oops double post
Need a gif of Danny at the end with the smoke all around her then walking off as Jorah tried to approach her.
Goddamn, Emilia Clarke speaking Valyrian may be one of the hottest things I've ever seen.
dat ass...errr...accent
Her pronunciation of "Dracarys" was way more badass this time compared to her season two version.
Goddamn, Emilia Clarke speaking Valyrian may be one of the hottest things I've ever seen.
I've rewatched the scene a dozen times at this point.
It is just indescribably awesome.
Off season thread should be titled "Pod's pink mast".
started the 4th ep just now....poor theon![]()
They have done really well with Theon all around.
They have done really well with Theon all around.
Ramsay Question,
So he helped Theon escaped Stark, killed the pursuers(Stark's men), then brought him back to Stark's men? If this is true then why?
Ramsay Question,
So he helped Theon escaped Stark, killed the pursuers(Stark's men), then brought him back to Stark's men? If this is true then why?
lol that thread kills me but honestly it makes sense from their perspective. Seems like normal thoughts.
Ramsay Question,
So he helped Theon escaped Stark, killed the pursuers(Stark's men), then brought him back to Stark's men? If this is true then why?
What about it?
Uh-huh. I audibly groaned. I thought they'd be all badass, not serving anyone, but bam! 'We serve the Lord of Light'. Fuck off with that bullshit.
Beric is eyepatch man, right? He's obviously crazy as he thinks he is going to win against the Hound. He will rip him in two. The stuff he did last season while protecting Sansa was awesome!
Just another thought: If Sansa had gone with the Hound, she'd be with Arya now. The god's seemingly hate her. :L
Just think it's humorous that that they immediately start disliking the BWB just because they follow the Lord of Light. Beric's a badass. How could you ever "aww maaaaaan" him?!
So I remember Varys's story about the sorcerer and the flame and such at least I think I do but in the books did he actually find the sorcerer?
To be fair, that was a pretty short introduction for him. I though the beat where he reveals that The Hound will be fighting him could've been stronger, 'cuz you know (ASOS)dude has already died a few times already.
ADWDHe took Theon from Winterfell after surrounding it with his men. He's been torturing and messing with Theon since, even going to far as to kill his own men. Ramsay is a twisted individual.
Regarding Beric: [ASOS]I'm really curious as to how the reanimation is going to look like. Hopefully it won't be just him getting up after getting cut up.
I'm kind of starting to wonder where this show is gonna go in 2-3 years. It already starts to feel a bit too all over the place, with some major characters getting 3mins screen time. It's gonna get out of hands pretty fast.
Also, why are they seemingly holding back on revealing just saying that. It's not like it's some kind of amazing plot twist to begin withTheon is being held captive by Bolton's men, and it just seems to be confusing people more than anything.especially since it was quite clearly shown that Bolton offered to send his bastard to Winterfell with some men
Regarding Beric: [ASOS]I'm really curious as to how the reanimation is going to look like. Hopefully it won't be just him getting up after getting cut up.
Regarding Beric: [ASOS]I'm really curious as to how the reanimation is going to look like. Hopefully it won't be just him getting up after getting cut up.
In terms of the show though, at the end of Season 2, Theon is being carried off by his own men. So what happened?
I'm kind of starting to wonder where this show is gonna go in 2-3 years. It already starts to feel a bit too all over the place, with some major characters getting 3mins screen time. It's gonna get out of hands pretty fast.
Also, why are they seemingly holding back on revealing just saying that. It's not like it's some kind of amazing plot twist to begin withTheon is being held captive by Bolton's men, and it just seems to be confusing people more than anything.especially since it was quite clearly shown that Bolton offered to send his bastard to Winterfell with some men
I'm kind of starting to wonder where this show is gonna go in 2-3 years. It already starts to feel a bit too all over the place, with some major characters getting 3mins screen time. It's gonna get out of hands pretty fast.
[ASoS]In the book they don't describe it so I wonder if they will even show anything. I feel like they have to though. There was a small shot in an HBO preview thing from a while ago that definitely shows him getting cleaved from shoulder to breastbone, so at least they are sticking true to him taking a severely fatal wound. Also, in the preview, it looks like Arya tries to go after the Hound after he kills Beric just as it is described in the book, and she also yells "go to hell" which in the book is immediately followed by Beric saying "he already has" and she turns to see him standing up and leaning against Thoros.
Gorgeous shot, if someone gives me this in 1080p I'd make it my wallpaper in an instant.
[asos]It's essentially magic CPR - so why not show it?
[asos]It's essentially magic CPR - so why not show it?
They've already said that this season will be the biggest they do in terms of characters in cast. Subsequent seasons should be more focused.
I have to disagree on Dany, I don't think her story needs any significant changes. Things will be skipped and condensed, which is the same for every other character in the show, but I see no reason for drastic changes.
Full series spoilers
We know Dany's arc this season will end with her decimating the Yunkai and freeing the slaves, who proclaim her as their mother. Next season will therefore be the Jorah betrayal and her campaign to conquer Mereen, ending with her deciding to rule the city. Basically for the rest of this season and next season she'll be in full fire & blood mode, and even people who don't like Dany tend to admit her arc in ASOS was great.
The alleged problem arises in ADWD. Based on the no spoilers thread, twitter, and non-readers at work, I get the impression there are mixed views on where Dany is going. Some believe she "clearly" is going to head to Westeros at the end of this season and either take the throne or head to the Wall (to kill the Others). Others argue that her army and dragons are too small to conquer Westeros right now, and she therefore must build an army; most also tend to agree that she isn't the greatest leader and needs to learn the game.
I think Dany's arc in ADWD would work well on television, cutting out some of the fat from the book and creating something like this:
-Dany struggles as Queen, realizes Drogon is murdering children
-Unsullied begin to be murdered, the Harpy conspiracy emerges
-Loraq offers to end the violence in exchange for Dany's hand in marriage
-Yunkai and the free cities declare war on Mereen
-Quentyn Martell reveals himself, gets rejected, attempts to tame a dragon
-Dany finally relents and agrees to marry Loraq; violence ends
-Assassination attempt is made on Dany
-Dany escapes the Pit on Drogon
-Loraq takes over Mereen, Barriston leads coup; Missandei semi-rules city in Dany's stead
-Dany stumbles through wilderness, learns to control Drogo, stumbles across Khal Pono
I think that would work on television. And while some would be disappointed, I think ultimately there would be enough action and drama to satisfy most; the show has always been more exposition and drama than action. However I'll readily admit there's a danger in not giving viewers what they want over a prolonged period of time. You could end up with a Sopranos situation where people are passively watching a prolonged season, waiting for something to happen...and then when it doesn't happen they get upset/disappointed. That's going to apply to many storylines in the series, but if handled correctly the writers could avoid it.
So either they pump the number of episodes up, or they're planning to go for 20 seasons. Because story arcs are going to get more and more numerous.
I was thinking this but it'd be pretty bad-ass ifhe just sat up Undertaker-style.
Well my guess is ASOSASoSI have nothing against them showing it, but my main point is that it isn't described in that chapter. I could see them following suit, and perhaps saving the "magic CPR" scene for Catelyn in the finale. Just my guess.
Season is peaking up steam since episode 3!
Looking at the other GoT thread, non-book readers haven't the foggiest notion of who he is. It cracks me up![]()