Morrigan Stark
Arrogant Smirk
That's fine but don't get offended because people aren't interested.
Will do, if you folks stop being "offended" whenever we voice criticism. Deal?
That's fine but don't get offended because people aren't interested.
You've posted elsewhere about how you were a size queen or something in that regard, so if anything I figured you'd be like "woo that was cool!" instead of disappointed.
Unless I have the wrong gaffer who admitted that, then my apologies
Also, I don't care much, but I guess I should set the record straight after seeing it so many times, but I'm not a guy. I have a feminine username and avatar, so I don't know how the mistake can happen so often but there you have it. ^^
I'm glad a show like this is with HBO's creative hands and not some GAFers. We'd get one season of garbage tv before it'd be canceled.That wouldn't work for TV, especially when you have viewers who want Tyrion, who want Daenerys, etc. The ratings would suffer.
A nice theory someone else told me last night: ASOSSam rescues Gillys baby from a white walker by stabbing it with obsidian, it adds drama and catches up with the book where Commander Mormont says The Wall wasn't built to keep out wildlings.
A nice theory someone else told me last night: ASOSSam rescues Gillys baby from a white walker by stabbing it with obsidian, it adds drama and catches up with the book where Commander Mormont says The Wall wasn't built to keep out wildlings.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a Targaryen
I understand, but both the name and avatar should be a giveaway, or at least a hint. Not that I really care, though.Also if everybody who had a feminine avatar was a girl, we'd have a lot more girls 'round here
Awesome episode, but still a lot of meandering. I think I'm just going to have to get used to it. I haven't read the books, but looking at the perspective character count it only goes up. Having a multitude of plot threads spread across an entire content does not translate to tightly woven cinema. It works far better in literature, due to the amount of exposition the author has control over, and the absence of time restraints.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a Targaryen
Also if everybody who had a feminine avatar was a girl, we'd have a lot more girls 'round here
I'd prefer they give us real focused episodes. A Jaime episode, a Robb episode, a Tyrion episode etc.
The book is already structured this way.
I don't think that would work, given the popularity of characters and the 10 episode limit. A better idea would be to focus on regions, to some degree. So if last night just focused on the north (Robb, Arya, Jon, Night's Watch), and Dany; cut Theon's scenes for later in the season, cut King's Landing, cut Dragonstone. Jon's story has seen very little focus so far this season, and certainly could have used the extra time given to Pod and Tyrion for instance.
The copious use of smilies didn't give it away? You know how the old saying goes...
I don't think that would work, given the popularity of characters and the 10 episode limit. A better idea would be to focus on regions, to some degree. So if last night just focused on the north (Robb, Arya, Jon, Night's Watch), and Dany; cut Theon's scenes for later in the season, cut King's Landing, cut Dragonstone. Jon's story has seen very little focus so far this season, and certainly could have used the extra time given to Pod and Tyrion for instance.
There also need to be more scenes that tie things together to a degree. Tywin is at war with Robb for instance, more scenes of them strategizing might help to connect things for viewers.
ENTIRE SERIES SPOILERSDo you guys think we're done seeing Mance this season? Assuming next time we see Jon he's headed off to the Wall with Tormund (not really liking this change, but maybe it will give them time to do the character some justice) and Ygritte, Mance is out until the battle at the Wall (unless they add some scenes with just him). My guess is this season will end with Jon escaping the Wildlings and then maybe the a fight against them at Castle Black. If so he's kind of getting the Halfhand treatment which is sad. But I guess at least with Mance there will be more time in the future.
So no one has any idea about Stannis' daughter?
Also, [ASOS]I thought Daenerys taking the slaves and torching Astapor would be the season finale. If that happens in 4, and TRW in 9, what the heck is going to top that?
I'd prefer they give us real focused episodes. A Jaime episode, a Robb episode, a Tyrion episode etc.
The book is already structured this way.
I agree that the way the show is structured doesn't do anybody any favors. Dedicating a few minutes to eight different and mostly disconnected plotlines each week is no good. You truncate whatever character development there is supposed to be.
I agree that the way the show is structured doesn't do anybody any favors. Dedicating a few minutes to eight different and mostly disconnected plotlines each week is moronic.
A nice theory someone else told me last night: ASOSSam rescues Gillys baby from a white walker by stabbing it with obsidian, it adds drama and catches up with the book where Commander Mormont says The Wall wasn't built to keep out wildlings.
That's more or less what this season has been so far. Half the characters weren't in episode 1, the other half weren't in episode 2. But there is so much content, and production schedules are so demanding that it's literally unavoidable for the show to be the way it is unless they radically changed it. And they couldn't focus on only a small group of characters every episode without introducing unneeded timeline confusion or further changing the story. They really can't do this specific story in this format another way.Somewhere in-between would be best. Don't be afraid to do an episode occasionally without Tyrion, or without Jamie, etc. You have your fans. They will deal with not having their favorite character in every episode.
DrForester said:Somewhere in-between would be best. Don't be afraid to do an episode occasionally without Tyrion, or without Jamie, etc. You have your fans. They will deal with not having their favorite character in every episode.
It's also why so many people complain that episodes are so short. If you're a huge Arya fan and are getting 8 minutes of her a week than yea, it's short to you. That feeling is only going to become more prominent assuming the writing strategy doesn't change, and I do wonder how long this show can hold people's interest if 3-5 episodes a season are seen as "nothing happening" (a notion I don't agree with, but many people seem to have).
Will do, if you folks stop being "offended" whenever we voice criticism. Deal?![]()
Fuuuuuuuuuck! I can't believe JamieThis show is his hand cut off!
Not sure if I should spoiler tag since it aired yesterday but I did anyway.
That's fine but don't get offended because people aren't interested.
This thread is more comfortable for people who didn't read the books, tbh. Other one's a mess of shady "speculation" and people who have outright admitted they've already been spoiled, yet see no problem with continuing to post in the thread.
I disagree. While there certainly are some minor characters who have little impact or relevance to the story, overall ASOIAF has a clear narrative spread across a handful of arcs to me; by the third book it's largely a giant war being fought on multiple fronts, with the Wall and Dany mixed in. The show suffers more because they haven't found a great way to juggle the storylines per episode, which leads to an almost clip show feel at times. S1/GoT certainly worked better because of the central story, but even that season/book featured the northern arcs plus Dany's arc which had little connection to it.
Last night there was a mixing of every storyline except Bran's: southern (King's Landing), northern (Jon, Night's Watch, Arya, Theon), Essos (Dany), the Riverlands (Robb/Catelyn), and Dragonstone scenes. It wasn't a bad episode but would have been more focused if it didn't feature Dragonstone, Theon, and perhaps even King's Landing.
I don't think that would work, given the popularity of characters and the 10 episode limit. A better idea would be to focus on regions, to some degree. So if last night just focused on the north (Robb, Arya, Jon, Night's Watch), and Dany; cut Theon's scenes for later in the season, cut King's Landing, cut Dragonstone. Jon's story has seen very little focus so far this season, and certainly could have used the extra time given to Pod and Tyrion for instance.
There also need to be more scenes that tie things together to a degree. Tywin is at war with Robb for instance, more scenes of them strategizing might help to connect things for viewers.
I just started reading AFFC and I've really gotten into the story now. I really didn't care for the previous book, but now its focused on characters I enjoy reading about.
AFFCCersei has gone full on crazy. Her paranoia and rage and seeing her act without restraint is fun. Brienne has come into her own and her time with Jaimie has done both of their characters a lot of good. Jaimies not quite as scummy as he used to be so I enjoy his parts more. Sansa isn't a battered wife anymore. Shes able to have emotions other than dredd and misery.
I think Arya is my favorite though. I got excited when she bumped into Sam on the docks. I think its the first time the Stark children have interacted with the larger world since their separation. I hope we see more of her and sam.
Though the main narrative of the series has been the War of the Five Kings, with the Night Watch's war with wildings and Others, and Dany's rise in the East being secondary plots that are just now beginning to thread into the main one, the individual stories being told simply aren't connected enough to make a truly compelling story for me.
For all the talk of the show being a glorified clip show, I think it's fair to say the books are exactly the same. Sam's story is entirely disconnected from Sansa's, which is entirely disconnected from Arya's which is entirely disconnected from Bran's, which is entirely disconnected from Jaime's, and so on and so forth. The sheer glut of characters and arcs involved in the series just make the entire thing feel bloated, and I honestly don't think there's much the show can do to hide this. In the end, Game of Thrones is a a show with too many characters and too many loosely related plots because A Song of Ice and Fire is a series with too many characters and too many loosely related plots.
I just started reading AFFC and I've really gotten into the story now. I really didn't care for the previous book, but now its focused on characters I enjoy reading about.
You didn't like ASoS? Who doesn't like ASoS?
Major spoiler for ASOS, just curious about how/when it will translate in the show:
Do we know if the Red Wedding is this season?
You didn't like ASoS? Who doesn't like ASoS?
I'm just wrapping it up, but I didn't like most of it. The last couple hundred pages have redeemed it a ways, but I had written off reading the rest of the series at the halfway mark. Now I'm debating continuing vs. just following the show. Not sure which yet.
I'm starting season 2 of the show next week, as I'd planned to stay one book ahead of the show. It's been fun to read reactions from those not following the books in these threads.
I'm just wrapping it up, but I didn't like most of it. The last couple hundred pages have redeemed it a ways, but I had written off reading the rest of the series at the halfway mark. Now I'm debating continuing vs. just following the show. Not sure which yet.