Not too far into the game yet, done a few a couple of the main quests after it opens up. However I feel like I'm missing out with my inventory filling up quickly, should I upgrade asap?
Yeah, that is what I fully upgraded.Not too far into the game yet, done a few a couple of the main quests after it opens up. However I feel like I'm missing out with my inventory filling up quickly, should I upgrade asap?
My inventory space was frequently a burden until I realized that hunting animals is the way you are going to get the stuff you need to upgrade your inventory space--rather easily.
Kill boars, foxes, rabbits, etc from time to time. You come across them constantly.
Yeah, that is what I fully upgraded.
If I can't beat a cauldron can I just leave it?
So, Breath of the Wild is pretty much my new favourite game ever. I held off grabbing Horizon until after I beat Zelda, which I've now done. I have a PS4 Pro and will likely get Horizon tomorrow after work (4 day weekend). Pretty psyched.
For people who own both games, are they dissimilar enough to greatly appreciate each, or has one overshadowed your enjoyment of the other? No trolling, just genuinely curious.
Just finished Nier: Automata (60 hours) and starting Horizon tomorrow.
Can this year get any better?
I dunno why but Kat kinda looks like older
I'm around 40hours into HZD, around 40% completion according to the stats, enjoying the game tremendously, but like many of you, I do feel the side quests are a bit bland, weak plot/characters/variety in general, most of them just have you chasing the purple track with some fights in the end.
I played a bit of Wticher 3 before (maybe around 10hours), but the game was bigger than what I had time for, so I never went back to it. If the side quests are much better than HZD like you guys are saying, I might just have to go back to TW3. But Mass Effect is coming soon!! So little time!!
So, Breath of the Wild is pretty much my new favourite game ever. I held off grabbing Horizon until after I beat Zelda, which I've now done. I have a PS4 Pro and will likely get Horizon tomorrow after work (4 day weekend). Pretty psyched.
For people who own both games, are they dissimilar enough to greatly appreciate each, or has one overshadowed your enjoyment of the other? No trolling, just genuinely curious.
I've spent a lot more time with Horizon than BotW thus far (Horizon is the priority, don't want to get spoiled on the story!), but I think they both noticeably set out to achieve very different things, and both succeed. For me, Horizon's strengths are story/voice work, combat, world building, and enemy design. Meanwhile, BotW's just dropped you into this incredible, beautiful sandbox of interactive adventure like no other, with so many ways to engage with it. I also think they both succeed at level design in different ways - Horizon has a fantastic density, whilst BotW is more sparse, but purposefully designed to draw the eye. Both approaches are great. I think they've both set a strong precident in different ways for open world games: I'm going to have a hard time getting excited in other open world games after the exhilarating standard for combat and enemies Horizon has set. A lot of games in general, honestly. Likewise, after spending time with BotW and going back to Horizon, I miss the player agency and interactive freedom with the world.
I'm very, very much looking forward to digging into BotW, seeing it jump to the top of so many Gaffers GOAT lists is fantastic. I'm glad there is a place (and desire) for story driven open world games and more interactive sandbox games. It's nice to have to different gameplay itches scratched over just one week, let alone some upcoming Nier/Platinum goodness. I feel quite spoilt for choice.
I'm not sure I get it.. is there a video?
Did not know this, I will definitely try this out when I get the game.
Woah, Cauldron XI was not what I was expecting.
Yeah the side missions are just OK. There are some standouts but otherwise, yeah, W3 did them better. But the 2nd half of the game really opens up with the story. Like, holy shit. I don't want to spoil anything, but yeah. It goes to 100 real quick. I was doing what you are, sticking to mostly side content, but I hit a certain point in the story where I just HAD to know what was going to happen. It was so griping.
I like how it does not look like gameplay until you seen that icon lol.stunning....I can't stop thinking about this game. So much work to do. I can get into it tomorrow evening again. Can't wait
Woah, Cauldron XI was not what I was expecting. all,
In addition to the recent patch we just released a hotfix that solves a couple outstanding balancing issues:
- Reduced the Carja Storm Hunter outfit damage reduction to 5% (previously 90%)
- Reduced total amount of discs from the Thunderjaw Disc Launcher to 8 (previously 12)
We want to make sure you have a fun and challenging experience. Be sure to keep an eye on our channels for future updates on patches and balancing fixes.
Lol 90%. I wonder if most people who use the outfit realize it. It's kinda game breaking in a way.Reduced the Carja Storm Hunter outfit damage reduction to 5% (previously 90%)
So they finally nerved Thunderjaw weapon.Reduced total amount of discs from the Thunderjaw Disc Launcher to 8 (previously 12)
About 60hs later I finished the game...
What I'm gonna do with my life now?
this gif reveals the biggest problem Horizon has:
No water ripple/interaction animations.
Yeah the side missions are just OK. There are some standouts but otherwise, yeah, W3 did them better. But the 2nd half of the game really opens up with the story. Like, holy shit. I don't want to spoil anything, but yeah. It goes to 100 real quick. I was doing what you are, sticking to mostly side content, but I hit a certain point in the story where I just HAD to know what was going to happen. It was so griping.
I just got to Meridian andThat's how I was, once you find outI had to keep playing story missions I was hooked. It's been a while since a games story just hooked me that way.what zero dawn is
About 60hs later I finished the game...
What I'm gonna do with my life now?
About 60hs later I finished the game...
What I'm gonna do with my life now?
Get ready for Mass Effect: Andromeda? I love ME1-3, looks like the new game has a lot more exploration and freedom. I'm really hoping it will turn out to be HZD in space with aliens.Yeah.... when I find out, I'll let you know.
you could kill the thunderjaw with one of his guns in like 15 seconds if you froze him then unloaded a full clip of the disc launcher. with 8 I think you will have to get the second one even with them being frozen.
they are still wayy too easy compared to rockbreakers and stormbirds. even behemoths are harder than them, imo.
Second play through on very hard, spear only.
this gif reveals the biggest problem Horizon has:
No water ripple/interaction animations.
is anyone else's share menu taking 10 days to load while playing horizon
I just got to Meridian andbut I haven't started the quest yet. Am I close to the story ramming up to 11? If I am, I will push through with the main quest first. I usually just like to clean up on the side stuff first so I don't miss anything, and my attention in a game nosedives pretty fast after I finish the main quest.ransacked Olin's house, Erend asked me to avenge his sister
Also, do we ever find out why? Or did I miss it?Rost was casted out