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Games you LOVED at first, but they eventually petered out


Elden ring, hated the spammy bosses, exploration was kinda shit, kinda ruined the game for myself by picking samurai class and just making every fucker bleed to death without really realising it was op, think the game would of been better linear like ds trilogy tbf
Last of Us 2.
The visual presentation was just incredible and even the story was engaging at first, despite the golf issue... But then every single decision of the characters became more and more stupid, whole story arcs, the kid, just felt forced and pointless.
And the combat doesn't really evolve over the course of the game either.

In short, the game was way too long for its own good and the writing was just absolute garbage.

Gotta mention FFVI which literally had its stroy and pacing commit suicide after the very strong and engaging intro hours.
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it felt like an evolution of Metroid Prime but than the kinda aimless repetition kicked in.

Shadow of Colossus
I think the premise is great but while the first boss delivers the premise, I only liked one boss mechanic later on and the controls (the improved ones, in the remake, the original ones feel almost unplayable) and annoying jankiness ruins it.

Demons Souls
I still love half of the game, but hate it also so much that I have yet to properly pick up any other Souls or Boodborne or Lords etc game

The tone and twist just feels pretentious, with a world that tries hard to be serious, and slides deep into accidentally comical.

The world, much like in the GTAs, is great, but everything is just so slow. Too slow for a gamey game, but also too slow for a story driven game, maybe alright for people who like fishing games, nascar or whatever...

Since I am stubborn I finished all but the first one, I really need to dislike/hate almost everything about a game to drop it.

Last of Us PS4 remaster
I palyed it for some time, but much like Uncharted starting with 3, something feels off and it just can't keep properly my attention. The first hour or so is great, I liked the TV show very much (despite some huge holes) but I doubt I'll ever finsih it. The story drags on slowly and the gameplay does ot feel fun.
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It’s so bad, honestly one of my biggest gaming disappointments ever.

As a character action game it sucks because the enemies don’t even fight back, they just stand there like training dummies while you rotate through your moves off cooldown and chip away at their health.

And it sucks as a JRPG. No choice of party members, only 1 weapon type, every weapon/armor is just a slight stat increase vs the previous one. It has a completely pointless crafting system where there’s barely anything to make. Tons of generic MMO quests that reward you with useless crafting materials you already have 1000s of already. Big open zones that have jack shit to do, dotted with pointless treasures to give you some incentive to explore them (usually useless crafting materials or like 3 Gil).

And for every riveting GoT style cutscene, there are 10 more where it’s just characters standing there like bored mannequins yapping endlessly about something you don’t care about.

The only parts that were truly great were the Eikon battles. I honestly think it started out as some DMC style spinoff and then they decided to rework it into FF XVI, and added in all these half baked RPG mechanics to justify calling it that.
Welp... Thanks for potentially saving me $60. That sounds dreadful 💀


Dragons Dogma 2 for me, after waiting a decade or whatever to finally get a sequel, on the back of some incredible looking trailers I was extremely disappointed to find that all the same exact issues from the first game are still present, but worse is the fact they learnt nothing from the near perfect Bitterblack Isle expansion…To top it off, theres zero dungeons…ZERO…No puzzles,no real use of the new mechanics, its just shallow with a really boring story.
Its only saving grace is the great combat and exploration. Ugh actually breaks my heart it turned out so meh…

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
I dunno, does “working an office job” count?

Seriously, though, when I think of videogames that lost my interest, the first one to come to mind is New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe. I’ve always kept trying to give it another chance, and it does have its charms, but it feels more like a “greatest hits” album than anything. But maybe it will finally click with me one day.

The great thing about classic arcade games is that they never last long enough for you to become jaded. They’re perfect three-minute pop songs, not epic symphonies.
Zelda BotW and TotK. At ten hours or so it felt like it was the best game ever. Then, the awful design (breakable weapons, you get no rewards for exploring when everything is disposable and too easy, repetition, etc) kicks in and you realize it’s a game designed for little kids or obsessive compulsive players.


AC Valhalla

(I've finished all previous AC games, as I love the series)
But man... they nerfed your bird's abilities, nerfed skill tree abilities, caves, finding items/treasures, etc. It's all way worse than Odyssey and Origins. I've just pacified England, but I still have cult members left to kill, but now there's no clear path, direction, or missions to know where to go from here.
I'm a bit of completionist, so I have to finish it, but it's a bit of a struggle at the moment...


Gold Member
Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I loved saliling from island to island, taking out targets, crawling through tombs, and making progress into the story. But once you start trying to fill out your assassination checklist and discovering all the locations on an island, it starts to feel really daunting. I burned out afer 40 hours.
Agreed 100%. It just became too much.


Ghost of Tsushima

Loved it! ...and then it just got repetitive and I lost interest.
Totally agree here. At first I was in LOVE with the game, but now I'm in the 2nd area and I'm SO bored because it is just so repetitive. I'm 20 hours into it and I just do not have the motivation to go back and play it any more. Maybe after a break I'll pick it back up because I do want to see how the story ends. But gaming should not feel like a chore and this game is definitely starting to feel like it.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Journey to the Savage Planet. I can't say that I've loved the game, but I thought I might at least try and finish it.
But I got to the boss Matriarch fight and it's wearing me out This fight is too long; I'm going to need to find a video on how to beat it fast because It's frustrating me to the point of quitting.
I found this video of someone beating it but it took them 11 min. Thats too long! F this game.

Totally agree here. At first I was in LOVE with the game, but now I'm in the 2nd area and I'm SO bored because it is just so repetitive. I'm 20 hours into it and I just do not have the motivation to go back and play it any more. Maybe after a break I'll pick it back up because I do want to see how the story ends. But gaming should not feel like a chore and this game is definitely starting to feel like it.
going back & replaying sucker punch's infamous games (never mind the sly games) really demonstrates what a fundamentally unimaginative game tsushima is. i mean, it's gorgeous. but, to a large extent, that's all it is...


Lots of times.

Probably the most memorable for me is Bravely Default. Loved the first half but the 2nd was just such an incredible slog that it went from a franchise I'd probably have picked up sequels for to one I never touched again.


Dragonsplague is where one of your pawn gets infected and when you rest at an inn or home then everyone in that town dies including NPCs that quests are dependent on to continue. So if you are in the middle of a quest line and it happens and a key NPC is killed as a result, that quest is effectively dead.
Haven't played the game, but this reads like Dragonsyphilis actually.
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Gold Member
Recently Dragon Quest 11

I was loving every minute of the game but then something happens and you are forced to play with one character

I gave it a shot but I immediately uninstalled the game. Shit is terrible.
Your loss, tbh.


Insomniac's Spiderman is a really good example. Using Spidy's powers and exploring NY is super fun for the first few hours, but after that it gets boring and I kinda had to force myself to finish things up and get the platinum. Never picked up another game from the series.

I would also pick Mafia 3. The first 2 hours are very cinematic and promising with lots of good music. After that you're dumped into a typical Ubisoft playground with tons of repetetive content. What's worse is that you need to do at least some of this shit to push the main story forward.
Helldivers 2. Loved it at first, but can't see any reason to go back after 20 hours.

In fact most modern games i kind of fall off after a dozen hours. I wish games were a lot more focused and shorter to fit my lifestyle.


Most recently it was Spider-Man 2. I loved original Spider-Man and really liked Miles Morales. The introduction segment with Sandman was great, but the farther it went the less I enjoyed it and got frustrated with overall series repetiveness, how stale and safe this sequel felt, some bizarre story choices and tacked on MJ's missions. It's definitely the most disappointing game of this generation so far, at least in my personal ranking


AC Unity, which was my last Assassin's Creed.
Tech was amazing, it looked and felt great, but content wise it was just overwhelming, but not in a positiv way. A POI plastered map, companion app, multiplayer ... It was just too much for me to enjoy.
Same for Watch Dogs.
After these two games i stopped buying / playing Ubisoft games.
I think Octopath Traveler is the epitome of this. I spent the time tracking down a physical copy and the first hours of it were amazing. The sequel went on sale around that time, so I didn't hesitate to buy it in anticipation of yet another fantastic experience.

Then as I got deeper into the game, the realization hit me. This was simply eight disjointed, mini-stories all shoehorned into one game. Some of the character even overlap each other in feel. I am just running around doing tutorials over and over.

I just checked and my save file is "only" 13 hours in, I have six characters, and have not started any of the chapter 2 quests. No wonder it felt so repetitive. I'm not sure if this is the intended way to play the game. The second part of my starting character's quest is recommended level 27, while my party is around level 16. So, I'm not sure what else I should do.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
FFXVI for sure.
I was loving it for the first 5-6 hours. To the point I'd go online and see some mixed responses to it and I wondered WTF some people were talking about because I really felt like I was playing the beginning of what would become one of my favorite entries in the series.

Eventually though you start noticing the flaws and they just keep getting worse and worse: The complete lack of challenge, the boring empty world with nothing to do or find it, the incredibly bland sidequests, the very basic progression, crafting and gear systems, the "dungeons" which are just linear corridos connecting combat arenas, the fact you never go to any cool cities outside of a few linear missions, etc.
Then once you are like 60-70% into the game even the story, which had been the one consistently good thing IMO, starts to go to shit as most of the interesting elements get left behind for yet another cookie cutter JRPG plot with all the expected tropes

Agreed. I was actually shocked on how bland this game was.

For me, XV is the greatest FF game and one of the greatest RPGs ever made, so my hype for XVI was through the roof. Unfortunately it just didn't hold up to XV and ended up as probably the worst mainline FF game I've played.
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Breath of the wild.
The first few hours were absolutely amazing, then exploration turns into a bit of a chore because there were never anything significant to discover.
Then I found the Forgotten Temple, hopping it will bring some signficance to the story and perhaps reference to past Zelda games. It's filled with Guardian so there must be some secret in it right? Right?

Nope, sorry, here have a spirit orb or something. That's it, now leave this empty space.
That kind of nails the coffin for me.

I wish the game itself was half as good as the trailer.


Neo Member
Control — this game makes a strong first impression and your gameplay powers feel great. However, they lose their luster after several hours and this game felt like it had way too many waves of enemies that grind the game to a halt. The story was intriguing but not enough to motivate me to see it through to the end. I stopped at about 10 hours.

Dead Cells — I got super addicted to this game during a family vacation, spending hours going through the loop, seeking the dopamine hit of a lucky run where I get the right combination of weapons and abilities and decimate everything in my path. I eventually got sick of repeating the same thing over and over again and it felt like I wasn’t making it any further in the game, so I gave it up. I later bought the Castlevania DLC when it came out and still need to go back and try it.


The Last of Us Part 2 - I completed the game but... at the end it felt like a slog to complete and I just wanted it to finish. Plus the story left me angry at the end.


Spiderman, i played the remastered version on PC.

90% of the excitement comes from the traversal and swinging around this great looking city. It's like the dream Spiderman game we were imagining as kids that came true. The combat is also pretty good, better than i expected with a lot of depth. But the missions and busywork are awful. The forced stealth missions with the secondary characters were even worse. Imagine playing as one of the best superheroes in fiction but now you have to play as his annoying regular person girlfriend whose only power is her overconfidence and plot armor.

The story was the most cookie cutter, safe, insufferable mainstream crap i have ever seen in a game. The whole thing felt like it was made by some AI emulating a team of suits because even the real suit people would have more humanity. Every single line of dialog crafted in a way to be as safe and predictable as possible. The delivery of the lines, the way the whole story is told... All so perfect and filtered. I was even laughing at the "saving the environment" missions as Spiderman never forgets to mention how all this work is "something something my friend was inspired by his mother something".

Anyway, the game's visuals and swinging mechanics/combat kept my interest enough to beat the game but not enough to play the DLC or (god forbid) the New Game+


Both open world Zeldas. I absolutely adore them for 20 to 30 hours but then I just drop them and never think about them again. Strangest thing.

Give me Skyward Sword and I can easily do the whole thing without ever dropping it.

Also, Alien Isolation. It goes from straight awesomeness to “not this again for 20 hours more!”
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FFXVI for sure.
The demo was the best part of the game. Never have I been so misled as to how the final product would play out as I was with this game. The graphics, set pieces, boss fights, music, writing... everything is top class as seen in the demo. However, the game part is virtually non-existent. Crafting is quite literally pointless, no exploration, no loot, the quests are dreadful, and the combat is mindless (the "jokes" about pressing a single button are true). The game is structured as repeating two hours of boredom followed by 20 minutes of the best gaming has to offer. After trudging through 30 hours, I had mercy on myself and sold the game off. I'll likely never buy a mainline Final Fantasy game again due to this.
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Persona 3 Reload. Really Impressive with the stylish UI and awesome music. The Social aspect wears thin quickly and the dungeon designs feel super old school. I had to start skipping dialog because I just feel like its filler. I'm at floor 100 currently.


it felt like an evolution of Metroid Prime but than the kinda aimless repetition kicked in.

Shadow of Colossus
I think the premise is great but while the first boss delivers the premise, I only liked one boss mechanic later on and the controls (the improved ones, in the remake, the original ones feel almost unplayable) and annoying jankiness ruins it.

Demons Souls
I still love half of the game, but hate it also so much that I have yet to properly pick up any other Souls or Boodborne or Lords etc game

The tone and twist just feels pretentious, with a world that tries hard to be serious, and slides deep into accidentally comical.

The world, much like in the GTAs, is great, but everything is just so slow. Too slow for a gamey game, but also too slow for a story driven game, maybe alright for people who like fishing games, nascar or whatever...

Since I am stubborn I finished all but the first one, I really need to dislike/hate almost everything about a game to drop it.

Last of Us PS4 remaster
I palyed it for some time, but much like Uncharted starting with 3, something feels off and it just can't keep properly my attention. The first hour or so is great, I liked the TV show very much (despite some huge holes) but I doubt I'll ever finsih it. The story drags on slowly and the gameplay does ot feel fun.
Fuck me. That’s a full list of masterpieces, dude. Jesus fucking Christ.

And I thought I was ruthless with open world Zeldas.

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Not even being sarcastic... but literally every recent Ubisoft game in the last 10 years. Also FF16, started off amazing but then because so clear that it was rinse and repeat.


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but only temporarily.

The sheer amount of side quests the game wants you to do is exhausting.
By the time I got to Cosmo Canyon, I was entirely burnt out.

Only reason I did the side stuff was because I didn't want to miss any possible new weapon, gear, materia etc.
Most of the time it was the same boring, shit rewards.

I did come back and finished the game a few months later, though.
After you get past cosmo canyon, game wasn't all that tiring.


Tetris, it used to be the norm, at least for me, nowadays I'd prefer that shitty messy beginning and gradually turn into the best thing I've ever seen in gaming and the best part is it last forever, punishing systems are necessary, if done fairly and not for grinding purposes cause that's a whole different topic in modern games.


Persona 5 royal

The novelty and great presentation is enough to keep you going in the beginning. But soon you realise the dungeons just never improve in design or complexity. Villains stay boring.


Recently Dragon Quest 11

I was loving every minute of the game but then something happens and you are forced to play with one character

I gave it a shot but I immediately uninstalled the game. Shit is terrible.
nani? can you refresh my memory? what are you on about?


Persona 5 royal

The novelty and great presentation is enough to keep you going in the beginning. But soon you realise the dungeons just never improve in design or complexity. Villains stay boring.
Agreed. I think 5 has the best music and presentation, but I found the companions better in 4, and the story better in 3. The only interesting villain IMO in 5 is the first one (horny gym teacher)


Most recently, Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. I loved the original, I loved LM3, but I could never get into Dark Moon on 3DS. I generally can't get into it when a previously full blown comfy couch game gets ground up into giblets and pressed into little bite size dog treats for handheld consumption. After LM3 on my docked Switch connected to a 55 inch Bravia, I prayed to the gods that Nintendo would see fit to remaster or remake Dark Moon for Switch, so when LM2 HD was announced I was happy as a pig in shit. My pre-order from Gamestop took a few extra days to get to me since it was USPS to my workplace, so I didn't start playing until July 3. I played it exclusively over the long holiday weekend. Over those four days, I went from "I'M FINALLY PLAYING LM2 WHOO HOO!!" to "Man, this is pretty weak compared to the other two LM games" to "OMFG JUST LET THIS GAME BE OVER ALREADY UGH." Thankfully I was able to finish it before I reached the point of either quitting it prematurely again, or asking a neighbor to do me a favor and shoot me. Somehow I had convinced myself the remaster was going to bring it into parity with LM3, kinda like TLOU1 Remaster on PS5. Talk about falling short. It doesn't even have parity with the first LM on Gamecube IMO. Fleh.


Gold Member
Assassin's Creed Odyssey. I loved saliling from island to island, taking out targets, crawling through tombs, and making progress into the story. But once you start trying to fill out your assassination checklist and discovering all the locations on an island, it starts to feel really daunting. I burned out afer 40 hours.
That reminds me of getting the Plat in AC Origins. I don't mind walking around and discovering places but in Origins you had to walk in the desert until certain mirages appeared and for some reason the one I needed for the trophy would not happen and I spent hours just walking in the desert waiting for a random thing to happen
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