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Games so long in development that they felt archaic at release


Gran Turismo 5 . By the time it came out we already had Forza 1+2 that had a damage system , proper class based leader boards, customizations , decent online lobbies, a store front where people could sell their designs and tunes ...man I loved 1 and 2 .GT5 was stuck in the past
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I've heard the recent Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord falls into this category.

The Last Guardian is another one that comes to mind.

Bannerlord is definitely there, in a world with Chivalry and Kingdom Come and about 50 other games, bannerlord is essentially the exact same game as the first Mount and Blade with graphics that would look sup par even 12 years ago.


Twilight Princess. And I say that because with the previous game being WW and I had been playing WoW for 2 years.... Hyrule felt tiny and sparse. So few NPCs, world detail or foliage. Really felt "old" at launch. Rest of game is pretty solid.
Colonial Marines, but that may be cheating
Dragon Age was in development for many years and by the time it came out people were nostalgic for that kind of RPG (on PC)
Alpha Protocol was started in mid-2006, finished in late 2009 and SEGA delayed it till mid-2010, coming after Mass Effect 2...


I'm willing to bet that this'll be the case for Star Citizen.
Even now we're already seeing other space games slowly catch up to the concepts that made it appealing in the first place.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Duke Forever looked a game from the first Xbox

Too Human also look like a game from the past generation, because it is
Actually that was a matter of direction. The director choose to keep the same stuff that the two ones had, even the bad things. So it's a different situation. Still bad thou


DMC5 level design and gameplay structure through missions feels like a 2002 game to me .. i still love the game tho
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Final Fantasy 13 (but 13.2 changes a lot of things and it's very good).
Final Fantasy 0.
Final Fantasy 15 (the final game should have been there day one... and it would have been ok, not bad but not perfect).


Bannerlord is definitely there, in a world with Chivalry and Kingdom Come and about 50 other games, bannerlord is essentially the exact same game as the first Mount and Blade with graphics that would look sup par even 12 years ago.

Have to say, as much as I love the game, it really is just a warband remastered. I have 200hs clocked in and I'm still playing it, but it sure is barebones. Hopefully they start adding more stuff soon, its early access after all.


I will alter the question slightly.

A game that got so much coverage pre release that essentially killed all anticipation, wonder, mystery, and hype for it when it eventually came out.

For me the best example is Evolve. This game had weekly/biweekly updates. They partnered with Adam Sessler and his company Rev3Games. They oversaturated the web with content regarding the development of the game. This coverage was constant for at least 6 months. This was not articles written by various journalistic outlets, but rather straight from the horses mouth. They literally suffocated all interest in the game by never shutting up about it. I was so tired about hearing about this game for such a long period of time, that by the time the game actually released I wanted nothing to do with it. I know the game had other issues, but the way they handled the pre release info dump left nothing to the imagination. Their constant droning about this game basically was equivalent to a game being out for 6 months to a year. The release was tepid at best and was really short lived. I believe that how they handled keeping an audience hyper involved and informed led to an exhausted audience. Its a shame for a game that was actually trying something novel and interesting.


That quote about a delayed game being eventually good, is kinda bullshit huh?
Yes, at some point it is.
John Carmack used to tout how they would ship a game when it's ready, but with Rage they finally realized that at somepoint, what it's groundbreaking now it might not be so much in a couple of years, so you can't delay forever.


The dig, announced in 1989 and released in 1995 (at which point development had started from scratch three times). It seriously looks like it belongs to the former era.


Full throttle came out the same year and looks so much better.

Damn I loved both of those games though. I had no idea that The Dig started so long ago.
I feel like half of you didn't even understand the meaning of this topic. Its about games that on reveal looked amazing but it took so long to finish that by the time they came out they were nothing special. Duke Nukem Forever is a perfect example. Heart of Darkness isnt...it was an amazing game and praised on release. Theres even today 2d games getting released while everything is 3D. Final Fantasy 15 looks anything but dated, the game looks great, people had a problem with the story but gameplay it was as any other RPG. Red Dead Redemption 2 outdated??? Some wonky controlls but you gotta be kidding me if you consider this game archaic by todays standards.

My pics:

Crackdown 3 - I remember that pre xbox1 release and their cloud computing mumbo jumbo destruction. Took em 5 more years to deliver not even close to what they first showed.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 - Yeah I know its not out yet but its been in development forever and whatever they show it looks less and less impressive, I wouldn't be surprised they can it in the end.
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mango drank

Couldn’t have said it better:

"love rectangle" :messenger_grinning_smiling:

and many other great zingers. I am happy with my video-watching experience. And hot damn, I missed out on some seriously nauseating voice acting by switching away from the English voices on in my own playthrough.
I think people are being too harsh on DNF. I mean the game was never meant to be released. Gearbox bought the rights and sold the game practically as-is because it was considered, by that time, a MEME.
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Too Human. I think it was in development for like, 10 years or something. It used the right stick for attacking instead of camera control, which games had already realized was a stupid idea years prior.
I was going to say this . Too Human was just crap. Didn’t the game director have a reputation of lashing out at everyone?


DNF looked like an average 7th gen with all the junky modern mechanics, like 2 weapon limit, that were forced into the game by crazy Randy during the last year or so of development. It's actually the opposite of archaic. If it played more like DN3D it would be great.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Duke nukem of course. The new Animal Crossing took forever and feels like a love letter to every terrible free to play game ever made.


Too Human. I think it was in development for like, 10 years or something. It used the right stick for attacking instead of camera control, which games had already realized was a stupid idea years prior.
right stick for attacking was very good (i would have liked diablo 3 to use the same controls), but there were other problems
and what came out wasn't really in development for 10 years.
Final Fantasy XV IMO.

As an open world game it felt dated. It was like a japanese studio trying to make a western open world.....from last gen.

In some aspects I can see your point, i.e. the fast traveling by car that isn't actually that fast. I mean obviously you're not talking about graphics but in regards to combat it's better than Witcher 3 but in comparison to FFXV Witcher 3 has a superior design philosophy when it comes to the open world for sure, but to me the more important thing was the combat and the role playing elements, in an RPG game and in that respect... Witcher 3 is last gen in comparison, to name one.

Horizon Zero Dawn is also very simple as far as it's open world goes. It's only considered an RPG because it has a skill tree but other than that the game is as bare bones as they come.
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Crackdown 3 for sure! Had all that hype built up for launch day and then it took 2+ years. Game was fun at release but it had lost its steam.


The Last Guardian
Never played it, but everything I read and saw of it made it sound like a PS2 game with next gen visuals – which weren't really that good.

Shenmue 3
I suppose it was intentional in some ways and obviously there were the budget constraints. I recently found out that you have to keep topping up Ryo's health (this was not present in the previous games). I wonder whose dumb idea that was.
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Unconfirmed Member
Star Citizen will eventually win this thread if it ever releases.

7 or 8 years since the kickstarter, millions spent on development, multiple broken promises, and a game that is still in very early alpha.

Let's not forget that the devs have rewritten their engine at least once already.


Batman Arkham Knight

Sure, it has pretty graphics, but that’s the extent of it. Level design is terrible, it keeps the same 2009 formula whilst trying to shove the batmobile (which fails miserably).

Open world tasks are stuff you would see on Ubisoft games from 2011/12, and it feels too bland compared to the first two


Yeah, they had no business turning Final Fantasy into a boring western-style open-world RPG full of boring quests to pad out playtime and mindless combat.

There have been other Final Fantasy games that I felt missed the high standards of the series set through the SNES and PS1 years, but I didn't feel betrayed as a fan of the franchise until XV.
15 wasnt perfect but it was better than any of the 13 games.
I've seen Shenmue III and The Last Guardian mentioned

The Last Guardian -- I never got the archaic feeling at all about it. Sure, at times it looked more like a PS3 remaster than it did a PS4 game. It was actually quite uneven to me...there were moments of true beauty in that game as the lighting would seep through Tricos wings. But then there were other moments that looked less so. Still, I love that game. I think what it set out to achieve was far more bold than most games strive to be. What may feel archaic to some felt like a Team ICO game to me. It was everything I expected from Team ICO. Meaning pushing narrative through gameplay. Prioritising animation over super responsive controls. Telling a story through architecture. And so on...for me, it just felt like business as usual for Team ICO. It had Team ICO written all over it. Still one of my favourite games of the generation.

Shenmue III -- I'll make a case for Shenmue III but I will admit I am a Shenmue fan (I'm one of those...sadly to some). Sure, by conventional standards it felt out of time and out of place compared to everything else out there. But for me, it felt like picking up something that had been lost in a time capsule and only just recently found. It felt like a continuation from where we left off all those years ago. For better or worse, it felt like Shenmue. Like it or hate it. I personally loved it for those reasons. Sure, I have my issues with it (the story and character development got lost) but playing the game itself was one of my favourite experiences from last year. It made me feel like I was 13 sitting in front of the Dreamcast playing Shenmue again. If that was its goal then I can only applaud it. I know, I know...gaming has moved on. Everything has moved on, I just don't care in this instance. I wanted another game that felt like Shenmue...and that's what I got. There is nothing else out there like it. It is a singular experience....I wanted another one like it...and I got it.

As for an actual answer?

Duke Nukem Forever -- Not so much archaic rather it felt like a game that was looking at every other first person shooter over the course of its LONG development and aping every last trend presented in each modern FPS. It felt like it had no personality of its own. It felt like it was just aping everything else on the market. It felt patched together instead of being a cohesive singular vision. So I don't know if I'd say archaic, but certainly confused about what it was and who it wanted to appeal to.
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The Last Guardian - When I saw this game, it was exactly a port of the PS3 cancelled version, multiple complains about its controls and camera

Shenmue 3 - Now, this is one game that I had zero hype, after I saw the first screenshots and video, I declared it would be a flop if developers didn't fix the outdated animations and wonky modelling of characters, I even saw a few videos of Shenmue 1 before and it aged badly. Needless to say, to the final game nothing was changed, it plays exactly like the previous installments.

Duke Nukem Forever - Dated as hell when I played the demo, that vision was made around 05-06, I even remember seeing it in that Jace Hall Show video back in 08, then 3D Realms closed its development studio the following year and it was near complete, all what Gearbox did was just finish the game with some former developers in a matter of months.
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Probably Crackdown 3 and Duke Nukem Forever

Another in the future will also be Beyond Good and Evil 2.
Most likely
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The 2001-era build of Duke Nukem Forever that was apparently largely playable by the end of 2002.

The sad thing is the current owners of 3D Realms dug up all the old development builds of the game from the company archives when they acquired the company and sent them over to Gearbox Software in 2017....Gearbox and Randy promised repeatedly over three years that a goal inside of Gearbox was to release a build to fans as part of a Duke Nukem collection they had in production and it was absolutely going to happen...and then in late 2019 Randy was interviewed and claimed it'd be immoral and like going through a dead persons trash to learn about them. His reasoning doesn't line up with reality. He says it'd be disrespectful to people who worked on it...despite multiple people who worked on it in the early 2000s saying they would love it to come out so people can see what was there and play around with it, with Charlie Wiederhold saying there's practically an entire unfinished/unpolished game sitting there and the best thing to do would be package up 2001 - 2003 content with DukeED and release it to fans to play with and build content from.

Here's Randy talking about it at the end of 2019:

What could have been...thanks Randy...



Neo Member
Swordquest: Airworld is prob the most delayed game of all time, but most people prob wouldn’t be bothered about it looking and playing like an early 80s game, assuming they know what they’re getting into. lol
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