Lionel Richie
Damn, I'm gonna move to Japan. 6'1 decent looking white guy gonna slay all that japanese minge.
Damn, I'm gonna move to Japan. 6'1 decent looking white guy gonna slay all that japanese minge.
No you are right.So because he comes out with an actual statement that isn't meant to actually pick a side? He stated a fact. Trump is building a wall. Some would argue the factual nature of that, let's just say he's trying really hard. Brexit same thing. He stated a fact without giving a real opinion about anything. He didn't say Trump is wrong for building the wall.
anyone who rejects individualism and borders is basically my enemy
people basically say that to anybody over like 22Kojima is Gen X but old enough that people are just giving him the Ok Boomer.
Yeah I know. That’s why I thought it was funny. He wants to be woke, but he’s not woke enough to not be a boomer.people basically say that to anybody over like 22
ok boomerYeah I know. That’s why I thought it was funny. He wants to be woke, but he’s not woke enough to not be a boomer.
Don't be a hater, deliver those packages and #MakeAmericaWholeAgain.
Everything runs on Switch, you just have to adjust the blur filter.Also lmao @ thinking this would even run on switch.
we're gonna build a huge mechagodzilla its gonna be great.I woke up to a dream this morning that Donald Trump was on the phone to Shinzo Abe telling him how much he liked Godzilla.
Gotta blame this thread.
Bingo. This is what my argument stems from. He criticizes the West but his own country is exceptionally insular.Kojima never uttered a word about Abe Shinzo or the 40+ years of LDP policy that made Japan an extremely hostile country for prospective immigrants, but he sure feels competent enough to comment on the minutiae of Western politics.
I tend to agree with this. I think he understands more about American politics than most Japanese people, but I also think this was just Kojima trying to appear more clever than he is. He likes to run his mouth, even when he should be focusing everything on making a game and in this case ended up looking ignorant because he threw rocks from his glass house.No you are right.
Yes he didnt pick sides .
But you can see how ones getting attacked for an innocent statement and i dont think he should do this kinda stuff .
We saw over the years how peoples carriers got destroyed for the smallest things.
We lived through meetoo gamergate etc.
A man in his possition who is worshipped by millions and for the right reason should never make a political statement cuz it will just divide his followers.
Cancel culture is real. Shitty reviews for political reasons are real.
Who knows when this will come back to him to hunt him in the future. Maybe his next game will be judged based on his statements and not his work.
Bottom line i dont want the game industry to follow hollywood. We dont want developers to please the sjw sector and make lesser games with no controversial content just to get the metascores that pays their wages.
Just look at cyberpunk. And its not even out yet.
That’s likely because there aren’t very many of them. Japan only has a couple hundred thousand immigrants out of a population of 127 million or so — less than 2%; and that’s considered a major improvement in recent years from what it was. Gaijin is short for the more formal and far less derisive Gaikokujin, which is what the government and media use to reference foreigners. Gaijin might be attractive to some in Japan in the same way they view American pop culture in some other respects, but most agree the term is neutral at best and often negative.Gaijins are treated way better than immigrants are in the states I'll tell you that for sure. I've been to Japan a few times, my brother lives there. Gaijin hunters exist and it's not as bad as it sounds. Some people want to befriend Gaijins because of social status, or to learn English. However this can be taken to the extreme where people will date you in Japan only for those purposes.
Also, come on, "wrong side this time"? Really Johnny?
Heh, he waited until after the reviews were out to say it. IQ 200?No you are right.
Yes he didnt pick sides .
But you can see how ones getting attacked for an innocent statement and i dont think he should do this kinda stuff .
We saw over the years how peoples carriers got destroyed for the smallest things.
We lived through meetoo gamergate etc.
A man in his possition who is worshipped by millions and for the right reason should never make a political statement cuz it will just divide his followers.
Cancel culture is real. Shitty reviews for political reasons are real.
Who knows when this will come back to him to hunt him in the future. Maybe his next game will be judged based on his statements and not his work.
Bottom line i dont want the game industry to follow hollywood. We dont want developers to please the sjw sector and make lesser games with no controversial content just to get the metascores that pays their wages.
Just look at cyberpunk. And its not even out yet.
He's not finger wagging though!That’s likely because there aren’t very many of them. Japan only has a couple hundred thousand immigrants out of a population of 127 million or so — less than 2%; and that’s considered a major improvement in recent years from what it was. Gaijin is short for the more formal and far less derisive Gaikokujin, which is what the government and media use to reference foreigners. Gaijin might be attractive to some in Japan in the same way they view American pop culture in some other respects, but most agree the term is neutral at best and often negative.
And yes, a dude finger wagging other countries for building walls or being exclusionary is on the wrong side when his own country engages in quite similar behavior that he conveniently forgets to mention. If he had referenced Japan in his statement I’d have taken less of an issue with it.
have you gone near a military base? There's a fence. Yes they could have free open terrain, but the fence with cameras is quite effective.A fence? Even worse. What is that suppose to do?
Two things, we now have welfare, the ER, etc Also the minimum wage was meant to be a living wage from the start, all this low skill labor has depressed wages. In many cases illegal migrants are probably paid even below the minimum wage. It's like someone that wants to sell themselves into slavery, allowing such exploitation is not good.I don't see how that's any different now.
Is not that they can be processed, is that they need to know english, they need to know some of our history, and ideally they should also have some level of education to provide for high skill labor.Regarding "illegal immigration", I would ask you this. Is it ILLEGAL immigration that is the issue, or immigration in general? What if we were to ramp up our resources at entry points so that more immigrants could be processed, and in the end the total number of immigrants coming in legally was roughly on par with those currently coming in legally + illegally. Would you be OK with that? (I ask that generally of those who argue against illegal immigration)
ThisLearning basic English is a requirement to become a citizen. It's right there on the website.
I'm not a hater, but I've didn't need Kojima-san to make me a walking simulator: Postman Pat on my beloved ZX Spectrum did that years and years ago... Thanks![]()
Heh, he waited until after the reviews were out to say it. IQ 200?
I agree politics should stay out of games, I don't know that his statement was inherently political. Partisanship tends to be the pre-requisite for a political comment. At least in pretty much all previous instances this has been the case. I don't think Kojima is partisan at all. He says people are building walls and only thinking about themselves. This is a fact. Those who are angry about this comment should maybe look inward as to why they feel that way.
He's not finger wagging though!
He's just stating facts. Trump is building a wall and in that he is only thinking of the US on a global scale. This is not him condemning this, he just stating what is true. With Brexit, Britain is trying to leave the EU, trying to separate themselves. Im not nearly as knowledgeable about Brexit so I hesitate to comment on it further but the closing off of connection is simply true. The game is meant to help people think about connection in general, it's not saying whether we should or we shouldn't do it.
Here in Poland a lot of Ukrainians seek work and they are usually nice, assimilating people who work hard. I have absolutely nothing against them and they are just like polish people but in the early 90s economy(so ruined by east and their own corrupted goverment) .
The small problem arises when there are 1 million people from foreign country, working twice as much for less money. It creates a problem for local economy and typical company will prefer to hire foreigners than local people who will want to earn more obviously. But it is still not too bad and all is good still unlike like what we hear happens in Germany. My friends who live there say that some of islamic immigrants do not want to assimilate at all and force their horrible ways of living upon everyone else and well... rape everyone.
There are both sides of a coin and it's a broad topic which is too easy to generalize and go by rumors.
That said -Kojima bases his feelings more on overall cruelty of the world and huge rise of lonely people in Japan.
HE used it as a great example how it separates the people. He is not talking about his politics in the end but the emotion that came with Trump. You do not have this with ABE. The Country is not splitt and separated in Japan because of ABE.Bingo. This is what my argument stems from. He criticizes the West but his own country is exceptionally insular.
Kojima really put them in shamblesThe salt in here is amazing
The "inspiration" for the theme of the game was painfully obvious for months now.
How dare he touch immigration issues while Japanese folk sitting on a comfy bubble rejecting %99.999 legal residency/Citizenships.
My boi(homie) married a hot lovely Japanese lady..immigration services don't give a flying @#$% he still a stranger and barely has any paper work to advance eventually path to citizenship..they coming back to live state side anyways.
Bingo! Im black and i got similar treatment. The sushi chef at a restaurant gave me a free meal because they thought i was famous. No jokeFuck man isnt gaijin hunter some chick who wants to fuck big white cock lol?
I was in japan i was treated with such a huge respect i felt bad about it.
And yes many many times girls randomly came to me to take some pics and took off. Was hoping for some pussy as i cant even describe you how gorgeous japanese women are but oh well.
Maybe some of them are still flicking the bean to my pic. At least i like to think![]()
First of all, this is in the past. Currently Japan is very open to foreigners coming to work in the labor industry. Part of this is because of the birthrate is low and the aging population needs able bodies. Regardless the current sentiment in Japan is much different than what youre describing here.Bingo. This is what my argument stems from. He criticizes the West but his own country is exceptionally insular.
Awesome.Bingo! Im black and i got similar treatment. The sushi chef at a restaurant gave me a free meal because they thought i was famous. No joke
I dont know how this guy does it but i always 100 percent agree with him.Gotta love Lucas
But i bet you didnt bone either haha.
Yes that country is something. Its like entering another dimension.
Have you ever seen hookers cleaning the street while they are on downtime?
Only in japan.
kojima also stated that his game is about.
Drones unmanned
ground breaking AI
def make an article about that.
Yea. He has such a great delivery and humourI dont know how this guy does it but i always 100 percent agree with him.
He is soo underrated.
His james bond clip got me laugh my ass off.
Kojima news 101Link to those statements?
Do it as long as you are single.I did not. It was honestly such a culture shock and I was there for 2 weeks. I didn't really frequent Akihabara...I get the feeling my story might have been a bit different if I did go there. I did have a fantastic time at Club Harlem out there. Its a hip hop club in Shibuya. Lots of completely plastered folks of all ages. I got friendly with this Russian girl I met there. We kept up for a bit on instagram but that was over a year ago now. I wanna go back.
The thing is how is Death Stranding going to connect players with opposing political views in a way that is unique? Phantasy Star Online was no doubt connecting and encouraging collaboration among people on different ends of the political spectrum all the way back in 2000. All online games with a co-op element bring people with different views together.
What is Death Stranding doing to bring people together in a way that no other online game does? From what I've seen it's not doing anything special. The idea that, for example, an Antifa-supporting girl and a MAGA hat-wearing guy will come together and embrace over Death Stranding because it's Death Stranding is nothing but wishful thinking on Kojima's part.
The thing is how is Death Stranding going to connect players with opposing political views in a way that is unique? Phantasy Star Online was no doubt connecting and encouraging collaboration among people on different ends of the political spectrum all the way back in 2000. All online games with a co-op element bring people with different views together.
What is Death Stranding doing to bring people together in a way that no other online game does? From what I've seen it's not doing anything special. The idea that, for example, an Antifa-supporting girl and a MAGA hat-wearing guy will come together and embrace over Death Stranding because it's Death Stranding is nothing but wishful thinking on Kojima's part.