MagicJackBauer said:WTF, Michelle Tanner better not have killed the Joker!
gutshot said:I don't know much about legal stuff, but couldn't it just be that she gave him some illegal drugs and that was what killed him? And she is worried she will be charged with some crime for possession/dealing if she confesses to giving him the drugs?
gutshot said:I don't know much about legal stuff, but couldn't it just be that she gave him some illegal drugs and that was what killed him? And she is worried she will be charged with some crime for possession/dealing if she confesses to giving him the drugs?
PhoenixDark said:After watching TDK I'm convinced Ledger is actually alive. I really don't buy any of this stuff
gutshot said:I don't know much about legal stuff, but couldn't it just be that she gave him some illegal drugs and that was what killed him? And she is worried she will be charged with some crime for possession/dealing if she confesses to giving him the drugs?
Enk said:Me and Brandon Lee were just chatting about that today. We think it's all just one big conspiracy.
Cause you were there, right!TheWolf said:you people would actually blame Olsen? she wasn't shoving the pills down his throat, and she didn't make him mix medications.
:lol :lol :lolJCtheMC said:I'm blaming Danny Tanner for his poor parenting skills.
Enk said:Me and Brandon Lee were just chatting about that today. We think it's all just one big publicity stunt.
TheWolf said:you people would actually blame Olsen? she wasn't shoving the pills down his throat, and she didn't make him mix medications.
BlueTsunami said:She should still be held accountable. Giving out drugs like Vicotin and Oxycotin like its candy is just fucked up. Heath was retarded for taking down those and his already prescribed medication but still.
TheWolf said:you could say the same shit about any drug. now all of a sudden GAF wants to take a stand because the fucking Joker is dead.
TheWolf said:you could say the same shit about any drug. now all of a sudden GAF wants to take a stand because the fucking Joker is dead.
RubxQub said:...seems just a tad sketchy, no?
TheWolf said:you people would actually blame Olsen? she wasn't shoving the pills down his throat, and she didn't make him mix medications.
BlueTsunami said:She should still be held accountable. Giving out drugs like Vicotin and Oxycotin like its candy is just fucked up. Heath was retarded for taking down those and his already prescribed medication but still.
I'm not talking Manslaughter but fuck this "Celebrity status" immunity shit.
mac said:What the fuck? He was a big boy. It's not like she was a pusher who wanted to keep him addicted.
BlueTsunami said:She has no right giving out prescribed drugs. Like I stated I'm not talking about hitting her with Manslaughter, a lesser charge surely but something. But make it known that shit like this shouldn't happen.
I mean, its not like she just gave him weed. Also, the fact that she wants immunity is just cowardice. If this shit really wasn't a big deal then she would just out and state what actually happened but she obviously knows she fucked up (if we're to assume she did supply him with said drugs).
Onix said:BlueTsunami
My god. Assuming this is what happened (which it very well may not be), its not like he was Heroin Bob in SLC Punk. He's been doing drugs for years.
My guess, either he was simply partying at her place and what he took mixed with the other stuff he was taking, or maybe the 'worst' happened, and he bummed something from her and that was what led to the fatal combination. Assuming the latter, I'd bet his request wasn't unusual for their normal partying at all, but unfortunately for all involved ... it mixed with something in his system and killed him.
I actually feel sorry for her, especially if its the latter. Just imagine your having a party at your place, and one of your buds bums a lortab. Its an amount you've seen him take hundreds of times, and he doesn't appear very fucked up, so you're not concerned he shouldn't be doing it at this point. Unfortuntaly, he was on some other medication (likely not even to get fucked up, but for medical reasons) ... and neither of you had any idea it would be a lethal mix.
Crap, I can't imagine the guilt I would feel. Imagine waking up and finding him dead.
Enk said:Me and Brandon Lee were just chatting about that today. We think it's all just one big conspiracy.
nobody was held "accountable". The first blank casing didn't eject properly causing the second blank to fire it like a bullet. the person who fired the gun was the stunt coordinator if I recall.eso76 said:who was held responsible for his death anyway ?
this is 100% false under US law. please try again.jtardiou said:If I buy drugs from someone and I overdose--I'm sorry but the dealer is not accountable? Heath did everything he did out of his own volition..
HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF, THE LITTLE SLUT MADE HIM TAKE THE PILLSJustin Bailey said:I still can't believe they called the Olson girl BEFORE calling 911. What the fuck?
The Wispy Scoundrel said:I remember a few hours before his death, my friend was telling me that an actress he knew worked alongside Heath as an extra, and apparently he was a complete coke addict and really unstable for the whole shoot.
Blackace said:but it is like that with most drugs in the US... If I give a gal a bunch mushrooms and she dies it is my fault, unless I am rich.
jtardiou said:If I buy drugs from someone and I overdose--I'm sorry but the dealer is not accountable? Heath did everything he did out of his own volition..
MagicJackBauer said:WTF, Michelle Tanner better not have killed the Joker!
no, the law (as in criminal) works directly. If you give someone drugs (aka administer or even sell) and that person dies as a direct result from taking those drugs (aka ODs, not drives off the road) then you are liable. Your alcohol references would only be valid if you kept serving the person alcohol and he died right there on the spot from alcohol poisoning. That is how the criminal portion of it works.lennedsay said:Does anyone know if there are actual laws on this ruling either way regarding drug dealers? I work in a bar, and if I serve someone, they leave, kill themselves/other people, then I'm accountable. If they kill someone else on the road, the victim's family can sue me or the restaurant before the drunk fucker. I can serve someone 1 drink, unaware that they've been out drinking all day, and I'm still accountable. And a lot of times, people will come in drunk, and I'll tell them they can have 1 drink, then pour it outrageously weak or make it all soda, but I would have no way to prove in court that their drink was only made to look alcoholic, and not actually alcoholic.
BlueTsunami said:She should still be held accountable. Giving out drugs like Vicotin and Oxycotin like its candy is just fucked up. Heath was retarded for taking down those and his already prescribed medication but still.
I'm not talking Manslaughter but fuck this "Celebrity status" immunity shit.
At some point during the calls, Olsen, who was in California at the time, summoned her personal security guards to the apartment to help.