The boulder slinging from the Corruptor is one I would like.Can you please make a gif showing other types of destruction like trees, shacks, and especially rocks?
The boulder slinging from the Corruptor is one I would like.Can you please make a gif showing other types of destruction like trees, shacks, and especially rocks?
The boulder slinging from the Corruptor is one I would like.
I'm on a side quest where you investigate the quarry and fight the rock breaker, but the rock breaker wont come out. Is there a way to lure him out to fight or the quest bugged?
Less ropes to take down bigger machines and I think it might have an extra mod slot, but don't quote me on that.
I only used the Shadow Ropecaster, but the description states that the higher rarity version is supposed to be more effective when trying to tie down larger enemies.
The blue version fires medium ropes, the purple fires heavy - you will need those to hold the bigger machines. You can't hold a Stormbird down without the purple version.
i'm about 12 hours in. lvl 17. currently at the "Revenge of the Nora" quest.
the first few hours were fun but kinda not feeling it anymore. gonna stick with it though but maybe try focus on the main story a bit more.
To be fair about the poster figuring you could swim underwater.
I was like lvl 40 until I realized you could fast travel at any spot. I thought it worked like the Witcher 3 with sign posts so I was running up to campfires before fast traveling lol.
What's everyone's favorite weapon type? The Shadow Hunter Bow is my overall most used and favorite.
What's everyone's favorite weapon type? The Shadow Hunter Bow is my overall most used and favorite.
What's everyone's favorite weapon type? The Shadow Hunter Bow is my overall most used and favorite.
The Glint Hawk is this game's Cliff Racer, for sure. The one enemy I hate encountering.The Glinthawk is the new Angry Sun. Actually, it's like having three Angry Suns attacking you at once while trying to rob you at the same time.
Sooo frustrating...it's marring what otherwise is a top-to-bottom amazing game.
What's everyone's favorite weapon type? The Shadow Hunter Bow is my overall most used and favorite.
@Sunhi how do you get your gifs to look so fucking good man. is that on a ps4 pro?
I think you have tofirst.inspect the rock pile
What's everyone's favorite weapon type? The Shadow Hunter Bow is my overall most used and favorite.
Also this is becoming my new favorite weapon as well.Tear shotgun is something else.
The Glinthawk is the new Angry Sun. Actually, it's like having three Angry Suns attacking you at once while trying to rob you at the same time.
Sooo frustrating...it's marring what otherwise is a top-to-bottom amazing game.
The Glint Hawk is this game's Cliff Racer, for sure. The one enemy I hate encountering.
Hi, I'm on a regular PS4, can't afford a pro for now but honestly I'm more than happy with the performance of the OG.
I do colour correct, or mess around with the colour settings on the gifs and half of them I do add a little bit of moton blur in post, but the main thing is getting a good shot. Sometimes it's just by accident as I'm playing with the HUD mostly off and recording at the same time and other times it's doing the same section over and over, the latest gif for instance I spent about an hour redoing the same section to get a couple of good shots which I could then edit together and export as a gif.![]()
Horizon in a nutshell:Killed the first boss.
I still need to get used to all the different tools at my disposal, so ended up dark souling the shit out of him.
I did one of the cup quests and gotin the purple box... are all the collectable quest the same?a tonne of junk
Also, is thethe only collectable item like that in the game aside fromPower Armour?the Lodge weapons
Glint Hawks are incredibly easy. Fire arrow + Critical Strike + Finish off with R2. Literally 15 seconds.
The idea with the weapon systems is to keep buying new ones right? Like if I have a green sharpshooter bow, a blue one will be an upgrade? I can't "evolve" a green bow into a blue or purple bow right?
Also, if a collectible simply says "used for selling for metal shards" can I really just sell them?
The idea with the weapon systems is to keep buying new ones right? Like if I have a green sharpshooter bow, a blue one will be an upgrade? I can't "evolve" a green bow into a blue or purple bow right?
I should note I play on Very Hard. They don't go down that quick. And encountering a single glint hawk in isolation without any terrestrial robots nearby is pretty rare, to boot.Glint Hawks are incredibly easy. Fire arrow + Critical Strike + Finish off with R2. Literally 15 seconds.
I play on Very Hard too. My bow has three fire mods to it. One shot to a Glint Hawk and it drops to the ground. I run up and critically strike it. The hawk now has little health left. I just R2 until it dies. There is a bunch of story and side missions that feature lots of them at the same time and I never had a problem.I should note I play on Very Hard. They don't go down that quick. And encountering a single glint hawk in isolation without any terrestrial robots nearby is pretty rare, to boot.
They're jerks.
After finishing all Cauldrons and Tallnecks I decided to progress a bit in the story and it's getting sooo interesting, just did theand really love the direction the story is taking. Cannot wait to see how everything plays outmission where you climb Faro tower
I've been mainly keeping the three bows in my wheel and them rotating in the last slot between the shadow tripcaster and the shadow sling based on the enemy I'm fighting. Ropecaster also depending on the situation... So actually every one of them lol It's pretty amazing how every weapon plays in a really exclusive way and yet every one of them is useful in most situations
Yup! This was my favorite zone to clear. I absolutely love encountering stalkers.holy shit the corrupted stalker zone with no hud is tense. subtle touch but you can hear them "purring" from like 100 feet away.
Thanks. Different attacks as in like different types of elemental damage? And how do I see the strength tiers?It's probably more advantageous to buy a different type of weapon before buying a straight upgrade. Each type of bow has different attacks, and each bow type has 3(?) strength tiers.
Thanks.Yes to both.
I should note I play on Very Hard. They don't go down that quick. And encountering a single glint hawk in isolation without any terrestrial robots nearby is pretty rare, to boot.
They're jerks.
I play on Very Hard too. My bow has three fire mods to it. One shot to a Glint Hawk and it drops to the ground. I run up and critically strike it. The hawk now has little health left. I just R2 until it dies. There is a bunch of story and side missions that feature lots of them at the same time and I never had a problem.
Thanks. Different attacks as in like different types of elemental damage? And how do I see the strength tiers?
Sorry for the dumb questions lol.
How do I get boar bones? Every time is meat and other stuff.
Same, simply because hard point + flame arrows are super strong and my most used in the game.
I've got 2 of them, one with +tear in all 3 and other with +fire in all 3 mod slots.
Low resource cost of hard point and amazing scaling of tear with mods make it the best arrow in the game. 2 hard point arrows deal the same amount of tear that a tearblast arrow does. Add to that the fire rate and accuracy, it makes the sharpshot bow useless.
I really like the ropecaster as well, fun to use and very good against tougher enemies.
Slings, even though they do tons of damage and inflict status effect very fast were my least used simply due to the accuracy, aim speed and resource cost.
Rattler probably the worst weapon, even though it's strong against humans, concentration + headshot worked way better for me.
Trip caster was fun to use early on but I kind of stopped using it and never felt the need for it.
My ideal loadout - Shadow Hunter bow, Lodge War bow, Ropecaster and Shadow Sling (fire or freeze).
I don't think there's any trick to it. Just keep killing boars til RNG lands in your favor.
Here. I just love the way the trees just drop down on the other one.This reminds me, I never seen anyone posting the Gravity Slam Thing!!
Again, I'm not talking about difficulty. I've also never had a problem with them. We have the same setup. I also rely heavily on modded fire arrows. I just find them extremely annoying. "15 seconds and it's dead!" Ok, but how many single glint hawk encounters are there in the game? And how often are they just by themselves and not attached to other herds ala Watchers?I play on Very Hard too. My bow has three fire mods to it. One shot to a Glint Hawk and it drops to the ground. I run up and critically strike it. The hawk now has little health left. I just R2 until it dies. There is a bunch of story and side missions that feature lots of them at the same time and I never had a problem.
I'm finding the damage done by the hardpoint isn't enough - I need the precision arrow (which is quite expensive in resources). eg I set something on fire or freeze it, and hardpoint just chip away at the health too slowly. I do have all fire mods on my bow make my fire arrows strong.
Thanks. Different attacks as in like different types of elemental damage? And how do I see the strength tiers?
You were the one the started with the Difficulty to talk. Just saying. But I agree, they can be annoying at first but I've grown used to them now. With Fire Arrows they became quite easy to cheese.Again, I'm not talking about difficulty. I've also never had a problem with them. We have the same setup. I also rely heavily on modded fire arrows. I just find them extremely annoying. "15 seconds and it's dead!" Ok, but how many single glint hawk encounters are there in the game? And how often are they just by themselves and not attached to other herds ala Watchers?
Cliff Racers are also incredibly easy to kill in Morrowind. But they're aggravatingly designed enemies that harass you from the sky in numbers, thus the comparison.