Is it mentioned how large that Dothraki horde is?
at minimum should be size of Drogo's as that where horde came from but it might have grown since then
Is it mentioned how large that Dothraki horde is?
I am also wonderingASoSWhat's the source on Talisa's death? That would be disappointing and pointless. There would be no shock value for readers as we would know she would be dying as soon as she appeared on the road to The Twins or at the ceremony.
I wonder if the ASoSGreywater Watch gang with Robb's heir info will make an appearance?
I am also wonderingwhere the source came from? If its true, the tv series could begin to spoil some things from the book
I would say it also obvious (ADWD)I suspect archers come from sellswords and what ever lords join her when she lands in Westrosthat Dany crash landing near the Dothraki is her getting a major calvary unit to smash Westros footsoliders
at minimum should be size of Drogo's as that where horde came from but it might have grown since then
Assuming this is true, what's to stopthe writers from tricking us with a fake death of Talisa as a change to the theory book readers have that Jeyne is switched with her sister, so inn the show they don't need to introduce another character. I guess if they literally show her getting stabbed and killed that's all moot, but I don't think even a confirmation proves anything. I'm not convinced of the theory regardless but I don't think it's cut and dry in the show unless they literally show her dead and buried... and even then.
The way I see it is the character is so minor(in the books and the TV show) that it doesn't matter either way.
I mean even if that switched sisters theory was accurate(even though the Westerlings would have no reason to go along with the ruse), what substantial role do you really think that Robb's wife and potential unborn son could possibly have on the overall story going forward.
It's not like we are going to have enough time during the rest of the books for Robb's heir to grow to an age where he can even do anything.
The way I see it Jeyne is just a big red herring that has no impact on the story going forward.
Speculation Re: Talisa (ASOS)I'm pretty sure we'll see her die at the RW. It seems like the only way they can really ensure that people who read the books are knocked on their asses along with people who haven't. For those of us who see it coming it wouldn't really have the same amount of impact. We know they're going to die, so for us it's just a matter of watching it play out and hoping they do it justice, and then living vicariously through the reactions of everyone else. But if they really want us to be shocked, they just have to make it even more brutal - Robb's wife gets murdered right in front of him, right before he dies himself
I didn't read the article you guys are talking about though
The Jeyne/Talisa change I don't even really mindas she isn't really that important at all and the only reason she exists is to be a macguffin to cause Robb to fuck up everything.
The changes I dislike are the way they modified Robb and Catelyns knowledge of the fall of Winterfell and The complete bastardization of Jon and Qhorin's storyline, because they can not be fixed in the future at all. Robb and Catelyn's actions will never have the proper motivation and logic they had in the books, so they just go from tragic to foolish, and Jon will never receive that bit of character development where he becomes a responsible adult, because he spent the whole time being a whiny bitch and fucking around with Ygritte
And the Renly/Peach response was insulting. The simple prop of the peach is easy to discard, and I expected it to be absent from Renly's scenes if I'm being honest... I'm content to leave it as a thing the show had no time to incorporate, elegantly or otherwise. But when I saw he's making all that stupid shit up in that interview and then casually being like 'oh, I don't know what happened to it'. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
The peach is a little tiny thing and I'm not going to make it out to be some crucial moment of the series, but I'm just annoyed with the dismissal, as though they didn't even think about it much. Renly's eating of the peach scene and references to it as a symbol told me more about Stannis and Renly's relationship than any exposition-filled moment,It's exacerbated by the fact that they've spent more time making Renly gay jokes in the show than they have adapting his scenes well.especially when Stannis thinks about it later on in the books well after the fact.
ASoSWhat's the source on Talisa's death? That would be disappointing and pointless. There would be no shock value for readers as we would know she would be dying as soon as she appeared on the road to The Twins or at the ceremony.
I wonder if the ASoSGreywater Watch gang with Robb's heir info will make an appearance?
Your rant says otherwise.
Yeah, I missed the crow too.I love James Cosmo and the casting of him as Mormont was bittersweet in this show when you knew he would bite the bullet. He was criminally underused, too... especially with no crow
Used to have an inside joke with some friends where he was forever known as 'Nooo, the other Old Guy in Braveheart'. (the first 'old guy' being Brian Cox)
Assuming this is true, what's to stopthe writers from tricking us with a fake death of Talisa as a change to the theory book readers have that Jeyne is switched with her sister, so inn the show they don't need to introduce another character. I guess if they literally show her getting stabbed and killed that's all moot, but I don't think even a confirmation proves anything. I'm not convinced of the theory regardless but I don't think it's cut and dry in the show unless they literally show her dead and buried... and even then.
The way I see it is the character is so minor(in the books and the TV show) that it doesn't matter either way.
I mean even if that switched sisters theory was accurate(even though the Westerlings would have no reason to go along with the ruse), what substantial role do you really think that Robb's wife and potential unborn son could possibly have on the overall story going forward.
It's not like we are going to have enough time during the rest of the books for Robb's heir to grow to an age where he can even do anything.
The way I see it Jeyne is just a big red herring that has no impact on the story going forward.
At most it's a 'it'd be nice if that happened in the end' for Robb fans.
The way I see it is the character is so minor(in the books and the TV show) that it doesn't matter either way.
I mean even if that switched sisters theory was accurate(even though the Westerlings would have no reason to go along with the ruse), what substantial role do you really think that Robb's wife and potential unborn son could possibly have on the overall story going forward.
It's not like we are going to have enough time during the rest of the books for Robb's heir to grow to an age where he can even do anything.
The way I see it Jeyne is just a big red herring that has no impact on the story going forward.
At most it's a 'it'd be nice if that happened in the end' for Robb fans.
Danny needs the people of Westeros to love her and wan't her, no amount of force will make her queen and keep her there.
Danny needs the people of Westeros to love her and wan't her, no amount of force will make her queen and keep her there.
Spoilers series regarding Daenery's potential army:so assuming she gets the 20k from marrying the new Khal ADWD - and then the remaining dothraki joins her side as they see her as the mother of dragons or some nonsense. She'd have a 40k dothraki horde, however many unsullieds are left from the various battles they've been in (I think only a couple of hundreds have died), and various sell swords. Sounds decent enough as the components her army is composed by the top military forces in the world of GoT - at numbers that almost equal many of the major players back in Westeros.
ASOSASOSassuming they go the leeches route
Has the line about madness and greatness being two sides of the same coin been said in the show? There are two posters discussing it in the non-book readers thread.
[ASOS]It is Selmy who relays the story after conquerring Mereen: "... madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land."
I'm pretty sure Jorah has said at least a little something that's touched on the idea that she has the kind heart that Rhaegar had. I want to say it's in the second season...although it might be in the first.
Has the line about madness and greatness being two sides of the same coin been said in the show? There are two posters discussing it in the non-book readers thread.
[ASOS]It is Selmy who relays the story after conquerring Mereen: "... madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land."
Jorah has discussed Rhaegar with Dany, but the coin line has never come up.
I think the line was given to either Cersei or Jaime in season 2 can't remember but sure it was mentioned
Yeah that sounds right. I think it was Cersei
edit -
A child of Robb's could potentially be used to stake a claim on the North. The North is important. You have the Bolton's laying claim. You have Littlefinger plotting a claim with Sansa, Kings Landing is send "Arya" to the north to help secure the Bolton's claim.
I don't think it's going to happen since it's implied pretty heavily in AFFC that her mother has made sure she isn't pregnant (probably gave her a bunch of moon tea to be sure). Jeyne on her own is meaningless I think. I can't see her being important to the story going forward unless there is a child.
Has the line about madness and greatness being two sides of the same coin been said in the show? There are two posters discussing it in the non-book readers thread.
[ASOS]It is Selmy who relays the story after conquerring Mereen: "... madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land."
Haha, I'm glad someone covered my ass with that scene posted above. I knew for a fact that someone said that line in the show, but I must've got confused between the book's line and the show's line.
I'll admit that I browse the non-book spoiler thread. I know that's a little scummy but I really adore reading discussion about the show. I've posted in there less than five times and it's only to answer tangential questions that specifically do not spoil anything in the books so far, I swear. If you like, I could retrieve the posts I made. And if I'm expressly forbidden from posting in there again, I understand. (The two posts I remember making were in regards to Master Aemon's age, and the fact that Theon told the mystery boy that the two Stark boys were still alive).
Varys in this episode was outstanding also.
I honestly feel that Conleth Hill is one of the best actors on the show. Game of Thrones was the only thing I'd ever seen him in, but he's been in Suits since then and was fantastic in that.
I honestly feel that Conleth Hill is one of the best actors on the show. Game of Thrones was the only thing I'd ever seen him in, but he's been in Suits since then and was fantastic in that.
There is no amount of Professionally lighthning and Photoshopery can make this woman look good.
Let me explain to you
* face features all out of proportion. Chin too tiny, nose too long, too close to mouth etc etc
* Not a sweet face. She look old,like 28-30, and she act even older, like a 35 old woman. I haven't checked imdb but I wouldn't be surprised if she is 35.
* Wrong actress for the part. Margaery is supposed to be a a very innocent and young maiden, at least from the outside. She look all kind of calculating and manipulating just from her neck up. This severely undermind that "surprise" thing and also the incoming conflict between her and Cersei.
edit: this is supposed to be a cheese cake Equire Magazine shoot? And she still can't smile properly.
I honestly feel that Conleth Hill is one of the best actors on the show. Game of Thrones was the only thing I'd ever seen him in, but he's been in Suits since then and was fantastic in that.
Yep. One of the best casting jobs the show has done. Sean Bean and Mark Addy were great for season one too.
Brian Blessed should have been King Robert.
Brian Blessed should have been King Robert.
This again? The guy's seventy-six years old, let it go.
Is he bald in that too?!
I can't imagine him any other way haha.
Yeah, as book readers Varys is my (and my brother's) favorite actor on the show. He is absolutely perfect for the role.I honestly feel that Conleth Hill is one of the best actors on the show. Game of Thrones was the only thing I'd ever seen him in, but he's been in Suits since then and was fantastic in that.