Was behind and finally caught up. My Cullen-Fong OTP survives, yay

I was sad when Fong left, I wanted at least one happy ending/couple, but I'm glad she at least didn't die. And I won't lie, I enjoyed Terminator Cullen (and him just headshotting Chang instantly just like that) a lot more than is probably healthy. *_*
Durant's speech at the trial was pretty good, though the guy
is a rip-off asshole too so he shouldn't get away with it, even if he made some good points. He seemed pretty miserable in the flashforward though, IIRC, so I guess he's sort of paid for his crimes in a way?
Fucking Custer haha, I like to fantasize that he died at the battle of the Littlebig Horn because Bohannon refused to join him.
Anyway, a decent finale and send-off to a cool western. After some horribly disappointing finales (Penny Dreadful anyone?), one that doesn't suck is appreciated.

It was time the series ended, but I'll still miss it. Goodbye Hell on Wheels, it's been fun.
I think I've seen more of Bohannan's naked back than an actual train this season.