A Serious Man
Cauldron XI...

decises to explore the first gauntlet and man that boss is kicking my ass on hard . I'm a level 15 (pretty sure it recommends a level 8 ) and this guy just stomps all over me lol
I shall destroy him soon. Using tear arrows but not sure what else its weaknesses are .
For shell walkers, tear off it's shell first. Then tear off it's bomb claw, then finish off his other claw. Once you do all 3 of those you can pretty much just sit there and they can't do much of anything. Precision arrows and tearblast arrows are best, but bomb sling is also good. They're extremely easy to take down once you blast their components off, just like with most other dinos in the game.
Cauldron XI...
So I did the first Hunting lodge outside of the Embrace. Usually I really dislike timed challenges but I had a lot of fun with this. I had to retry a few times to get the full reward but I still enjoyed doing it. Are the later Hunting lodges good too or do they get frustrating or boring?
Aloy would make a great Witcher haha.
You know you made something great when CDPR gives you props. Hopefully they'll take some notes on HZDs combat.
Can you go back and do the tutorials if you originally skipped them? I can see them on my quest list but they don't seem to show up on my map anywhere?
Can you go back and do the tutorials if you originally skipped them? I can see them on my quest list but they don't seem to show up on my map anywhere?
I did thefight last night and wow. Kicked my ass for a minute there until I could get the dodge timing down. Gave me some Dark Souls vibes.Rockbreaker
cool way of doing a tutorial. getting some Nu-Tomb Raider vibes early on (oh no the horror...except im one of the few people that like the nu-TR games lol), kinda like what those games wanted to be but couldnt quite do it.
Oh yeah, do you end up getting all the skills or does one have to be careful with the choices? Hopefully I didnt fuck up already lol.
decises to explore the first gauntlet and man that boss is kicking my ass on hard . I'm a level 15 (pretty sure it recommends a level 8 ) and this guy just stomps all over me lol
I shall destroy him soon. Using tear arrows but not sure what else its weaknesses are .
So I did the first Hunting lodge outside of the Embrace. Usually I really dislike timed challenges but I had a lot of fun with this. I had to retry a few times to get the full reward but I still enjoyed doing it. Are the later Hunting lodges good too or do they get frustrating or boring?
Can you go back and do the tutorials if you originally skipped them? I can see them on my quest list but they don't seem to show up on my map anywhere?
Can you go back and do the tutorials if you originally skipped them? I can see them on my quest list but they don't seem to show up on my map anywhere?
Excellent, thanks!
Also need to get the hang of ropes. For some reason the only times I've used it the machines kind of ignored it and weren't held in place. They just do a charge attack at me and it breaks them free in the process. My buddy told me to shock them first before roping.
Oh. Thats odd. If I remember correctly, I first met him outside of a bandit camp near the first tallneck (level 7) I ran into. I wonder if he is locked out of your game now. If he is going to be at a bandit camp he will be near the closest campfire outside the camp.
Oh shit. Minor voice actor spoiler, btw.Lt. Cedric Daniels just showed up
They don't show up on the map .
You can do them at any time but you must have them active .( GG should not have it that way )
No, you're right. I did meet him there but haven't seen him after that...
It was sold out on Amazon UK too (I say was, possibly still is, can't check), I think GG have a really big hit on their hands and it's truly well deserved if so.
Amazon.com is still out, too.It´s sold out at Amazon.de - crazy.
Does the CE dlc affect the game balance in anyway? I picked up CE for the statue but I will skip activating the DLC if it affects the balance in anyway.
I actually think that what Souls game did with close combat melee, Horizon did it with long range combat.I did thefight last night and wow. Kicked my ass for a minute there until I could get the dodge timing down. Gave me some Dark Souls vibes.Rockbreaker
Not really, the stats aren't that much better than most of the early gear. You'll be able to buy better gear later on. Her CE outfits look absolutely ridiculous compared to the vanilla gear tho.
They should highlight NPC's that need to speak to you. Difficult finding them sometimes.
They should highlight NPC's that need to speak to you. Difficult finding them sometimes.
That's how you're supposed to beat them? I usually just use the frozen sling bombs...still get my ass whooped though...If you're fighting the Bellowback, Tearblast arrows aren't actually of much value (those don't have much to tear off). Pin him down with ropes and puncture it's liquid containers.
Ok, this is probably a rather stupid question as I may have missed this info earlier on, but.. I didlast night, and when you fight tthe first cauldron?he huge robot at the end, it occasionally shows some purple, glowing parts. Are these weak points, and how do you most effectively hit these? Use focus and just aim at them
That's how you're supposed to beat them? I usually just use the frozen sling bombs...still get my ass whooped though...
Nah her DLC outfits are broken .
They perform much better than the stats have .
Not really, the stats aren't that much better than most of the early gear. You'll be able to buy better gear later on. Her CE outfits look absolutely ridiculous compared to the vanilla gear tho.
Nah her DLC outfits are broken .
They perform much better than the stats have .
I actually think that what Souls game did with close combat melee, Horizon did it with long range combat.
Not talking about stamina management since Horizon didnt even have stamina bar. But in term of having really fun combat with huge enemies that feel really intense and dangerous. You have to really pay attention to ebemies and surrounding, and have clear strategy on how to tackle the enemies.
It's a very satisfying combat system. The sense of relief when I survive a tough fight is similar with when I beat a boss in souls game.
I think they will be glowing in focus mode.
Ok, this is probably a rather stupid question as I may have missed this info earlier on, but.. I didlast night, and when you fight tthe first cauldron?he huge robot at the end, it occasionally shows some purple, glowing parts. Are these weak points, and how do you most effectively hit these? Use focus and just aim at them
Yeah, there are lots of posts with people saying corruption arrows/stealth/ropecaster/sling/their preferred strategy is OP. But I think the point is if you're prepared and in control of the fight you can win easily, but when things get out of control you can also die pretty quickly. For me it's been more about learning the best way to approach each scenario, as well as being able to improvise fast when things start to head south. It's definitely a game that makes me feel like I'm improving as I play it, and that's really gratifying.
Those things are so aggressive that between spin dashing away from fireballs and charges that I really can't puncture a sack until it's half dead any way. The fights are intense. Granted that was before I got the Shadow Bow.I mean, that works, but try to puncture the sacs (but don't be too close; elemental explosions hurt you too). While it's frozen hit one of the sacs real hard with arrows. Hardpoint will puncture faster but it's not necessary.
Bellowbacks seem to have the least severe weakpoints of all enemies, there doesn't seem to be any easy/major way to disable them and breaking their important parts takes so much damage they're usually half dead by then anyway.
Purple glow just means you hit a destructible part (either armor or a weak point; easy to tell which by how much damage you do, green up arrow and lots of damage was a weak point, 1 digit damage and a red arrow was armor). And yeah, highlight the enemy in Focus mode to see the weakpoints highlighted in yellow briefly.
Surprised you didn't notice before, it's a pretty critical aspect of combat. Lots of weakpoints have interesting effects like elemental explosions if punctured/hit with the right element, disabling attacks. You can read up on them in the menu's bestiary.
The glowing parts can be weakpoints, utilities/weapons or resources. You should check the machines bio to understand what the glowing parts are and how to best exploit them. Like, some are detachable weapons that you can use against the machines themselves.
Ah, thanks. I've mostly just been using arrows and melee without really using focus in battle, so never really noticed the purple weakpoints, just the yellow glowing points. I was out of medicinal herbs and health potions and nearly dead when fighting the one at the end of the first cauldron, so I just said fuck it and went melee on its ass and killed with with barely a sliver of health left myself![]()
Speaking of cauldrons what's the recommended order in terms of difficulty?
Speaking of cauldrons what's the recommended order in terms of difficulty?