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GTA 5 is better than Cyberpunk 2077 (Parts I and II)


Cyberpunk is Deus Ex open world. Nothing in GTA beats that in terms of game design: the simulation in GTA is better. But don't forget Cyberpunk "2" starts from here, not from zero like this one.

GTAV had 4 mainline GTAs and Red Dead Redemption to stand on the shoulders of in terms of tech.

The simulation they can catch up, it's GTAVI that better start looking like New Vegas in terms of quest variety.
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Cyberpunk is Deus Ex open world. Nothing in GTA beats that in terms of game design: the simulation in GTA is better. But don't forget Cyberpunk "2" starts from here, not from zero like this one.

GTAV had 4 mainline GTAs and Red Dead Redemption to stand on the shoulders of in terms of tech.

The simulation they can catch up, it's GTAVI that better start looking like New Vegas in terms of quest variety.
Yeah. What a great debut for a brand new studio that totally never ever did an open world before.

Hmmm... :pie_thinking:
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I think the most embarrassing thing is that even GTA 3 on the PS2 had NPC pedestrian and drivers AI figured out, while Cyberpunk 2077 is lacking in both of those areas.

I'm enjoying Cyberpunk for what it is but damn it's hard not to constantly notice that this game needed more development time.
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If I need to explain to you why having urban city specific AI for 5 AAA titles in a row is a huge edge against building something like that from nothing, then you just wouldn't understand...
What I understand is the credit roll has 50 designers named for a 8 years development and the result is a barren world. And that a PS3 (!!!) game with 1/3 of the budget for development has better interactions. Now, you can pretend that this is due to lack of studio baggage (even though many of this features are present in Vice City, the first and true novel 3D open world from an studio), but the truth is that this is a sub par product that even aiming to the top class PC failed to deliver, outside the graphical standpoint. This is due to a severe mismanagement, not a lack of resources.
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The GTA comparison really isn't all that useful.

It really does seem like the people who were disappointed were expecting Cyberpunk to be "GTA in space city" ... but it's not. If you were expecting to be able to go on rampages and have the police react to you as well as GTA, you're gonna be disappointed. But then again, there are ZERO games out there that handle rampages as well as GTA.

And the comparisons in those videos are very narrow, only choosing to compare the things that GTA does better. They have an obvious agenda.

There are many things that CP2077 does better than GTA.

- Story
- Characters
- Mission quality and choice
- Ability to have conversations where you can make choices
- Character progression and upgrades
- Guns and weapons
- Night City is also far more detailed than any city Rockstar has ever created.
- GTA doesn't allow you to hack into systems, cameras or other NPCs

Some comparisons to GTA are fair but then why not mention and compare any of the areas where Cyperpunk is superior?

I think it's also fair to mention that we will definitely see single player DLC/Expansions for Cyperpunk, whereas we FUCKING NEVER got any for GTA V. They created all of Los Santos, could have told a million stories in that world, but instead said fuck it and sold shark cards online for the next SEVEN YEARS and we are still YEARS away from a GTA 6. I can't believe they couldn't be bothered to give us EVEN ONE single player expansion.
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It seems like many people forgot the gameplay demo where they claim this will be the most believable, immerssive open world city ever with 1000s of NPCs doing their daily routines in full day/night cycle. Now suddenly it's not comparable to GTA because Cyberpunk was never supposed to be immerssive open world and even blaming players for overhyping it to something it's not?

If you make such loud claims then better be prepared to be compared against the best, most immerssive open world cities. And the truth is that CP open world is on the level of Farming Simulator when it comes to things like traffic, NPCs.
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Gold Member
It seems like many people forgot the gameplay demo where they claim this will be the most believable, immerssive open world city ever with 1000s of NPCs doing their daily routines in full day/night cycle. Now suddenly it's not comparable to GTA because Cyberpunk was never supposed to be immerssive open world and even blaming players for overhyping it to something it's not?

Exactly. People keeping saying it's not about X or Y, when X and Y got trailers revolving around those topics/features and were talked up in the Night City Wires. Then you people saying they've never done a world like this, which brings it back to them hyping those aspects up and even having 20 years of examples to work from and get ideas.
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It seems like many people forgot the gameplay demo where they claim this will be the most believable, immerssive open world city ever with 1000s of NPCs doing their daily routines in full day/night cycle. Now suddenly it's not comparable to GTA because Cyberpunk was never supposed to be immerssive open world and even blaming players for overhyping it to something it's not?

Just because it's rampages aren't as good as GTA doesn't mean it's not a believable or immersive world. I think Night City is far more atmospheric and immersive than anything in GTA V.

And as for NPC's doing daily routines, I haven't actually followed an NPC for a day. Have you? Are you saying they don't have routines?


Just because it's rampages aren't as good as GTA doesn't mean it's not a believable or immersive world. I think Night City is far more atmospheric and immersive than anything in GTA V.

And as for NPC's doing daily routines, I haven't actually followed an NPC for a day. Have you? Are you saying they don't have routines?
You are talkin about aesthetic preferences. If you simply prefer Cyberpunk universe in comparison to seemingly "boring" LA recreation then that's fine. These are subjective preferences. Some could easily prefer Paris in Assassins Creed: Unity and I wouldn't blame them because it's legit beatiful even today.

Watch this...

Then roam around the Night City. It's pathetic in comparison to Unity's Paris.
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You are talkin about aesthetic preferences. If you simply prefer Cyberpunk universe in comparison to seemingly "boring" LA recreation then that's fine. These are subjective preferences.

Yeah. It's a preference, and for me Night City is FAR more interesting than Los Santos. Night City also has a lot more lore and history, as well as the gangs and corps. It's just a more vibrant and interesting world to explore IMO.

I get it, if the first thing you do in Cyberpunk is try to jack a car, run over some pedestrians, get the attention of some cops, kill a few cops and try to survive what happens next, you're gonna have way more fun with GTA V.

But there's SOOOOO much more to Cyberpunk than just that. And if you want to make comparisons that's fine but I don't find it to be as one sided as some people ITT are trying to make it out to be.

There are many categories of comparison where GTA loses badly to Cyberpunk.
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Los Santos in V is one of the most shallow cities Rockstar has created. You can't even enter a Burger Shot or Cluckin Bell which was something you could do in IV and San Andreas. There is is also very little side missions while the map in Cyberpunk is littered with side stuff. The traffic and NPC AI is better in V but that is about it.


Hot damn, at this point, WD Legion has better NPC interactions, it's got cars, guns, hackable cameras and whatnots... Awesome job, Ubisoft 😂
If you're creating an open world set in a city with pedestrians, vehicles, and police, GTA V is the bare minimum you should be aiming for.
I'm sure you can break the AI in GTA V if you want to. But I don't recall ever being bothered by it. The simulation is good enough.

If your simulation falls apart as soon as I get full control of my character then it's not a good simulation. Doesn't matter how masterfully crafted everything else is.


Neo Member
(SeriesX)Having beat AC:Valhalla and WD:Legion recently, I’m enjoying Cyberpunk much more. While the Ubisoft games were stunning it was a lot of rinse and repeat with the occasional surprise. I value surprise and novelty in these open world games. For example I just completed a mission chain where you must retrieve rogue A.I cabs that have diverge from their primary A.I. One was attempting to commit suicide by driving off a cliff, another became a bandit leader. Shit like this separates it from GTA IMO. Now if GTA added RPG mechanics and a novel setting I think it would blow Cyberpunk out of the water.
If you're creating an open world set in a city with pedestrians, vehicles, and police, GTA V is the bare minimum you should be aiming for.

Really? GTAV is the "bare minimum" you should be aiming for? When there are literally ZERO games that do police AI/rampages as well?

Please list the games that have surpassed ( or even equaled GTA V ) in this area.
Really? GTAV is the "bare minimum" you should be aiming for? When there are literally ZERO games that do police AI/rampages as well?

Please list the games that have surpassed ( or even equaled GTA V ) in this area.
You don't need to surpass it. But at least try to mimic it. Ubisoft does it. Anything is better than nothing.


Neo Member
The game is a little buggy, but it's far from unplayable. As someone with a love for old school PC RPGs, bugs were a part of the charm. These are minor and will certainly be fixed in a few months of updates.



Ew no. Why would you want that?

Do you think that if it had a TPS camera youd be welcomed with a smooth animation to the likes of Uncharted?

Fuck no, you'll get stiff animation like the ones youd find in Fallout.

It would ruin your immersion to the world they built that is exemplified in their story cut scenes.

To me, a third person camera in vein of the latest Deus Ex games would be great in which the camera only turns third person during wall covering.

Anything more and you'll just have the typical stiff-like third person animations in a FPS RPG.
I didn't say it should have had a third person mode for this person person game. I'm saying it should have a been a third person game period.

All that deep customization is pretty pointless.

but since the game was made with FP in mind from the start obviously a third person mdoe would look like ass.

it being first person was my biggest disappointment when it was announced and it still is. pretty much killed my interest in the game.



As much as I enjoy the side quest in that game, the brain dead dumbass NPCs hurt the game greatly. They just stare at you. I legit walked in their home and was stealing what ever I wanted and they kept smiling and repeating the same fucking lines over and over. It breaks the shit out of the immersion and I literally laughed as I was playing.

Imagine thinking in a game humans should not behave as humans. Even the most basic shit is not done in that game. They failed to meet literally 2002 level AI.

So you would prefer it if you couldnt steal from NPC's, they would call the knights on you? You would have to escape from them or pay off a bounty?

I know I wouldnt
I didn't say it should have had a third person mode for this person person game. I'm saying it should have a been a third person game period.

All that deep customization is pretty pointless.

but since the game was made with FP in mind from the start obviously a third person mdoe would look like ass.

it being first person was my biggest disappointment when it was announced and it still is. pretty much killed my interest in the game.

This is one of my gripes as well, not that I think there's anything wrong with FPS, but if GTA can pull off different perspectives, I don't see why they shouldn't allow it here, let the player choose. But hey they give us CAC instead, which is another gripe of mine. I hate CAC because character development sucks compared to default, just looks at what they did with Geralt, or what GTA did with characters like Trevor, you just can't do that with CAC.
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It's not just GTA 5:

it kinda saddens me to see that open world games that are mostly open fields and have just some small cities and towns do so much better then cyberpunk that has such a beautifull dense city in first person with crazy attention to detail


The main thing is that Cyberpunk 2077 appears to be a pretty standard RPG. Not quite the innovative next generation leap some were expecting. There’s nothing much about it that feels any more innovative than gta 5. Maybe that’s why people are comparing the two. And maybe finding gta the better game.
Yep gameplay is nothong special at all, the setting is however.

Cyberpunk did bring next gen innovation in game refunds though


Honestly, the main difference is GTA 5 has an arguably worse story but is a more complete, ambitious and polished production. I think it wasn't even particularly buggy at launch.

Cyberpunk 2077 has a better story yet it's almost like they released it 80% complete and unpolished. CDPR figured they could pretend otherwise while hoping to stich the whole thing together with patches.

Apparently they also had to cut a bunch of stuff from The Witcher 3 in order to release that on time, but since it was literally the third game in a series they had more of a solid structure in place.
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Have to agree, resoundingly, GTAV is better than Cyberpunk in terms of open world. (and game)

And RDR2 rules them all.

Cpunk is 2011 NPC / world AI, a fantastic game though, I do like it ... but CDPR ain't Rockstar.
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OK. I will check on that the next time I play. Are you talking console or PC?

Bruh. I love the game. Finished it with all sidequests. But hes speaking truth.

Characters respawn right behind you, cars change models every time you turn the camera around, it's all there.

Theres no defending it's open world, but I'd die on any hill if someone argued that the entire game is trash when its story, and damn amazing quests, is definitely GOTY material.


Can’t Git Gud
Any RPG worth it's salt in the last 3 decades. Not these fake "RPGs" that people have become accustomed to since they dumbed the systems (and freedom) down to make them more palatable for console gamers. It's easier to list cRPG's that don't allow you to go around murdering everyone (including key characters) than those that do. Good RPGs let you live out the consequences of your actions, and if that means you've killed NPC's key to your quests (mainline or otherwise) then so be it.

I've elaborated further on watch dogs above. I 100% would not rather play that game but it does the "open world" thing far better than this game does and its a bloody ubisoft game.
True. Is souls rpg? Can kill everyone there


Can’t Git Gud

Gta 4 is still the best city and physics in urban open world game. 360 version is still the best. Pc version sucks ass even modded and music is removed on xbox one bc :(.
Ok the PC version is fine if you can the fps and miss the music. I just have nostalgia for 360 version. The color grading is different too
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Gta 4 is still the best city and physics in urban open world game. 360 version is still the best. Pc version sucks ass even modded and music is removed on xbox one bc :(.
Ok the PC version is fine if you can the fps and miss the music. I just have nostalgia for 360 version. The color grading is different too
That game got a lot of unfair hate. It's the best version of New York ever in a videogame.


GTA5 is better. No surprises.

Cyberpunk trying to be too many things. Open world sandbox, First person shooter, RPG. Maybe this why the game is not complete and optimized for all platforms.

wrong. cyberpunk is not trying to be open world sandbox. the same way AC HZD GoT and spiderman are not trying to be open world sandbox. you can compare it though. unfair but people can do whatever they want.
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I like Cyberpunk more. GTA5 has more polish overall but I remember it at launch. I did not buy it for multiplayer, but it was broken at launch and it took a long time before that got fixed. I felt GTA was too short and needed a few more heists and more side content. Like Cyberpunk, the PC version is the best version.
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