Lee N said:
Yeah, same problem here in the UK. Someone suggested www.trygames.com which appears to be accessible here, maybe you could see if that works for you?
Lee N said:
. Why are you posting the words I am thinking of?Segata Sanshiro said:Not available where I'm at, but chalk me up as another that just isn't interested in renting games.
2DMention said:most of the games are PC games and I own a mac and am too lazy to fuss with bootcamp.
Most of the games I can get roms of for free and have them permently on my HDD.
:lolVALIS said:XBLA has about 70 games.
Take a guess at why I don't use Gametap.VALIS said:Oh man. I hope people from Gametap don't read this thread.People would rather pay per game than have an "all you can eat" subscription service? For the love of Xenu why? Nothing is more friendly to the consumer than an "all you can eat" deal, provided it's low priced, which this certainly is.
For instance, Homeworld 2 still costs about $40 new in stores if I remember, but here it's part of the $6.99-$9.99 monthly package. I posted a link in another thread to where you can buy Worms 2 and Worms Armegeddon online. The former was $15 and the latter $20. But here you play them for $9.99 or less a month, along with Homeworld 2 and the 840 other games. Silent Hill 3, how much you think they'd charge for that? Far Cry? Civ 3? Myst Online? Crazy Taxi? Grandia II? Deus Ex? $10 a piece minimum, I bet.
You're getting all these for under $10 a month, but you'd rather pay $10 or more for each of them? Wow. Yeah, I really can't say I understand that perspective.
MetatronM said:Take a guess at why I don't use Gametap.
Your price comparison doesn't make sense. You're comparing a MONTHLY FEE to a one time only expenditure, yet acting like the monthly fee is a one time deal.
How about this? To get any one of those games you mentioned for one year at retail costs $20. To get that game on Gametap for one year at the price you're talking about is $120. AND you don't get to keep the game when you don't feel like paying anymore, which isn't the case with just buying the thing.
Why would I pay out the ass for a service with tons of games I don't want to play, just for a couple?
reggieandTFE said:Since when is $10/month out the ass? A pack of cigarettes will put you back $7 here in Chicago.
Shamrock7r said:what if I don't smoke cigarettes?
plagiarize said:because i hated the interface
SpeedRazor said:Almost makes me wish the Phantom had come out with a similar setup so I could play all these games from the comfort of my couch on my TV.
Woo-Fu said:You can, if you really want to.
DJ Brannon said:When are they going to throw up some Neo-Geo love?
For that, I'm there!
White Man said:I started playing the new Sam & Max episodes. I'm only on the first one, but so far this is pretty great. Do they maintain this level of quality? How long is each episode, and how many are there going to be in the end?
VALIS said:For instance, Homeworld 2 still costs about $40 new in stores if I remember, but here it's part of the $6.99-$9.99 monthly package. I posted a link in another thread to where you can buy Worms 2 and Worms Armegeddon online. The former was $15 and the latter $20. But here you play them for $9.99 or less a month, along with Homeworld 2 and the 840 other games. Silent Hill 3, how much you think they'd charge for that? Far Cry? Civ 3? Myst Online? Crazy Taxi? Grandia II? Deus Ex? $10 a piece minimum, I bet.