ho ho ho I see what you did there.Saymund of Ayon 9
Jobbs, you wouldn't happen to have been on one of the indie gaming subreddits a while ago looking how to make high quality gifs would you?
ho ho ho I see what you did there.Saymund of Ayon 9
ho ho ho I see what you did there.
Jobbs, you wouldn't happen to have been on one of the indie gaming subreddits a while ago looking how to make high quality gifs would you?
Also Dat Metroid jump. Nailed it.
jobbs, can you elaborate at all on what the process of interlocking the different areas entails? do you just start intuitively with a piece of graph paper and map it out?
as a big metroid fan, i can't help but be curious how this process works.
and fwiw, the game looks phenomenal.
Is that dash able to dodge and/or hurt enemies?
And could you make the backgrounds layered or add more movement for more impressiveness? Something less static. Doesn't need to be 3d, just moves as you do in planes.
The game will be full of enemies, I'm sure. The game doesn't seem as packed now, is that something you plan on improving?
Thanks for the compliment. I draw the maps out by hand initially, with squares that represent a screen size. Groups of squares make up different segments of map, and I decide these based on my knowledge of how many screens tall or wide makes an area "feel" one way or another.
To start with this was a VERY crude process. basically just a big clusterfuck of notes and colors and symbols that no one would understand but me. If this thing funds I'll need to make better maps because someone else will have to understand them too.
Dash ordinarily passes through enemies/bullets, but if you do an empowered dash (certain contexts, like coming out of your float move) it will hurt them.
re. backgrounds -- They are a bit sparse in some areas in the existing flash game, this is largely due to the constraints I was working with because I was trying to make this as a flash game. what you're looking at is a flash game. the kickstarter is to remake the game in high res in a new engine (unity) and finish it off strong. it'll be the game fully realized the way it always should have been, and, to answer your question directly, we'll have detailed backgrounds out the ass.
No no no, THIS is the megaman successor.i think weve found the spiritual successor to Megaman
since Capcoms too stupid to do anything worthwhile with him
Excellent. So the dash can be combo'd into other attacks or used to enhance other moves powers? And so it's balanced enough so the game isn't too easy. Maybe having a dash gauge to limit the use or have a cooldown period. Not sure how it fits with your game as you know what you're doing here so if you can dash to your hearts content, I will leave it to you to make the game tight and not feel too forgiving with the dash.
And regarding enemies, as it stands now, it doesn't feel bad ass yet like the enemies will beat the hell out of you and in your face. You're just shooting the enemies and they die. Hopefully they have unique attacks and you figure out different techniques to beat the enemies. Boss strategies go without saying. Everyone enjoys finding unique ways to beat each boss. Like a gimmick similar to a rather unrelated game such as Black Belt. Each boss has a neat technique and different way to dismantle and beat him/her.
I rather agree about the look, but the art is still quite nice. Good luck, Jobbs.As much as I like Metroid, I wish it wasnt so blatant about it, not gonna lie
it still looks awesome. Nice job jobbs
I rather agree about the look, but the art is still quite nice. Good luck, Jobbs.
If I may make a respectful suggestion, for the main Kickstarter page, rather than using your non-game splash images with character art, I think something more like one of these would be more appealing and get people to look further:
Yeah, maybe the second image in particular in place of the one that's currently the ghost.You mean put those as the headline image for the project? (The thing that's currently the image of the ghost over the planet)
Got any high res 1080p wallpaper?
If you love Metroid, you owe it to yourself to have a Wii U version.
If I hear wind of a Wii U version, I'll back it. I'm too poor right now to back on the premise of a PC version, but even if I have to personally send you a check, I'll send you $60 if a Wii U version is incoming.
Yeah, I know, low user base... T-T
Getting a bit of a Turrican vibe as well.
im starting to feel like any game that is inspired by a game that is exclusive to a certain company...should bring that game to that companies current console.... just a random thought.
He's only asking for 15k so maybe PC is all that's feasible.
Backed for $10. I was initially skeptical when I saw the thread title, as I generally am with indie projects that reference popular works, but looking at the video and reading both the full pitch and your comments here, it looks to me like you are really are a big Metroid fan and you have a very good understanding of what makes that franchise great. The game really looks like a love letter. Given that we have no Metroid game on the horizon this could end up being a great substitute.
stretch goals - PS4 port , Do it!
I don't have much information on how to get things onto Sony platforms yet. I've heard that the licensing fees just for unity can be pretty brutal. Nintendo helps its indies out with that but I don't know about Sony. I just don't have the information yet.
Need to look it up, but wasn't it as easy as to twitter your game to Shahid to get into contact (at least for Vita?). I remember reading something like that. Maybe Toma (who runs the monthly Indie thread) knows some details.
I keep hearing the unity license will burn you in the butt.that'd be the big obstacle there.
I love Wii U, and I'd love to do this. There are costs associated with it and hoops to jump through but at the same time I've heard that there may be open doors for the right game. I can't promise it this early but it's very possible, since we'll be using Unity.
Why cant ghost song crawl??
Oh man you so gotta put this in the game somewhere as a joke.
Indeed good luck with the project. With games like these becoming more and more rare these days, folks like you are the only ones we can turn to. D:
Hmmmm.... You may be onto something there. It'd certainly be good fodder for "supra-fiction lore", which is the term I came up with for people talking about the game.
The main character encounters a pathway too low to walk through -- The only such pathway. It's off in some hidden area. You go near it, and you hear a voice "Why can't I crawl?".
This'd work as long as it stands that there really is no crawling -- As currently is the case.
That part with the ship gives me a strong Alien feel. I hope there is a great variety of monsters.