That is how it is for me with goose skin .
I just said fuck it since i don't really use the weapon much lol.
We should just be able to buy skins from a hunter/merchant.Right. I like the "Overwatch" loot box approach that lets you option out of RNG at some point. In overwatch, you get coins for dupes of stuff you don't want so that eventually you can buy the stuff you do.
In Horizon, you should be able to trade like 5 or 10 of a lesser mat (bones prolly) or 3-5 of a similar mat (skins) from other animals so that if you really do just keep getting bad RNG rolls, at least there's a ceiling where you'll eventually get what you need.
Your avatar makes this hilarious.
Manthat Jahamin guy is a total delusional prick. Love seeing Aloy tell him off
it's one of the first-row skill upgrades. I think it's named Silent Strike.
Interesting. I should also start using Tear Arrows more. Shit like the Stalkers and the crab bots have too many annoying pieces of kit strapped to them.
Any tips on how to take down Corruptors? I'm facing two on that story mission in the quarry and am having a real tough time.
The Thunderjaw cauldron was weird. I found an alternate entrance and it put me right in the final boss room. i mean i am not complaining but i am wondering if it was by design.
I'd like Lego to make a series of toys based off this game. I need to build a Thunderjaw!
Is there any other way to get in? I was so confused as well since I just went in and bam the final boss was there.
The Thunderjaw cauldron was weird. I found an alternate entrance and it put me right in the final boss room. i mean i am not complaining but i am wondering if it was by design.
Is there any other way to get in? I was so confused as well since I just went in and bam the final boss was there. I was disappointed that it seems like this was not fully developed like the others but it would be amazing if there are multiple ways to get in with different lengths.
How amazing and privileged do the guys and girls at Guerilla feel. They have made FPS games first and foremost. KillZone 2 was highly pushed as one of the better FPS's on the console market, but KillZone 3 and ShadowFall were good games but nothing spectacular.
They put their heads together after KillZone 3 and probably decided; ''Friends... Let us try something else''
And then.. 6 years later. This game happens. The most expensive media production in The Netherlands and one of the most dangerous endeavors a company like Guerilla could have done. The amount of things that could have gone wrong with this game were bigger in comparison to the chances of this game succeeding.
They made an amazing game. One could argue the average review score of 88 should have been higher, but I am going to stray far away from that discussion. Guerilla tried and succeeded in their first try. This gets me excited for what they can do with the sequel of this incredible new start of a franchise.
Sony... Throw money at Guerilla Games for the sequel. They deserve it.
Honestly, TJ has gotten a bit too easy. When you open with those tear arrows, as long as you can safely find a way to get to the disc launcher you just knocked off, It's damn near game over. Usually takes down ~75% of its health, if not killing it outright, and then you just clean up what's left with ropecaster and damage arrows.
Interesting that you go for freeze tho instead of the disc launcher. Really cool that there are a variety of totally workable approaches.
I have one single but really big (for me) rant about this game.
Why can't we buy multiple items at once? We can sell items in multiples, but not buy them :|
It's anoying when I need to buy 80-100 ropes...
Literally every other skin has dropped at one point for me. Racoons skin still hasn't after 25 hours.
Seems like something GG could easily patch in. Why are you buying so many though, I must not be there yet.
Seems like something GG could easily patch in. Why are you buying so many though, I must not be there yet.
I think he means wires, and i posted the same thing a couple pages back.
it's annoying because i'm flush with shards, but need to buy wire constantly (for some of the sharpshooter bow arrows) and i literally have to sit there and press and hold the X button over 100 times.
Not sure how that one slipped through QA honestly
Tried shooting them with Harvester arrows?
IDK if that works but I've never had trouble getting bones and skins from animals.
In my experience, killing them with an arrow tends to have a better chance of dropping the item than killing them with the spear.
Also, if you mark the job as an errand in the quest tab, that also tends to spawn more of that animal and higher drop rate of required resource.
Could be pure RNG at the end though..
Everyone needs wire in here. I have never once been low on wire. What am I doing wrong?
Guerrilla returns the favor to CD Projekt Red:
I haven't tried harvester arrows but I don't think that'll affect anything. I think Guerilla should patch in higher drop rates. Logically speaking every kill should give bone, skin, and meat.Tried shooting them with Harvester arrows?
IDK if that works but I've never had trouble getting bones and skins from animals.
In my experience, killing them with an arrow tends to have a better chance of dropping the item than killing them with the spear.
Also, if you mark the job as an errand in the quest tab, that also tends to spawn more of that animal and higher drop rate of required resource.
Could be pure RNG at the end though..
What's up with his tiny ass crossbow? Surprised no one has mentioned that lol
What annoys me as well is that there are some who cannot differentiate between braids and dreads. They're braids goddamnitAloy is so awesome, love her personality. Such a shame people who don't play the game just write her off as "she is white and has dreads I am upset????"
Anybody that doesn't like Aloy is a fool. She's got plenty of personality and legitimately funny. Oh boy that's great, I hope they're not that hard to craft. I've been trying to not use them for that very reason.Aloy is so awesome, love her personality. Such a shame people who don't play the game just write her off as "she is white and has dreads I am upset????"
Tearblast is so good once you start to notice it. Easily rips off the annoying bits of boss tier monsters. Hate getting shot with that electric thing from Stormbirds? Like two shots'll remove it!
What's up with his tiny ass crossbow? Surprised no one has mentioned that lol
Based on analysis by DF you get solid performance regardless of your ps4 system. Pro does give you way prettier effects thoughIs it worth getting a Pro just for this game, maybe Persona 5 down the road and Yakuza?
I only have a 43 inch 1080p TV, it's about 3 years old already. Or will a slim suffice? I am not picky on frame rates and such.
Yeah minor gripe for me as wellMy only gripe with game so far is that you can't fast travel directly from the "show on map" prompt when tagging a quest. You have to back out to the main map and go from there.
Other than that, it's brilliant.
Anybody that doesn't like Aloy is a fool. She's got plenty of personality and legitimately funny. Oh boy that's great, I hope they're not that hard to craft. I've been trying to not use them for that very reason.
Is it worth getting a Pro just for this game, maybe Persona 5 down the road and Yakuza?
I only have a 43 inch 1080p TV, it's about 3 years old already. Or will a slim suffice? I am not picky on frame rates and such.
What annoys me as well is that there are some who cannot differentiate between braids and dreads. They're braids goddamnit
I'd like Lego to make a series of toys based off this game. I need to build a Thunderjaw!
I mean - just look at it - of course it was risky, but so glad they decided to go with it - most def the best game I've played on PS4 so farI think I saw an interview somewhere where Guerrilla said Horizon was one of several pitches presented to Sony, and by far the "riskiest" of the bunch. Kudos to Sony for rolling the (very, very expensive) dice,and Guerrilla for pulling it off with exceptional panache.
17 hours in. Level 20. I think I am around 30% completed now. MAN do I love this game.
Goddamn, just did the Quarry mission. That fight (and robot) is TENSE.
One thing I really feel GG nailed is the attack tracking of the robots. Whenever they rev up and gun for you, it's always a super-close call, especially with the bigger robots. I like the fact that you can't sit on your ass if you want to survive.
Blasts air so hard that it rips off components from the enemy. One round at a time so its not quite like the rattler but does have a strong tearing effect as the name implies
That sounds about right
meant to be used at almost point blank range. unfortunately i haven't used either it, or the rattler, so i can't say whether they're similar. You can only upgrade capacity though. It comes as a purple and has no mod slots. I should probably try it out... I just prefer to engage from distance
Thanks everyone. I'll get it in my next session.Wait really? I figured that'd be the best one, I mostly use that bow for tearblast though. The "boss" tier things don't seem to lose parts in a single shot.
It's a tear-only shotgun with super low range. It kinda sucks, just use the bow with Tearblast arrows. It's a cool idea, but only having a single ammo type kinda ruins it. Same reason I don't like to use the (much more useful) ropecaster too often.
Tearblast is so good once you start to notice it. Easily rips off the annoying bits of boss tier monsters. Hate getting shot with that electric thing from Stormbirds? Like two shots'll remove it!
Juggling this and Zelda has been a bit of a bear. I dedicated Saturday to Zelda and Sunday to Horizon, and made good progress on both. It also helped me appreciate what each one does differently (although there are a ton of similarities).
Coming back to Horizon's framerate after spending a day playing Zelda... jesus christ. Incomparable.
Ugh I need a rabbit skin and rat bone. Why can't I find them with ease?
The Thunderjaw cauldron was weird. I found an alternate entrance and it put me right in the final boss room. i mean i am not complaining but i am wondering if it was by design.
Is there any other way to get in? I was so confused as well since I just went in and bam the final boss was there. I was disappointed that it seems like this was not fully developed like the others but it would be amazing if there are multiple ways to get in with different lengths.
No, it's the only way in.Wait, I'm the same. Is there another way in? I thought it was strange to just get right to the main room but thought it was just a design choice to have it like that.
Post apocalyptic rabbits have no skin.Ugh I need a rabbit skin and rat bone. Why can't I find them with ease?
Any tips on how to take down Corruptors? I'm facing two on that story mission in the quarry and am having a real tough time.