People are so dumb..
What do you expect when the media focuses on these 3 topics 98% of the time.
I do think political extremism is one of the most important issues we face right now (coupled with climate change).
People are so dumb..
To the surprise of no one...
People are so dumb..
Blame the media. They are broadcasting and writing about these issues 24/7 and totally blow them out of proportion. I don't remember the last time I saw a memorable coverage on climate change or elderly care. That being said, I also consider political extremism a highly important topic.![]()
People are so dumb..
People are so dumb..
If we look at more than just the top three issues polled in that study, we see that the results for other causes of fear have not changed much.
Looking only at the top three might give the impression that Germans are oblivious to other issues because of terrorism, but the complete results show that this is not the case. The results for fear of the situation of elderly care, for instance, have not changed at all.
Moreover, this specific chart does not really show the question for an individual's single biggest fear. It's a poll for the most common bigger fear. There is a significant difference, since for the former the answers are mutually exclusive, while for the latter all issues are polled individually. We can't deduce from this poll that terrorism is the one issue that is most urgently on people's mind. Only that among the urgent issues it is the one that is on most people's minds.
This was not a poll for "what are your three most important issues."
The takeaway is that more people are simply more concerned about terrorism and immigration. They are more concerned about terrorism when the number of terrorist attacks in Europe is rising. They are more concerned about the negative consequences of immigration after a historically large wave of people came to the country without preparation. We don't need rocket science to see why that is the case. Calling people "dumb" for reacting that way is unwarranted.
Oh well, I only saw those top 3-stats. Thanks for showing the full poll.
Yet, I think that people are overreacting.
There were always terrorism or immigrant waves in Europe.
The way people deal with it now seems different though.
-> https://www.spd.deDer SPD-Vorsitzende und Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz wendet sich heute um 18 Uhr per Livestream mit einer Ansprache an die Wählerinnen und Wähler.
I recommend reading the entire article.
Merkel said in the debate last week that a CDU coalition with the racist AfD was out of the question. She has also insisted that right-wing extremism must be confronted not only in Germany but no matter where it happens in the world. What she cannot say in public, however, is that the history of her own party is deeply rooted in the type of politics she now condemns.
I really doubt Merkel's successor, whoever it might be, is going to rule out a right-wing alliance between CDU/CSU and the AFD just that easily, because in the near future this may very well be their only path to government apart of the never-ending great-coalitions and I fear our society will become as polarized as the people in the USA currently are when this happens.
Merkel said in the debate last week that a CDU coalition with the racist AfD was out of the question. She has also insisted that right-wing extremism must be confronted not only in Germany but ”no matter where it happens in the world." What she cannot say in public, however, is that the history of her own party is deeply rooted in the type of politics she now condemns.
That's inevitable though. Traditionally the CDU is a right-wing party with Merkel being the left-centrist anomaly, said people are supporting her but not her party. The only question is just how hard the right-turn is going to be after her term in office is over.
The CSU sounds more likely to me to join up the AfD then the CDU.
FJS will turn in his grave if that ever happens (it will not).
I really doubt Merkel's successor, whoever it might be, is going to rule out a right-wing alliance between CDU/CSU and the AFD just that easily, because in the near future this may very well be their only path to government apart of the never-ending great-coalitions and I fear our society will become as polarized as the people in the USA currently are when this happens.
FJS will turn in his grave if that ever happens (it will not).
After the Merkel era the CDU will have no other choice but to cater to their base, and that base mainly consists of conservative Christian nationalists, beside of course the small but notorious group of wealthy big capitalists who fund this party with their donations.
After the Merkel era the CDU will have no other choice but to cater to their base, and that base mainly consists of conservative Christian nationalists, beside of course the small but notorious group of wealthy big capitalists who fund this party with their donations.
LOL, ok yeah.
Seems like you're not familiar with the FSJ-doctrine...
Or they can continue to cater their new base. Which would be smarter because beeing a conservative, christian nationalist isnt sexy.
Alles Nazis außer Mutti...
Seems like you're not familiar with the FSJ-doctrine...
After the Merkel era the CDU will have no other choice but to cater to their base, and that base mainly consists of conservative Christian nationalists, beside of course the small but notorious group of wealthy big capitalists who fund this party with their donations.
Alles Nazis außer Mutti....
The party high-ups mainly consist of right-wing nuts like Jens Spahn and Peter Tauber the German equivalent to Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee.
The party high-ups mainly consist of right-wing nuts like Jens Spahn and Peter Tauber the German equivalent to Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee.
Why would they do this? Their "base" is way smaller than what they are currently catering to. Catering to Christians seems like a great plan in a country that gets less religious with every passing year.
Spahn and Tauber are idiots, but please dont get yourself worked up to much, you dont do yourself any favor. Seriously.
This is very good point.Some of you completely underestimate the popularity of Merkel and her politics amongst millennials and younger generations. In my eyes she didn't shift so much to the left but simply forward. Her politics are much more in line with global-urban views than the left/right rethoric, that still is so prevalent in political discourse in G, can give her credit. Ideology free politics, that is what conservatism is to them. In contrast to Schulz and the SPD who still live in a world of workers, Feierabendbier and Stammtischen it seems.
Well, both guys are just a taste of the things to come after Merkel.
Because they are losing their white Christian nationalist base to the AFD, they will have to correct course just like SPD still has to after Schröder, and them being the perfect example what happens when you ignore your base and the need for correction.
I really doubt Merkel's successor, whoever it might be, is going to rule out a right-wing alliance between CDU/CSU and the AFD just that easily, because in the near future this may very well be their only path to government apart of the never-ending great-coalitions and I fear our society will become as polarized as the people in the USA currently are when this happens.
Dabei war die aktuelle Panne bei der Lkw-Maut durchaus vermeidbar: Technisch sei eine Trennung von leichten und schweren Lkw nämlich durchaus machbar, heißt es beim Mautbetreiber Toll Collect. Man habe vom Bund allerdings keinen Auftrag bekommen, dass auch zu machen.
Zumindest bis jetzt - bei der Ausweitung des Mautsystems soll sich das nach dem Willen des Verkehrsministeriums ändern: "Im Zuge der Ertüchtigung des Mautsystems für die Maut auf allen Bundesstraßen Mitte 2018 ist Toll Collect vom Bund beauftragt, die Einführung von Gewichtsklassen technisch zu ermöglichen", heißt es in einer schriftlichen Stellungnahme.
https://twitter.com/spdde/status/907692618498416641.@MartinSchulz bei #Klartext: Habe Frau Merkel heute per Brief zu einem zweiten #TVDuell aufgefordert. #EsistZeit
ARD/ZDF should just announce time and place and have two seats ready. If it's only Schulz that comes there, then so be it, he'll have the show for himself.
Alice Weidel ließ Asylbewerberin schwarz für sich arbeiten
Mit harter Rhetorik gegen Flüchtlinge macht die AfD Wahlkampf. Doch ihre Spitzenkandidatin Weidel hat nach ZEIT-Recherchen illegal eine Syrerin im Haushalt beschäftigt.
http://www.zeit.de/2017/38/alice-weidel-afd-spitzenkandidatin-muslimeIhre Schweizer Wohnung ließ Weidel, die in Deutschland gegen Muslime wettert ("Ich will den öffentlichen Raum nicht zugepflastert haben von betenden Muslimen"), im Jahr 2015 von einer Studentin der Islamwissenschaften putzen, danach von einer Asylbewerberin aus Syrien. Diese war nach Recherchen der ZEIT auch dabei, als Weidel im Herbst 2016 mit ihrer Familie in eine Eigentumswohnung umzog.
Den Lohn bezahlte sie den Frauen bar auf die Hand, 25 Franken pro Stunde, was für Schweizer Verhältnisse üblich ist. Es gab weder einen Anstellungsvertrag, noch wurden die Frauen um Rechnungsstellung gebeten. Sie wurden schwarz beschäftigt.
A actually laughed out loud when reading this. This woman is a gold mine, just amazingSchulz will participate in the Wahlarena next Monday IIRC, so there's that at least.
Oh, and just like the email that surfaced recently, I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise either:
(Weidel & Bossard)
Schulz will participate in the Wahlarena next Monday IIRC, so there's that at least.
Oh, and just like the email that surfaced recently, I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise either: