Say what now?![]()
He's joking. The picture with her robes make it look like she's quite rotund. Like Homer Simpson wearing a mumu rotund.
Say what now?![]()
Kelly C sold that shit. I didn't think Clarke had it in her, but she really nailed it. Amazing couple of scenes. Enough to own the episode, but most of the other stuff was ace too.I was a bit disappointedThey cast Iwan Rheon perfectly. The creepy smile, the eyes... That's my bastid of Bolton right Beric. His appearance and introduction were a bit lacking
btw last week's preview lied, noBeric/hound fight
though I must admit, that would probably be too much awesome for one episode.
I'm kind of starting to wonder where this show is gonna go in 2-3 years. It already starts to feel a bit too all over the place, with some major characters getting 3mins screen time. It's gonna get out of hands pretty fast.
Also, why are they seemingly holding back on revealing just saying that. It's not like it's some kind of amazing plot twist to begin withTheon is being held captive by Bolton's men, and it just seems to be confusing people more than anything.especially since it was quite clearly shown that Bolton offered to send his bastard to Winterfell with some men
I wish that Mormont's death was a bit more ceremonious. I thought he'd at least get to choke out that asshole like a champ or speak with Sam--that was a shame.
But this was ep 4?Oh man, what an episode, such a good adaption. We're not even 4 episodes in yet either, it's starting to heat up!
*Preview and ASOS spoilers for next episode*. Can't wait!Looks like next episode will have Robb do a beheading and Tyrion learn about his marriage plans
ASoSOh yeah, I had almost forgotten about Karstark. Will he try to murder Jaime and leave Robb with no choice but to take Karstark's head?
Someone needs to screencap or gif the Jorah and Barristan looking at each other moment.
"I saw her first, bro."
"Lawl, friendzoned."
ASOSHe'll murder the two Lannister kids. Jaime is being taken to Roose Bolton so Robb and crew won't be near Jaime.
Last week's preview actually only showed scenes from this episode. You've probably just seen the other HBO ads that have shown the scene from this upcoming episode (which is the one I think you are referring to. It's also been in the trailers).
ASoSOh right. Good call. Forgot about that 60 second scene to establish the kids. Where is Roose right now? Do we know? Also, did Karstark murder the Lannister kids in the book? I can't remember...
I really expected them to fist-bump each other and go "FUCK YEAH".
Then again, I didn't.
Show/ASOSRoose is at Harrenhal... and yes to the other question. I don't think they were kids in the book, however.
I can't remember, has the show revealed (series)that Jorah hates the Starks?
I can't remember, has the show revealed (series)that Jorah hates the Starks?
^Kind of baffling to me since ASOS are her best chapters
Loved the continuation of Podrick's sexual adventures.
Was this stuff in the books?
Am I stupid for not noticing Margaery's manipulative skills when reading the books? Her talking to Sansa in the book made me feel good for Sansa. But Margaery is just using her. The show made that clear after the Varys and Queen of Thorns talk. Was that in even the book? I don't remember...
This show definitely shows a totally different perspective for some characters. And I love it. Makes me want to re-read the books again.
Margaery playing the Game of Thrones like that is amazing to watch. The Loras and Renly stuff was also great. I even like the Ros and Varys stuff. It adds to the ASOIAF universe.
Jamie Lannister is probably my favorite character in the book and I'm glad that they're doing his story some justice. The actor looks the part and is convincing as the character as well.
Am I stupid for not noticing Margaery's manipulative skills when reading the books? Her talking to Sansa in the book made me feel good for Sansa. But Margaery is just using her. The show made that clear after the Varys and Queen of Thorns talk. Was that in even the book? I don't remember...
This show definitely shows a totally different perspective for some characters. And I love it. Makes me want to re-read the books again.
Margaery playing the Game of Thrones like that is amazing to watch. The Loras and Renly stuff was also great. I even like the Ros and Varys stuff. It adds to the ASOIAF universe.
The only issue I have, and its minor, is how it seems like both Jaime and Tyrion simply have brown hair now. You go back to season 1 and they very clearly have blonde hair. Yet after that, its like they didn't feel like maintaining that.
*Preview and ASOS spoilers for next episode*. Can't wait!Looks like next episode will have Tyrion learning about his marriage plans
So a question in the non book readers thread got me thinking ASOS spoilersSo is Oberyn and the Dorne storyline in ASOS all going to be season 4? I guess it makes sense as this season seems to be focusing on establishing the Tyrell house and introducing an entire another house might be a bit much
Can't wait for the [Series].sandor fight next show, sandor was one of my favorite characters and I'm hoping his story isn't done with AFFC
Varys is wonderful. Conleth Hill gives what is probably my favorite performance in the show, outside of maybe Charles Dance. His demeanor and delivery are just so perfect.
Anyone wanna take a crack at spelling "Unsullied" in Valyrian? Dovaegeris?
"What happens when a nonexistent bumps against a decrepit?"