Yeah, she's hideous...
She has a very particular smile that I can imagine some men finding off putting in the way that some people are turned off by any type of unique feature.
Yeah, she's hideous...
She has a very particular smile that I can imagine some men finding off putting in the way that some people are turned off by any type of unique feature.
I agreement. Also that little piece of shit. His casting is perfect.
The worse is Margaery Tyrell, I don't know why they make her so much older and uglier. So ugly.
One of the big reasons I also hate Catelyn is how judgemental she is of others. Other characters are, but Catelyn takes the cake. How she judged Robert's bastard at the Eyrie? She treats Tyrion like shit just came his last name starts with L. I think she's a bitch because she is emotionally desparate in her cause to judge someone but always fails to look at her and her own families actions. She's a hypocrite basically, and I thought the monologue Jamie gives her while in prison was a wonderful dressing down. Because he was so right.
Then again I hate all Tully's aside from Blackfish.
ASOS/ADWDI dunno. ASOSIt seems odd to place the North's loss squarely on Catelyn's shoulders. You say things would've been different if she had not released Jaime. True. But things would have played differently if Edmure hadn't fucked up, and allowed Tywin's forces to save King's Landing from Stannis. Things would have been different if Robb hadn't idiotically broken his marriage vows. What makes her folly so much worse than there's?
The worse is Margaery Tyrell, I don't know why they make her so much older and uglier. So ugly.
No. Theon is several orders of magnitude more sympathetic in the show than in the books.
Another thing about Catelyn's one major mistake is that (ASOS/ADWD spoiler):it effectively lost the war for the North. Edmure's folly certainly lost the war from a military perspective, but it's hard to see Tywin instigating plans to assassinate Robb if Jaime was still in Stark hands. Considering Robb's plan was to head north and re-capture Winterfell and his lost territory, it would have been very hard for the Lannisters to defeat him; the Riverlands would be fucked, but the Lannisters couldn't capture the North. He could have replenished his army significantly and acquired ships (White Harbor) just as the Iron Born began assaulting the south. And if he held out long enough...Aegon would arrive in the south to further split Lannister/Tyrell forces.
While I don't think he could have outright won, he might have been able to sue for peace (exchanging Jaime for Sansa).
Man, you could point to almost any individual event and successfully argue it was the catalyst for all of the events in the book/show.
I agreement. Also that little piece of shit. His casting is perfect.
The worse is Margaery Tyrell, I don't know why they make her so much older and uglier. So ugly.
Fantastic ending to the 4th episode.
Book spoilers -That was the last good bit Dany had in the entire series IMO. Now prepare for 3 season of just absolutely fucking nothing.
It's weird that Catelyn would be labeled a "dumb bitch" for making what could be considered a poor decision, in a story filled with main characters who make poor decisions left and right.
One of the big reasons I also hate Catelyn is how judgemental she is of others. Other characters are, but Catelyn takes the cake. How she judged Robert's bastard at the Eyrie? She treats Tyrion like shit just because his last name starts with L. I think she's a bitch because she is emotionally desparate in her cause to judge someone but always fails to look at her and her own families actions. She's a hypocrite basically, and I thought the monologue Jamie gives her while in prison was a wonderful dressing down. Because he was so right.
Then again I hate all Tully's aside from Blackfish.
Man, you could point to almost any individual event and successfully argue it was the catalyst for all of the events in the book/show.
(AGOT/ACOK)Aemon Targaryen refusing the throne and giving it to Egg instead
Or (Dunk & Egg 1)everything involving Dunk/the puppet girl/Baelor Breakspear/Aerion
Its amazing how intricate the chain of events is. It goes even further back probably.
Also, Natalie Dormer is hot, especially when she's not doing that weird face.
I find her irresistible, dat cleavage every ep! She has a very unique face, I guess it's a love or hate situation. Still, unique->generic.
In case of book spoilers:One of the big reasons I also hate Catelyn is how judgemental she is of others. Other characters are, but Catelyn takes the cake. How she judged Robert's bastard at the Eyrie? She treats Tyrion like shit just because his last name starts with L. I think she's a bitch because she is emotionally desparate in her cause to judge someone but always fails to look at her and her own families actions. She's a hypocrite basically, and I thought the monologue Jamie gives her while in prison was a wonderful dressing down. Because he was so right.
Then again I hate all Tully's aside from Blackfish.
Well, I'm bored.[/IMG ][/QUOTE]
Pretty much what I know everyone by.
In case of book spoilers:
Your own judgment and hate of Catelyn is in itself rather ironic. She reacted negatively when she found out Mya Stone was a bastard, true ( but she didn't treat her any less after the fact, and actually had some respect for her ), but only because she reminded her of Jon whom I might add is being treated way better than is the societal norm. She comes from a family whose very word is "Family, Duty, Honor.", something I think she did not fail in any way.
Now looking from the perspective of her society and her own situation, I dare say Catelyn is quite a tolerant person. True, she grudged Jon his presence, but only because she felt he represented Ned's betrayal of duty and honor. And Ned treated Catelyn very coldly where Jon was concerned, not allowing any questions or anything, which must have placed seeds of self-doubt in Catelyn. At the end of the day, Jon still got raised very closely with his siblings.
Cersei had wanted Robert's bastard put to death, and I think, she once mentioned she found it weird Catelyn put up with Neds bastard. That was more in the line of the societal norm.
And she doesn't treats Tyrion like shit just because his last name starts with L. She treats him as her hostage because she has been told this man is responsible for the assassination attempt behind her son. And Tyrion does carry a reputation of being cunning, so obviously she wouldn't trust him right off the bat when he proclaims his innocence. However, she does start to reconsider the situation as she listens to Tyrion's reasoning, however, it was already to late, once they entered the Vale, and Tyrion fell into Lysa's hands.
And at the end of the day, she did set Jaime 'The Kingslayer' Lannister loose, who is notoriously without honor, praying he would honor their agreement of freeing her children. That, even after Jaime confessed he had flung Bran out the window. Not exactly clever, though she was, shall we say, 'emotionally desperate' after having been told her sons Bran and Rickon were dead. But we know from Jaime POV that he intended to honor their agreement, even if no one else expected it.
Man, you could point to almost any individual event and successfully argue it was the catalyst for all of the events in the book/show.
Yeah, she's hideous...
You can really only point to three events...
Catelyn's arrest of Tyrion sent the Lannister's into a frenzy, it cause the injury of Eddard, and who knows what he might have been able to do had he been mobile during that time. This also eventually led tot eh series of events causing his death, and the war.
You can look back further to Lysa poisoning her husband, and blaming it on the Lannisters, and this of course was all arranged by Littlefinger. But even then, Cat's rash decision was the main focal point. Lysa's actions alone didn't cause Cat's decision, it was the combination of Lysa's lies, and the attempted murder of Bran that led to everything.
And that reminds me of a book to show change I was wondering about from S2
Why did the show make sure to point out that it was Jeoffrey that sent soldiers after Robert's bastards, where the books make it clear that it was Cersei's doing?
* face features all out of proportion. Chin too tiny, nose too long, too close to mouth etc etc
* Not a sweet face. She look old,like 28-30, and she act even older, like a 35 old woman. I haven't checked imdb but I wouldn't be surprised if she is 35.
* Wrong actress for the part. Margaery is supposed to be a a very innocent and young maiden, at least from the outside. She look all kind of calculating and manipulating just from her neck up. This severely undermind that "surprise" thing and also the incoming conflict between her and Cersei.
To be fair, almost all the characters are more sympathetic compared to their book counterparts. This has somewhat ruined the Jaime stuff.
She is like a less extreme version of Lily Cole. the clothes do flattered her (she didn't look that amazing when she look them off last season), but the quoted part i agree with, her face does give the game away, her ambitions and intentions too easy to read.Margaery is supposed to be a a very innocent and young maiden, at least from the outside. She look all kind of calculating and manipulating just from her neck up. This severely undermind that "surprise" thing and also the incoming conflict between her and Cersei.
The Mountain from season one was much better.The Mountain 2.0 looks so wrong for the role.
Jaimebecomes a much more sympathetic figure later on. He becomes an example of a Lannister who isn't completely intolerable (other than Tyrion). And that really starts when he gets his hand cut off and continues upon his return to King's Landing.
There is no amount of Professionally lighthning and Photoshopery can make this woman look good.
Let me explain to you
* face features all out of proportion. Chin too tiny, nose too long, too close to mouth etc etc
* Not a sweet face. She look old,like 28-30, and she act even older, like a 35 old woman. I haven't checked imdb but I wouldn't be surprised if she is 35.
* Wrong actress for the part. Margaery is supposed to be a a very innocent and young maiden, at least from the outside. She look all kind of calculating and manipulating just from her neck up. This severely undermind that "surprise" thing and also the incoming conflict between her and Cersei.
edit: this is supposed to be a cheese cake Equire Magazine shoot? And she still can't smile properly.
But you said it yourself, it's all becauseLysa Arryn poisened Jon Arryn, whereafter Robert came to Winterfell and started the whole shitstorm. Bran was injured at Winterfell, which prompted Catelyn to go look for the culprit, which lead her to Littlefinger and then to Tyrion.
None of this would have happened if Littlefinger hasn't talked Lysa into killing Jon Arryn. It's all because of Littlefinger. Everything.
About Joffrey sending the soldiers instead of Cersei, it's part of the show's decision to make Joffrey even more evil and deranged than in the books. Just like when they added the scene with him making the whores beat each other. It's making him even easier to hate, while at the same time showing how out of control he is, even for Cersei.
And to be fair, he wasn't nearly as crazy in the books, if I recall correctly. He was just an amazingly irritating, arrogant little asshole, but he wasn't crazy.
I wish I still had a copy of the book with the Hedge Knight in it. I'd love to read it again.
About Joffrey sending the soldiers instead of Cersei, it's part of the show's decision to make Joffrey even more evil and deranged than in the books. Just like when they added the scene with him making the whores beat each other. It's making him even easier to hate, while at the same time showing how out of control he is, even for Cersei.
And to be fair, he wasn't nearly as crazy in the books, if I recall correctly. He was just an amazingly irritating, arrogant little asshole, but he wasn't crazy.
I used to always see hardcover copies of Dreamsongs Vol II in the discount sections of bookstores for like 8 bucks. I think it's available on kindle too, or Legends is at least. I can't wait for the compilation to come out though, I don't have hard copies of the others
(Series)if Aerys doesn't inherit the throne through Aegon V then Robert never becomes king and none of that shit happens. If Aemon takes the throne instead of Aegon he could have lived a long life and still been on the throne at the time when A Game of Thrones takes place
Going further back (Dunk & Egg - The Hedge Knight)If Baelor Breakspear doesn't choose to fight on Dunk's side, history would have been changed from that moment on. If the puppet girl is doing any of her other shows besides the one about a knight slaying a dragon at the moment Aerion Targaryen walks past her stall, he doesn't rage out and break her finger causing Dunk to go berserk and kick the guy in the face. if Dunk doesn't waltz into Ashford to participate in the tournament then he never sees any of it and none of it happens. Basically it seems like the events of Hedge Knight are this perfect storm that lays the foundation for EVERYTHING that happens afterwards.
It's just a big ass chaotic chain of events that eventually leads to the war of the five kings and everything else that happens. If one event happens differently then everything might have been avoided. Or maybe it could have turned out even worse. I think that's one of the things I love about this series, the history is so rich and intricate that it seems like something that could actually happen.
Turns out he was the one to send the assassin after Bran, for no reason then to impress Robert.
Jaimebecomes a much more sympathetic figure later on. He becomes an example of a Lannister who isn't completely intolerable (other than Tyrion). And that really starts when he gets his hand cut off and continues upon his return to King's Landing.
To be fair, Ned would also be considered a Dumb ass by many.It's weird that Catelyn would be labeled a "dumb bitch" for making what could be considered a poor decision, in a story filled with main characters who make poor decisions left and right.
This is why I like how the show handled Jaime from the start. In the first season he had the conversation with tywin about how he couldnt kill ned because he still valued his honor, this didnt exist in the book and it showed us how he still had some good in him. In the book it was all so abrupt, he went from Mr.Incest to oh look he actually has a heart.Jaimebecomes a much more sympathetic figure later on. He becomes an example of a Lannister who isn't completely intolerable (other than Tyrion). And that really starts when he gets his hand cut off and continues upon his return to King's Landing.
There is no amount of Professionally lighthning and Photoshopery can make this woman look good.
Let me explain to you
* face features all out of proportion. Chin too tiny, nose too long, too close to mouth etc etc
* Not a sweet face. She look old,like 28-30, and she act even older, like a 35 old woman. I haven't checked imdb but I wouldn't be surprised if she is 35.
* Wrong actress for the part. Margaery is supposed to be a a very innocent and young maiden, at least from the outside. She look all kind of calculating and manipulating just from her neck up. This severely undermind that "surprise" thing and also the incoming conflict between her and Cersei.
edit: this is supposed to be a cheese cake Equire Magazine shoot? And she still can't smile properly.
Well, yeah, if we go all the way back, then, but that's going too far of course.The Doom of Valyria is basically the foundation to everything
I stayed within the confines of AGOT for a reason
And to be fair,Littlefinger (indirectly) poisoning Jon Arryn, and his whole motivation for starting this shitstorm in the first place doesn't have anything to do with the Targaryens, Robert, or any of that stuff, so it's not really fair to include all of that in the story. The main plot of AGOT started because of one man's greed, which had nothing to do with everything that came before it. It was a personal thing. As far as we know, of course.
There is no amount of Professionally lighthning and Photoshopery can make this woman look good.
Let me explain to you
* face features all out of proportion. Chin too tiny, nose too long, too close to mouth etc etc
* Not a sweet face. She look old,like 28-30, and she act even older, like a 35 old woman. I haven't checked imdb but I wouldn't be surprised if she is 35.
* Wrong actress for the part. Margaery is supposed to be a a very innocent and young maiden, at least from the outside. She look all kind of calculating and manipulating just from her neck up. This severely undermind that "surprise" thing and also the incoming conflict between her and Cersei.
edit: this is supposed to be a cheese cake Equire Magazine shoot? And she still can't smile properly.
The monumental stupidity of the Tully children... it really doesn't sink in with you until you step back and look at the big picture.
I pictured Margaery to be more younger looking, like Willa Holland. But Im guessing Holland would have a terrible english accent.
I think there was alot of emphasis in the book about how crows were being intercepted and shot down from left to right so it might have been dangerous to send a message. I cant really remember though.ASOSto be fair robb could have just told him the damn plan but he didn't for some never explained reason, at least I don't remember it ever being explained why he didn't just go "yo uncle, don't attack him I'm luring him into a trap kk?"
the again he is Cats son...
Well, yeah, if we go all the way back, then, but that's going too far of course.The Doom of Valyria is basically the foundation to everything
I stayed within the confines of AGOT for a reason
And to be fair,Littlefinger (indirectly) poisoning Jon Arryn, and his whole motivation for starting this shitstorm in the first place doesn't have anything to do with the Targaryens, Robert, or any of that stuff, so it's not really fair to include all of that in the story. The main plot of AGOT started because of one man's greed, which had nothing to do with everything that came before it. It was a personal thing. As far as we know, of course.
Well yeah but ASOSthat's not really crazy. You said it yourself, he wasnts to impress his father the King, who never really paid attention to him. He's a thirteen year old kid, for crying out loud, not to mention he's incredibly spoiled and arrogant.
I don't think what he did was crazy, just incredibly reckless, stupid and all that jazz.
It sure as hell wasn't on the same level as the stuff he does in the show.
Edmure basically won the War of the Five Kings for the Lannisters; if he had followed directions Stannis would have almost certainly won the Battle of the Blackwater. That blunder saved the Lannisters, allowing them to continue dealing with the Starks; Catelyn released Jaime after Edmure's folly though.
The reason I'd argue she lost the war for the North is because releasing Jaime forfeited Robb's life. People focus so much on Robb's idiotic marriage but the most important factor in the betrayal was the Boltons. Lord Bolton was convinced Robb couldn't win not because of the Frey shit, but because of the Winterfell sack and the release of Jaime. It was Bolton who sent the northern army to Duskendale, falsely advertised as Robb's decree, in order to show his loyalty to Tywin. It's hard to argue Bolton would make the same decision if Jaime was still in chains and Robb was on the march to re-capture Winterfell. Likewise it's unlikely Tywin would agree to any attempt on Robb's life while Jaime was in custody; he'd be forfeiting his heir's life.
The original plan was for an errant arrow to kill Robb, but the Freys escalated the plan out of stupidity - without Bolton on their side, I don't believe the Freys would have been ballsy enough to pull the trigger; there's no evidence of them making major decisions unless they were safe, and without the Boltons any attempt on Robb would be foolish.
As I said earlier I don't think the North could have outright defeated the Lannisters/Tyrells, but if Robb had made it back north he would largely be untouchable. Winter was coming, Tywin was dead, and the south was being flanked by the Iron Born and later Aegon. It's very unlikely that Cersei, once again made Queen Reagent, would even consider sending Lannister troops out of the city to march north while Mace Tyrell's army occupied King's Landing. Robb at Winterfell wouldn't be an immediate threat to the crown.