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The thing is with Theon, unlike other characters, like Ned for example, Theon isn't betrayed. Everything that happens to him is the result of his own choices.
Dany's Army is RIDICULOUS. 3 fuckin' dragons and thousands of hardass Spartans.
Only ~8,000 right? That doesn't seem like nearly enough to take the iron throne.
The thing is with Theon, unlike other characters, like Ned for example, Theon isn't betrayed. Everything that happens to him is the result of his own choices.
Yeah, I'm imagining next week some numbers are thrown out about just how large the forces in Westeros are. Danny has made a good start, but 8,000 unmounted troops aren't nearly enough.
The fact that it also had, probably, the most palatable TV ending of the series so far makes this even better news. This thing might just hit the stratosphere.Ratings were up again this week. First run had 4.87M viewers and a 2.6 in the demo. Details over at TVbtN.
Only ~8,000 right? That doesn't seem like nearly enough to take the iron throne.
No. Theon is several orders of magnitude more sympathetic in the show than in the books.
needed an extra line.
I'm not sure whose more dumb, Catelyn or Edmure?
I really DON'T like any of the Tully's aside from Blackfish.
This must be added to that picture henceforth, amazing
This must be added to that picture henceforth, amazing
And it's still missing characters like Ned, Littlefinger and Varys.
Captain Beard though :lol
Keep adding to it then.
I'm trying really hard to not procrastinate and do what I'm supposed to do, so no for now.
Was the scene with Theon, where he says that Ned was his father, in the book? It was quite moving.
5 million next week? 5 million next week.
The majority of dumb things Catelyn does is because she is trying to get her children back (not to mention her husband was killed recently, Her eldest is at war and Bran and Rickon are said to be dead). She isn't thinking clearly because of it. She is a grieving mother and widow.
is kevin spacey in game of thrones?
She acted rashly when she arrested Tyrion, she had just been to KL and known how tense everything was. Bran was crippled yes, but look at what befell them afterwards. It stems from that beginning and continues throughout that paints her in a negative light.
If Cat's decisions didn't go against the likeable and favourite characters of the series (or, if Jon was a dick, Tyrion was like Cersei, and Robb was like Joffrey ... basically what I mean is none of them are likeable characters) I doubt she'd get so much hate.
Nope, none of Theon's journey is in the books.
I liked the scene. In the books you'd only feel kind of bad for him, but I think Martin did want you to.
Hearing him say "My real father lost his head at Kings Landing" was a good line that makes draws you to him, then seconds later...he's fucked
Also, freeing Jaime wasn't as stupid as people think. [ASoS]In the book Robb acknowledges that he should have traded Jaime for Sansa way earlier, because Sansa is actually a more valuable political hostage than Jaime. Jaime is a great soldier, but he can't inherit anything, and he's only valuable because it pisses off Tywin that he's their captive. Robb says he could have married off Sansa to Highgarden and gained the Tyrells as allies and regrets not doing that. A lot of people forget this.
A lot of people also forget she's the one who advised him to not send Theon Greyjoy to Pike.
And how was Catelyn to know Lysa had turned batshit insane over the years or that Littlefinger had become the biggest schemer in Westeros? She trusted Littlefinger because he's her childhood friend (who always crushed on her), and she trusted Tyrion's custody with Lysa because she's her sister. People say she made stupid decisions, because they have the advantage of hindsight and they know things as the reader that Catelyn couldn't have possibly known. Hell, when I first read GoT, I didn't immediately suspect Littlefinger either until he mentioned the dagger belonging to the Imp, and I only knew that was a lie because we had been inside Tyrion's head in his POV chapters. Catelyn doesn't know Tyrion personally, how could she have known he was innocent?
Robb makes way more stupider decisions, but people still love him. Hmmmmm, sometimes you wonder...
Lots of people seem to forget this. Catelyn's one and only motive for her actions is to get her family back together, and any rational thought is blinded by the fact that she thinks her husband and two youngest children are dead, with her remaining three children's lives in danger. Catelyn's acting like how any loving mother and widow would in her situation.
Yeah, but releasing the Kingslayer is the OPPOSITE of what she should have done to get her remaining kids back. That's why everyone calls her dumb bitch.
I think headeys perfect since I hate her, and I hate her in the books too.
Yeah, I'm imagining next week some numbers are thrown out about just how large the forces in Westeros are. Danny has made a good start, but 8,000 unmounted troops aren't nearly enough.
And it was only a "poor decision" because she had to go behind everyone's back. As I said,It's weird that Catelyn would be labeled a "dumb bitch" for making what could be considered a poor decision, in a story filled with main characters who make poor decisions left and right.
The worse is Margaery Tyrell, I don't know why they make her so much older and uglier. So ugly.
needed an extra line.
Another thing about Catelyn's one major mistake is that (ASOS/ADWD spoiler):it effectively lost the war for the North. Edmure's folly certainly lost the war from a military perspective, but it's hard to see Tywin instigating plans to assassinate Robb if Jaime was still in Stark hands. Considering Robb's plan was to head north and re-capture Winterfell and his lost territory, it would have been very hard for the Lannisters to defeat him; the Riverlands would be fucked, but the Lannisters couldn't capture the North. He could have replenished his army significantly and acquired ships (White Harbor) just as the Iron Born began assaulting the south. And if he held out long enough...Aegon would arrive in the south to further split Lannister/Tyrell forces.
While I don't think he could have outright won, he might have been able to sue for peace (exchanging Jaime for Sansa).
The worse is Margaery Tyrell, I don't know why they make her so much older and uglier. So ugly.
Another thing about Catelyn's one major mistake is that (ASOS/ADWD spoiler):it effectively lost the war for the North. Edmure's folly certainly lost the war from a military perspective, but it's hard to see Tywin instigating plans to assassinate Robb if Jaime was still in Stark hands. Considering Robb's plan was to head north and re-capture Winterfell and his lost territory, it would have been very hard for the Lannisters to defeat him; the Riverlands would be fucked, but the Lannisters couldn't capture the North. He could have replenished his army significantly and acquired ships (White Harbor) just as the Iron Born began assaulting the south. And if he held out long enough...Aegon would arrive in the south to further split Lannister/Tyrell forces.
While I don't think he could have outright won, he might have been able to sue for peace (exchanging Jaime for Sansa).
Another thing about Catelyn's one major mistake is that (ASOS/ADWD spoiler):it effectively lost the war for the North. Edmure's folly certainly lost the war from a military perspective, but it's hard to see Tywin instigating plans to assassinate Robb if Jaime was still in Stark hands. Considering Robb's plan was to head north and re-capture Winterfell and his lost territory, it would have been very hard for the Lannisters to defeat him; the Riverlands would be fucked, but the Lannisters couldn't capture the North. He could have replenished his army significantly and acquired ships (White Harbor) just as the Iron Born began assaulting the south. And if he held out long enough...Aegon would arrive in the south to further split Lannister/Tyrell forces.
While I don't think he could have outright won, he might have been able to sue for peace (exchanging Jaime for Sansa).
Every decision she makes is basically the worst. Every. Single. One of them.