I'm not seeing the problem.
And I don't think the idea is that absurd at all.
ASOS clarification please
Did Robb actaully name Jon his heir? I thought he was just thinking about it, but it never came to pass.
ASOSWe don't actually know who he named, but a lot of people assume Jon.
It's absurd because...
Tywin has underestimated Robb at every turn. He has a very loyal army, and is winning the battle. It is stupid to think Tywin would send in a spy under the assumption that Robb would fall for her and break his vow to the Frey's. It's just stupid and makes Tywin look like a desperate fool if that was his plan.
It's absurd because...
Tywin has underestimated Robb at every turn. He has a very loyal army, and is winning the battle. It is stupid to think Tywin would send in a spy under the assumption that Robb would fall for her and break his vow to the Frey's. It's just stupid and makes Tywin look like a desperate fool if that was his plan.
ASOS/show spec.And he would still be young and stupid, and his decisions would still lead to his downfall. Again, I'm not seeing the problem.
And I don't think the idea is that absurd at all.
the tywin/geoffrey scene was not as bad as people said. tywin was just incredibly nice and polite, with a menacind and dark undertone. liked it but ASOSwhere in the books is the big smackdown? I remember tywin getting angry when geoffrey claims that kings need to be bold. and tywin says thats surely something robert taught him. does he slap him there?