Borys said:Every single one of the movie execs would fucking kill for that kind of FREE promotion.
In the harsh business world this is like a dream come true.
Its not like TDK wasn't going to be huge regardless.
Borys said:Every single one of the movie execs would fucking kill for that kind of FREE promotion.
In the harsh business world this is like a dream come true.
Two things.SolidSnakex said:
that picture is hilarious.SolidSnakex said:
pxleyes said:Two things.
1) It is interesting that Jack says "I warned him"
2) What a fucking douche bag to shove that photo at Jack to sign.
Fuck this. How fucking tasteless can you get?livingdeadgirl said:Taken from
The "Reverend" Fred Phelps's Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to protest at the funeral of Heath Ledger.
The "God Hates Fags" hatemongers will picket the decease Aussie actor's funeral because he is a pervert who promoted homosexuality by appearing as a gay man in Brokeback Mountain.
We wish we could laugh at this stupidity, but it just makes us angry!
Heath may not have been perfect, but he doesn't deserve this.
quadriplegicjon said:3) what the hell is that thing on the top left side of the photo.
Let's ask RSTEIN, he seems to know everything.Flo_Evans said:lets see history of cocaine abuse, coke found in apartment, acting all coked out in interviews... big stretch here but yeah I am going to have to say cocaine was somehow related :lol
Probably about drugs I'm guessing. I doubt he would "warn" him about playing the Joker and then bring it up regarding his death.. that's kinda stupid.demon said:that picture is hilarious.
I wonder what he meant by "I warned him".
quadriplegicjon said:3) what the hell is that thing on the top left side of the photo.
Someone's about to get a golf club to his face.SolidSnakex said:
Pneumonia Ruled Out
Yet Michael Baden, a prominent forensic pathologist not involved with the investigation, tells PEOPLE that if the pneumonia had been the cause of the actor's death, that would have been evident in Wednesday's initial results, given that it is "readily identifiable at the time of autopsy, because the lungs, instead of being filled with air, are filled with fluid, and we die from pneumonia because we can't breathe."
He notes: "I would assume under the circumstances that if he'd die of pneumonia that would be clearly stated, because of concerns from the family."
As for the meaning of "inconclusive," Baden said, "My interpretation means they didn't find a proper cause of death. That kind of rules out the natural causes, such as a brain hemorrhage, pneumonia or a cardiac abnormality that is common in that age group. That leaves drug overdose as the most likely cause of death."
quadriplegicjon said:3) what the hell is that thing on the top left side of the photo.
Aristotlekh said:But seriously, what a dumb fucking douchebag to try to get him to sign that Joker photo.
SolidSnakex said:
Flo_Evans said:Didn't he also just get out of rehab for heroin 4 months ago?
Dark Octave said:What the hell are those...THINGS behind Nicholson?? What kind of grotesque experaments are they conducting in London?? :lol
polyh3dron said:Fuck this. How fucking tasteless can you get?
polyh3dron said:Let's ask RSTEIN, he seems to know everything.
Mifune said:No. Stop getting your news from
Last year, Ledger checked himself into an Australian drug rehabilitation facility to learn how to inject himself with heroin for his role as an addict in the film Candy.
demon said:You're referring to the religious fucknuts, right?
What the Fuck happened to Dave Foley????SolidSnakex said:
SolidSnakex said:
quadriplegicjon said:i hope none of you are ever jurors.
Tamanon said:Yes because people act the exact same way on an internet message board as opposed to on a jury.
quadriplegicjon said:i have been a juror on several cases, and yes. ive met many people that act like these forumites.. its goddam frustrating. tons of idiots out there.
TMZ has confirmed two of the medications found at Heath Ledger's apartment were Xanax and Valium, both anti-anxiety drugs. Cops also found Ambien, along with several medications prescribed in Europe.
livingdeadgirl said:Taken from
The "Reverend" Fred Phelps's Westboro Baptist Church announced plans to protest at the funeral of Heath Ledger.
The "God Hates Fags" hatemongers will picket the decease Aussie actor's funeral because he is a pervert who promoted homosexuality by appearing as a gay man in Brokeback Mountain.
We wish we could laugh at this stupidity, but it just makes us angry!
Heath may not have been perfect, but he doesn't deserve this.
westical said:Given the funeral will be in Australia, if they bother coming all the way over here to protest, they probably won't leave the country alive...
quadriplegicjon said:3) what the hell is that thing on the top left side of the photo.
ImperialConquest said:Is it really necessary for you drag Jesus' name into this?
I dont' see the Pope specifically issuing a public statement against Phelps, nor do I see any other prominent Christian leaders condemning his actions. this means all Christianity tacitly supports Phelps. (Hey, if it works for Muslims...)ImperialConquest said:No, I'm reffering to the person who just felt he had to insult christians.
Why not simply insult the minister?
Don't lump all christians with this *sshole who's going to protest.
Freshmaker said:I dont' see the Pope specifically issuing a public statement against Phelps, nor do I see any other prominent Christian leaders condemning his actions. this means all Christianity tacitly supports Phelps. (Hey, if it works for Muslims...)
SolidSnakex said:
almost as if it was a joke referring to the fact that ledger played the joker, "his role"...J2 Cool said:Here's the actual video. Jack said it more like some lighthearted joke for whatever reason, smiling after he said it and putting the cigarette in his mouth.. wtf.
Iamthegamer said:That's really weird how he said that. Kind of sinister, really.
Freshmaker said:I dont' see the Pope specifically issuing a public statement against Phelps, nor do I see any other prominent Christian leaders condemning his actions. this means all Christianity tacitly supports Phelps. (Hey, if it works for Muslims...)
Man, you guys have no fucking idea what subtlety is. Here's some advice: if you see something like this in the future, do one of three things:kinggroin said:Why do we need Christian leaders or the fucking pope to condemn this looney and his actions? I'm sure there are plenty of christians and catholics and Jedis in this thread alone that have voiced an opinion that differs greatly from the westboro lunatics.
I myself believe in Jesus Christ (not sure if I subscribe to christianity though), and feel that people like Phelps are a cancer in humanity. If there was something I could personally do to shut the man up, point me in that direction.
So please, with all respect, fuck off with the generalizations and assumptions (doesn't make you much better of a person).
Let me help you out here.I dont' see the Pope specifically issuing a public statement against Phelps, nor do I see any other prominent Christian leaders condemning his actions. this means all Christianity tacitly supports Phelps. (Hey, if it works for Muslims...)
(Hey, if it works for Muslims...)
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:
OpinionatedCyborg said:Man, you guys have no fucking idea what subtlety is. Here's some advice: if you see something like this in the future, do one of three things:
1. Assume the person is serious and ignore him.
2. Assume the person is probably joking and ignore him.
3. Realize the person has his tongue firmly planted in his cheek and either appreciate the humour to yourself or find the attempt at humour unfunny and ignore the post.
Let me help you out here.