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GMR and XBN magazines are no more

The Take Out Bandit said:
<Cartman> Ha ha haha ha ha
Haha ha ha haha
Ha ha ha ha
That's what you get for making DOAX your debut issue cover story!

I'm not being totally facetious either. It's nice to see another one bite the dust.

Seriously though, if you're a talented writer who's misfortune is covering video games, perhaps now is the time to seek employment with the growing number if ill informed non-gaming publication that cover games. Skin mags like Playboy and American Curves come to mind immediately. If I'm not mistaken American Curves gave McFarlame's Prophecy a perfect score. Clearly they're in need of journalistic help. :p

TToB: 1
GMR: 0

OH YEAHHHHHH! I love it when I win.

Seriously, you are a fucking loser.

You're happy that some good folks lost their jobs and that another good publication is gone? Jesus Christ, you've said some dumb things before, but this takes the cake. Thanks for being my new definition of everything I hate about the average, dim-witted gamer.
Foobar said:
As for the editors, I'm pretty sure there's enough room to get reshuffled into 1up.com, OPM, EGM and other Ziff Davis publications. Here's hoping what few good ones they had find their way to a better, quality publication, like Play.

I'm assuming you're being sarcastic.
Scoot said:

I sense a great disturbance in the ban stick.
Scoot said:
Junior Member

--Thanks for Posting--
Scoot said:
Scoot said:
Holocaust photos photoshopped = ban?
Scoot said:
Have two weeks to think about it.
Ban, plz.
Scoot said:
Well, now that I have chimed in, let it be done.
Scoot said:
I think cross over members should be PERMABANNED for whichever site they betray.

i.e., you play for OA and post at GAF. Bye bye GAF account. Vice Versa.
PS: TJ Scoot, I'll bring two other GAF lurkers with me and we'll scrimmage you guys. You may want to consider adjusting your roster when you see what happens ;)
Scoot said:
Not for bad opinions this time, so much as for bad topic making.
I see you have a hobby!


I guess to survive as a magazine you have to cater to the casual base instead of the hardcore. Oh well.

GMR was "hardcore?" They scored games down on difficulty, to them its only fair to be hard if you're Virtua Fighter or Ninja Gaiden. :lol


Steroid Distributor
Yeah I like GMR. I thought it was stupid to separate the card from the magazine though. I don't even use the card but I didn't renew my sub to the mag cause of the separation. Just didnt seem as good of a deal.
Magazines aren't really worth anything though. I buy them all to read the same stuff I see online. It's so stupid.
You DO realize that most of GMR's editors read and contribute to these boards? And that many of the rest of us are their good friends? Laughing at someone who probably just lost their job is about the most assholeish thing imaginable.

You're happy that some good folks lost their jobs and that another good publication is gone?

I'm full well aware of that, and guess what - people have been losing jobs for the past three years. I'm in the job loss capital of America if I'm not mistaken, and the Poorest City in America. I lost my career level job two years ago. You don't need to lecture me about job loss. You should be preaching to the Anne Coulter fanboys (i.e. the important new voices in gaming journalism) and other retards that elected the S.O.B. that's laying waste to our economy and job market.

Me getting meager satisfaction in seeing another gaming rag bite the dust is small consolation in the midst of a grim America. Given our current economical situation, fast food, retail, and sweatshops via temporary employment agencies are going to be the only industries left in America if we continue on this politcal / economic downward spiral.

Am I a wee bit justified in feeling angry when I place a tech support call and have a person with a heavy Indian accent answer the call every time? Could that be a job an American could have had, or is it just coincidence that the place is staffed entirely by Indians?

Yeah, it's unfortunate; but perhaps instead of pursuing a throw away career like "game journalism" they could have pursued medicine, auto repair, or mathematics. I know I certainly regret not attaching myself to a required industry when I had the opportunity.

GMR staffers should be happy they've had their jobs this long. I'm not throwing a pity party for a select few, the entire country is fucked.

I hope some mod gives you a few days to think about what a dickhead you are.

Hey, why not pass the memo along to one of the mods via PM, I'm sure you're chummy enough with them; and since you're an industry insider stifling the voice of a mere registered user would be no hassle.

I'm not going to retract my statement due to peer pressure.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm not going to retract my statement due to peer pressure.

I was hoping you'd retract it because it was inconsiderate and rude. But you appear to have far larger issues than just those with GMR.

No need to send anyone a PM; when you flaunt your ignorance as brazenly as you do, it's hard for folks to miss.


JackFrost2012 said:
I was hoping you'd retract it because it was inconsiderate and rude. But you appear to have far larger issues than just those with GMR.

No need to send anyone a PM; when you flaunt your ignorance as brazenly as you do, it's hard for folks to miss.


For anyone who contributed, edited, designed, paginated, sold ads for or whatever for GMR -- it's a shitty, shitty day. In fact, I bet today is a pretty shitty day at Ziff Davis, period. I'm pouring a 40 oz out for GMR right now.

aoi tsuki

The Take Out Bandit said:
Yeah, it's unfortunate; but perhaps instead of pursuing a throw away career like "game journalism" they could have pursued medicine, auto repair, or mathematics. I know I certainly regret not attaching myself to a required industry when I had the opportunity.
God forbid people actually pursue something they enjoy. The last thing we need are more people stuck in jobs/careers they hate, trudging along because the money's good and/or they can't do anything else.
But you appear to have far larger issues than just those with GMR.

Wow, you're one bitter motherfucker.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.

Funny thing is I thought this was evident a long time ago.

dude, i'm too busy with self pity to feel sorry for you yet.

Who's looking for sympathy?

I'm looking for a job.

God forbid people actually pursue something they enjoy. The last thing we need are more people stuck in jobs/careers they hate, trudging along because the money's good and/or they can't do anything else.

A job you hate that pays well, is better than a job you hate that pays $6.50 an hour and has no future. Trust me on that.


GMR was good... WHEN I GOT MY ISSUE. No seriously, they had distribution issues out the wazoo, which is unfortunate since the magazine was actually good. The distribution issues were enough to convince me not to resubscribe though.


Scoot said:

For anyone who contributed, edited, designed, paginated, sold ads for or whatever for GMR -- it's a shitty, shitty day. In fact, I bet today is a pretty shitty day at Ziff Davis, period. I'm pouring a 40 oz out for GMR right now.

thanks man. and thanks for the other words of support from everyone.
The Take Out Bandit said:
I'm full well aware of that, and guess what - people have been losing jobs for the past three years. I'm in the job loss capital of America if I'm not mistaken, and the Poorest City in America. I lost my career level job two years ago. You don't need to lecture me about job loss. You should be preaching to the Anne Coulter fanboys (i.e. the important new voices in gaming journalism) and other retards that elected the S.O.B. that's laying waste to our economy and job market.

Me getting meager satisfaction in seeing another gaming rag bite the dust is small consolation in the midst of a grim America. Given our current economical situation, fast food, retail, and sweatshops via temporary employment agencies are going to be the only industries left in America if we continue on this politcal / economic downward spiral.

Am I a wee bit justified in feeling angry when I place a tech support call and have a person with a heavy Indian accent answer the call every time? Could that be a job an American could have had, or is it just coincidence that the place is staffed entirely by Indians?

Yeah, it's unfortunate; but perhaps instead of pursuing a throw away career like "game journalism" they could have pursued medicine, auto repair, or mathematics. I know I certainly regret not attaching myself to a required industry when I had the opportunity.

GMR staffers should be happy they've had their jobs this long. I'm not throwing a pity party for a select few, the entire country is fucked.

So are you some failed game journalist or what? Regardless, you're in a bad situation so the only way you can feel better is if everyone else is in the same boat?

You know, there are plenty of other posters around here to say dumb things and act like annoying assholes. But ultimately, I can sorta laugh at all of them. But you are just sad.

Well whatever it is you're trying to do, might I make a suggestion? Try not to be as racist at the next job interview, okay?
Regardless, you're in a bad situation so the only way you can feel better is if everyone else is in the same boat?

No, you're just having difficulty seperating my sentiments towards gaming rags, and my sentiments regarding the economy and our political process.

Chances are these writers are well educated, or on their way to a good education, so they'll bounce back. Find gigs elsewhere, etc. Maybe they even have actual journalist interests and can find a lucrative career covering our long running invasion of Iraq. Going from covering light guns to real guns might be a leap, but it's a possibility.

Try not to be as racist at the next job interview, okay?

Hey, suck my shriveled hate filled nub.

Racist? You would have to have your head up your ass to not know that well paying jobs are being outsourced to other countries with cheaper workforces. The example I provided was just that, an example. Do I hate the person I'm speaking with on the phone? No. Do I go around burning the Indian operated grocers? No. Do I think our nations leaders should be doing something to uplift and provide respectable, well compensating jobs for it's citizens? Yes.

I'm not talking of a hand out or free ride. I'm talking about having opportunities for citizens that put themselves through school, and a bright future. It causes me no end of stress and grief to see college educated people staffing shoe and retail stores because there's no market for their skills.

The only hatred I have towards a group of people at this moment are the bible thumping morons that bought the Neo-Con party line; hook, line, sinker. There's no longer a seperation of Church and State, and it's looking more and more that if things progress on this course, amputation of the Church may be required to remedy the fix America in.

But if it helps you sleep easier thinking I gay bash and burn down groceries, nighty night.

aoi tsuki

The Take Out Bandit said:
A job you hate that pays well, is better than a job you hate that pays $6.50 an hour and has no future. Trust me on that.
Everything else being equal, if you hate both jobs, then go for the one that pays more. That's a no-brainer. Of course, we're not taking into account what skills and experience you look to take away from either job, long term goals, etc.

What i'm saying is that money isn't everything. Millions of Americans hate getting up in the morning to go to work to put up with the same bullshit everyday, probably with little possibilty of advancement. Given the choice, and we all have that choice, why not work towards something that you actually enjoy doing?

Man, this thread took an odd turn.



"No... it was indeed not a dream. We really did it. The President has really done it. A great magazine... We ran it out of business. Yes, We were naughty. Completely naughty. So, so very sorry. But just between you and Us, it felt quite good.&#9829;"


Damn, I'm no fan of Bush and his ilk, but what does that have to do with GMR people finding out on a forum that they are going to their jobs? No one's ist trying to treat anyone else differently--job loss sucks, period. Especially in the way this is being handled.


GMR gave me money to blather about Shin Megami Tensei for like four pages.

There was also the four pages of Stand Alone Complex. Still not sure what the fuck Mielke was thinking with that one.



Jesus TToB, just go to community college. That'll get you a job for sure!

WarPig said:
GMR gave me money to blather about Shin Megami Tensei for like four pages.

There was also the four pages of Stand Alone Complex. Still not sure what the fuck Mielke was thinking with that one.


For what it's worth, I read your racing spread in the Oct issue on the crapper last night after reading this news.


Matlock said:
Jesus TToB, just go to community college. That'll get you a job for sure!

Go get a master's degree like I did. Then write for some high-school kid's fansite and Dave Halverson will hire you within the year.



Matlock said:
For what it's worth, I read your racing spread in the Oct issue on the crapper last night after reading this news.

That was almost the last thing I ever wrote for GMR. Then Mielke actually took me seriously for once when I was screeching about how print editors are lazy boils on the industry's ass. Didn't get much more work from them after that. Fun while it lasted, though.

I think that is the only thing ever written for a game magazine that has a reference to Junior Johnson in it. I'm kind of proud of that.



JackFrost2012 said:
You are a fucking goddamn asshole.

I want that on my tombstone.

Actually, I want that on my magazine card, although they wouldn't let me have "Arsehole" when I signed up.

edit: And big props to all GMR crew past and present. You were a fun mag.


I felt GMR was an awright magazine, nothing too special (i've flipped through quite a few while browsing at EB). My magazine of choice nowadays iz Play:)

One of my favorite magazines back in the day was Expert Gamer (it was like Tips & Tricks, but was more classier). I definitely DID NOT like their transition into GameNow.
exxy: I'll apologize for totally derailing the thread, but I felt the need to elaborate what with being provoked and pigeonholed by the usual susepects. Sorry to turn it into a political tirade.

Jesus TToB, just go to community college. That'll get you a job for sure!

Uh yeah. That's the ticket.

Or not. . .

I know people who have attended fairly prestigous institutions that are having difficulty finding work. I'm certain a community college degree and frenzied dedication would land me something, but here's a funny true story.

I tried it. And I can't afford it. Been denied by FAFSA and denied the Pell Grant. The best part, is this happened when I was unemployed.

Short of mugging old ladies and robbing banks, I'm not going back to school anytime soon. Unless someone can offer advice other than, "Be born into a rich family." I'm open to working angles.

Go get a master's degree like I did. Then write for some high-school kid's fansite and Dave Halverson will hire you within the year.

The best part of this thread so far is the implication I aspire to write about games outside of incoherent tangents on this message board. Although the possibility of getting close enough to Halverson to kick his teeth down his throat is almost appealing.

I'm frustrated, sure. Just not a frustrated writer.

Maybe being a racist yokel wouldn't be so horrible. Then I'd be able to sign up for the only option available to me, and a lot of men and women, at this time and go shoot me some "towel heads" with a clear redneck conscience. :/
I hate to bump a great topic that got totally destroyed by stupidity (and I do feel responsible for pointing it out, which in turned made a certain fool defend himself and make things worse). But I can't back and not point out...

The Take Out Bandit said:
Am I a wee bit justified in feeling angry when I place a tech support call and have a person with a heavy Indian accent answer the call every time? Could that be a job an American could have had, or is it just coincidence that the place is staffed entirely by Indians?

The Take Out Bandit said:
Chances are these writers are well educated, or on their way to a good education, so they'll bounce back. Find gigs elsewhere, etc. Maybe they even have actual journalist interests and can find a lucrative career covering our long running invasion of Iraq. Going from covering light guns to real guns might be a leap, but it's a possibility.

So wait a minute, at first you were all "There are no more jobs cuz Indians took them all away! ARRRR!!!!" and then you went all "Hey, if you're a good writer, you'll get another job, no worries!"

You are a gem Take Out Bandit.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
GMR will be sorely missed, that's for sure. All the haters need to be a little bit more repsectful of what's going on - a lot of people will be displaced or lose jobs. Anyone that's happy with someone losing a job, their source of income, deserves more than a ban, but a swift kick in the head.

But, yeah - good luck, GMR crew. Hopefully you all go on to better things.


Ah, hell. Sorry guys. GMR will be missed.

I mean the only copies I ever saw where the ones we got at E3, thanks to the genius idea of it only being available at US EB stores, but damn, it was one of the best euro mags the yanks ever made.

To all my #vidgames brothers who have been royally fucked by Uncle Ziff once again - you have my sympathy. Good thing you guys can actually write though. Good luck.


I enjoyed the mag immensely, which I can't say of any other in the last two years. My boss told me about us not carrying it anymore on friday night, but, according to him, ZD was simply stopping the publishing deal with us - they weren't completely dropping the magazine. Maybe some of you former GMR editors can head over to EGM and straighten it out. DO IT.


Fable vindicated!!!!!! :p (j/k)

Sad news indeed. Hell of a christmas present :(
Hope you guys involved arent affected too much by it.


Gazunta said:
I mean the only copies I ever saw where the ones we got at E3, thanks to the genius idea of it only being available at US EB stores, but damn, it was one of the best euro mags the yanks ever made.

Yeh. The cool thing about GMR, to me, was that unlike Game Informer -- which uses its cushy position as a retail-supported rag to simply be EGM, except more shite -- GMR used its cushy position as a retail-supported rag to do shit that EGM couldn't get away with. Hell, they paid me to write a page about Chou Aniki once. And I got to hagiographize Valkyrie Profile in the back, which was also nice.



WarPig said:
Yeh. The cool thing about GMR, to me, was that unlike Game Informer -- which uses its cushy position as a retail-supported rag to simply be EGM, except more shite -- GMR used its cushy position as a retail-supported rag to do shit that EGM couldn't get away with. Hell, they paid me to write a page about Chou Aniki once. And I got to hagiographize Valkyrie Profile in the back, which was also nice.


You mean EGM can't get away with putting "$250 of EB Games Coupons Inside" on every cover?
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