The last console (and gen) that had games that blew my mind.

These years when games actually started to look and feel larger than life were special.
I mean, games are amazing today, but the PS360 era basically forecasted them for us.
Yeah there was something so special about that whole generation. Games felt larger than life. Ill never forget seeing gears of war for the first time. That was THE game that cemented my desire for a 360, which i ended up getting that same holiday 2006! Its easy to over look it now, But games like oblivion, gears of war and the first uncharted looked fucking amazing at the time. Like i had never seen anything that looked as great as they did before that. But even before 2006, playing those 360 demo kiosks at target and seeing call of duty 2 and project gotham racing 3 really blew me the fuck away.
ill never forget staying up late into the morning on a school day when i was in 7th grade to watch the g4 xbox 360 launch event in time square. I also associate the ps360 era with giant bomb because that was when i really got into them. They got me into so many games i would have probably passed over. They helped to expand my pallet immensely.
i did eventually buy a ps3 in late 2009, just for uncharted 2, but man so many amazing games came out for that console as well. Infamous 1 and 2, killzone 2 and 3, the motorstorm games (the first game blew my mind the way gears did when i saw it for the first time); the ratchet and clank future games, 3d dot game hero, heavy rain...too many good games to count. Across every platform. I remember getting a wii pretty much just for Mario galaxy and wii sports.
the hand held market was super strong to. During the duration of the ps360 years we had the ds, 3ds, psp, and vita! Plus high quality mobile games like infinity blade!
anyway sorry for my long tirade, i just have a lot of love for that generation, for the 360, ps3, and wii! It was a hell of a ride. Lol i still have a sealed copy of peter jacksons king kong for the xbox 360, one of the first launch games.
ps: best year of that entire generation was 2007. We had halo 3, mario galaxy, mass effect, bioshock, uncharted, call of duty 4, assassins creed, the orange box, the simpsons game. Too many good games to count.