The problem is that these opinions come from ignorance more often than not.
I haven't seen that, except maybe the complaints about Willas. Just because you disagree doesn't mean they're being ignorant.
People ignore what a TV viewer knows about the series, world and characters and project what they know about it after reading thousands of page. The answer from that interview with a show writer to the Ros question sums it up pretty well imo, as it outlines how some of the most heavily criticized scenes by book fanatics were important in setting up critical plot points and characters for the TV audience.
I've read that interview and I was unimpressed by his justifications. He even flat-out admitted that being more faithful to the book on a particular arc would "probably have worked just as well on screen", meaning that they decided to change it for
completely arbitrary reasons just because they felt like it, not due to constraints of the media. And he even apologises about Ros, saying "eh, I like her, sorry if you don't". Basically tacitly admitting she's their pet fanfiction.
These posts also ignore the realities of the TV format that requires them to move and shuffle things around and also - yes - cut things. And production issues that requires them to cut or add content. There are a lot of reasons for cutting or reducing the importance of certain plot points that go beyond "well, we didn't have 2 minutes for that".
Oh my god. You think the critics don't know that?? Why would you think they don't know that things must be cut? Serious question, do you really, sincerely believe that those who criticise the show are
not aware of the constraints of the TV format? Come on, it's one thing to disagree over whether or not a scene was good, but that's just insulting.
I most definitely do
not ignore the realities of the TV format and I'm completely aware that things must be cut. That's why you don't see me bitch about them cutting Willas or removing Tyrion's chain for budget reasons. Jesus...
Every single criticism I've had towards the show had nothing, and I do mean nothing to do with natural constraints from the format. None. I can guarantee you that. Because I'm not retarded.
Yes I realize that I'm generalizing. Please note though that I'm not saying people shouldn't criticize the show - there's definitely a lot to say, even on their choices of what they cut or kept from the source material.
Funny, because you pretty much said the exact opposite right here: "Every complaint from book readers about how the show is managing time is bullshit. Every single one.". So, we can criticize the show based on what they cut or kept, except when we do, it's always bullshit, always, every single time? Nice one.