I kinda did the same, but with the other mini gun that shoots sticking bombs or whatever those are on peaceful NPCs.
It was funny seeing them walking while the bombs kept exploding and they didn't react one bit.

I do two camps that are near bonfires, 3 per camp that's 6... And I've done two rounds so that makes twelve kills without a heart. Plus a couple random kills, 14.
I do two camps that are near bonfires, 3 per camp that's 6... And I've done two rounds so that makes twelve kills without a heart. Plus a couple random kills, 14.
So how are the cauldrons? Are there any elements of puzzle solving? Id lovveeee puzzle solving in an open world
Man I am not having luck finding fish
Man I am not having luck finding fish
Man I am not having luck finding fish
You can instead hit weak points for massive damage.
Do i have to go out and farm plants for health or can i buy them somewhere? Got loads of shards.
there are 2 corrupted rockbreakers on the other side of teh river raining rocks at me lol.
Time to flee.
Dark souls vibes?
I got Monster hunter 3 vibes
I'm afraid I've got some Bad News...
There are a gold Lodge war bow, lodge blast sling and Lodge ropecaster though. You'll have to complete the hunters trials with all blazing suns to get them.
Other than that, I would also like to know if there are any other special weapons.
Eh, I'm kinda with Bitmap. Granted, I can knock two or three tear arrows, but I'd rather knock an extra tear arrow and then buff damage (what all three slots are for me) so when you're using the high damage arrows on sharpshooter bow (name escapes me), for something like a thunderjaw weakspot, you're really pouring on the damage.
hm, I'll try it but I usually use the quick bow for my main damage source. Hardpoint arrows when needed. Sharpshot just felt a bit too slow but the tearblast is critical
I am playing on Hard and a "boss" machine died in 3 or 4 volleys. Two (or was it 3) volleys destroyed one weak point, the last volley on the other weakpoint. I'm using the 3 arrows technique, tension to max then go into concentration for the shot.
Anyone else very impressed with the trek to Meridian? It's long and full of beautiful scenery as well as new dino-mechs not seen before.
Interesting. I should also start using Tear Arrows more. Shit like the Stalkers and the crab bots have too many annoying pieces of kit strapped to them.Yeah that's holding you back.
Putting a triple-notch three-purple-damage-mods shots into the heart of a frozen Thunderjaw?
Just right.jpg
My Thunderjaw takedowns have gotten so pro lately. A few Tearblast arrows to remove the disc launchers and side armor. A triple-notch freeze shot with a freeze-modded war bow - maybe some ropes if it's in a bad position - and then WHAM with the Sharpshooter's bow. It does absolutely ridiculous damage and is way more satisfying than like a Bellowback explosion.
You were so scary once, Thunderjaw, but Aloy is master, here.
How amazing and privileged do the guys and girls at Guerilla feel. They have made FPS games first and foremost. KillZone 2 was highly pushed as one of the better FPS's on the console market, but KillZone 3 and ShadowFall were good games but nothing spectacular.
They put their heads together after KillZone 3 and probably decided; ''Friends... Let us try something else''
And then.. 6 years later. This game happens. The most expensive media production in The Netherlands and one of the most dangerous endeavors a company like Guerilla could have done. The amount of things that could have gone wrong with this game were bigger in comparison to the chances of this game succeeding.
They made an amazing game. One could argue the average review score of 88 should have been higher, but I am going to stray far away from that discussion. Guerilla tried and succeeded in their first try. This gets me excited for what they can do with the sequel of this incredible new start of a franchise.
Sony... Throw money at Guerilla Games for the sequel. They deserve it.
This has to be the most surprise of a big hit ever. At least in the last two gens.
I honestly don't think I have ever played an RPG or an open-world game with combat that is so much fun, it's so surprisingly deep as well. There is a lot of scope to be good at it.
Honestly, TJ has gotten a bit too easy. When you open with those tear arrows, as long as you can safely find a way to get to the disc launcher you just knocked off, It's damn near game over. Usually takes down ~75% of its health, if not killing it outright, and then you just clean up what's left with ropecaster and damage arrows.
Interesting that you go for freeze tho instead of the disc launcher. Really cool that there are a variety of totally workable approaches.
Well not for me, thats reserved for Nier Automata.This has to be the most surprise of a big hit ever. At least in the last two gens.
And what exactly do you think Sony was doing for the past few years?Sony... Throw money at Guerilla Games for the sequel. They deserve it.
Help me understand something cause it might be wrong.I put all my damage coils on the sharpshooter bow and all my fire damage coils on the my hunter bow.Should I maybe spread them and put some damage on the hunter as well?
I find I get myself into trouble trying to wrangle the launcher and set up shots (I frickin' hated that). I always want to go for the heart with it, even though it doesn't need it.Hunter trial
Next time I should tear the pods off, freeze and try the launcher. I feel like heavy weapons are best used on far less scary prey, though. Applying it to like a herd of Grazers is never less than hilarious.
Racoons skin refuses to drop for me ;_;
is the stealth kill from grass a story thing? I dont see it in the skill tree, I got the whistle.
it's one of the first-row skill upgrades. I think it's named Silent Strike.
Literally every other skin has dropped at one point for me. Racoons skin still hasn't after 25 hours.Good call.
This is another one of my nit picks. The RNG on animal loot is kinda shitty. Watching a racoon or fox drop a blue and having it be the talisman skull is heart wrenching when you've been at it for an hour....
Depends what you use your Hunter's bow for. The +fire will let you apply the fire effect super-quickly, and damage coils on the sharpshooter make it far and away the most powerful single hit you have.
Frankly I have the same setup. I rarely use the fire DoT, though, and pretty much only use my Hunter's bow for killin' humans and prey animals. Maybe I should change it up.
Literally every other skin has dropped at one point for me. Racoons skin still hasn't after 25 hours.
Anyone else very impressed with the trek to Meridian? It's long and full of beautiful scenery as well as new dino-mechs not seen before.
Literally every other skin has dropped at one point for me. Racoons skin still hasn't after 25 hours.
Do you have the Shadow hunter bow (just bought it)? It has a third arrow called Hardpoint which I assume is pure damage arrow which requires Damage coils on that bow.
Literally every other skin has dropped at one point for me. Racoons skin still hasn't after 25 hours.