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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Headshots to humans is very satisfying. The sound and the fact that they don't scream like idiots is realistic. Video games where headshots still have enemies screaming is so dumb.
I'm surprised some people didn't use the ropecaster. That thing is a great weapon.

Yep.I'm starting to get used to it now. Very helpful.

Can you swap in combat ? It's getting a little silly going 'three seconds till the Trampler hits, better craft 20 arrows, brew a potion, switch my armor and weave the right mod into it' mid-combat.

yeah oh well. Glad it's possible. It's a game.



That´s actually a great idea - never thought about that!


can't believe i never thought of this

Some of the audio logs are so fuccccked upppppppppp. Disturbingly probable, too.




D'oh. I never thought of that! It's always so annoying changing mods before a fight, that would be much more efficient. I'm drowning in mods anyway.

They also share a quiver so its easy to manage crafting arrows.


I haven't been console gaming much for the past few years, but I finally got a PS4 last week and this game has really sucked me in. I'm totally obsessed with it. I even play it in the morning before leaving for work - only ever done that with portables in the past. Just have to get my fix. The world is just so detailed, it feels as well crafted as a linear game. After a big fight just I love stalking through the forest, gathering medicinal herbs and hunting for wild animals. Everything is so satisfying and my jaw is constantly dropping at the scenery.

But seriously, fuck stalkers. I am going to work out how to deal with you.
Fighting humans looked boring in the beginning, but hitting headshots is very satisfying and they aren't too many, anyway. I hope the sequels improves it though, but machines should always be the focus (as they are actually on HZD)


I just think I am probably trying to deal plain damage, and removing items, I don't know why, but fire DoT doesn't seem to do that much damage, but it appears that I have missed that fire and heat pops the heat core on things like corrupters, is it quite obvious once it pops it's core?.

After you've successfully applied the fire debuff (the Corruptor bursts into flames and starts taking damage over time), look for a small yellow rod sticking out of its head. It's quite small and easy to miss.


Yes, game. I know that I have to press R1 to show tracks. You don't have to tell me this anymore 30 hours into the game.
Am I doing something wrong? I need to get somewhere in the world, but I'm being attacked left and right. I mounted a Strider, thinking this would help, but I got 2 shotted by a Sawtooth.

Is traversing the world supposed to be a pain in the ass or...?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Is there a trick in getting boar bones? Can't upgrade my inventory...
Can I buy it somewhere?

There's no merchant in the game which sells animal parts unfortunately. There is one in Meridian which sells robot parts if you're missing some.

With animal parts, it's just a matter of luck.


Been playing a bit now (at last) and I wonder if the framerate is unlocked. Game feels quite smooth at times. Either way, GG did such an excellent job with performance here.
I'm been trying a different loadout that the one I used the entire game and it was a blast (my bad, you'll see why).

This was my loadout the entire games:

Left: Hunter Bow>Sharpshot Bow
Top: Elemental Sling
Right: Ropecaster (replaced later by the Tearblaster... Spectacular)
Bot: Tripcaster

As you can see I relied mostly on my bow for damage and I used the Sharpshot when I needed some Tear before I got the Tearblaster, sling for status effects and wires for stun enemies and ocasionally blast damage and fire.

So, post game I wanted to play change the roles:

Left: War bow
Top: Blast Sling
Right: Ropecaster
Bot: Elemental Sling

This time most of the damage came from the Blast Sling and melee. Used War Bow mostly for freeze, and the elemental sling for fire status. Barely used Ropecaster tho.
Blast sling is fantastic but it's not made for a main weapon because you run out of blaze real fast.

I conclude that you need a bow for doing damage because outside of that you depend on blast and, again, blaze is no as common as sparker or chillwater.
I mean you can, I certainly did but I had to buy 100 blaze and gather as much as I can from enemies but going to vendors it's practically inevitable.

I'm ok with a 4 weapons wheel, I'd really loved one more spot but I feel 4 is fair and makes you try different strategies. I'm not sure if having every weapon available from the get got would be a good idea.


I have to use ropecaster when going against Stormbird. Otherwise it feels like a battle of attrition.

Yup. Basically once the Stormbird makes the mistake of flying too low to the ground, with a Ropecaster he never is able to fly back up again.

I lure him down with either straight damage or trying to freeze/burn him, and once he's close he is pinned down. I then will freeze him and then start tearing off his components. Once the ropes break free I just pin him down again since he is slow to fly back up. Rinse and repeat.


Unconfirmed Member
Is traversing the world supposed to be a pain in the ass or...?

It's supposed to be a dangerous world, yes. The Sawtooth isn't going to doff it's hat and nod hello as you quietly stroll past on your business. The machines aren't really the friendly type.


After you've successfully applied the fire debuff (the Corruptor bursts into flames and starts taking damage over time), look for a small yellow rod sticking out of its head. It's quite small and easy to miss.

It's not just from the fire debuff - once fire is applied, it starts ticking up a second elemental circle for Overheat (Looks like a thermometer). Once *that* is full, the cooling rod pops - same principle for a few other mechs, too. Early Corrupters it fills really fast, but later ones seem to take longer.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty sure no one use balloon bomb trap.

I never use those traps, ended up selling all the ones that I crafted. Don't use rocks either, my d-pad quick menu is for potions and whistling.
What's the best purple armor you can buy? I'm using the Nora stealth one now but the arrowbreaker and the Nora heavy armor look useful and the Carja fire resistant one just looks really good.


Pretty late to the thread but finally bought my copy!

Reached level 5 in my first session. To pile on, game is absolutely gorgeous, the sunset and rain are particularly impressive visual times. Loving the mechanical sounds of the enemies. Also they are pretty tough to beat and every encounter seems on the edge. Even the watchers have these huge jumps that do massive damage.

Overall the combat is great, punchy and weakspot shots satisfying.

And my god the music. Everything from the main theme, ambient music, even the map music is gorgeous. Loving the feel of the atmosphere of the world as well as the dungeons.


I use all the traps.
Normally when I need to take down a corrupted zone, I search for a bottleneck where they will all come after and fill it up with stuff.


What's the best purple armor you can buy? I'm using the Nora stealth one now but the arrowbreaker and the Nora heavy armor look useful and the Carja fire resistant one just looks really good.

Depends what for. Each will have two slots to add mods, but will also have increased protection against a specific element
- blazon against fire, sparkwork against shock etc.

For the first one pick one you tend to get hit by. I went with ice because that protects against snapmaws and glint hawks - and then added more ice protection in the slots. The medium stealth is my usual armour when I'm travelling, but then I switch to the ice armour if I go near anything with an ice attack

Later on when you have more money you can buy more
What's the best purple armor you can buy? I'm using the Nora stealth one now but the arrowbreaker and the Nora heavy armor look useful and the Carja fire resistant one just looks really good.

Honestly, any of them are good depending on if the enemy specializes in fire or freeze or whatever. I find many of the stronger enemies use fire and freeze and change my outfit accordingly.

Stealth one is great for bandit camps and any time you want to sneak up on a dino.


I still laugh at when the concept drawings leaked and now look at how this game came together. Like we really are hunting robot dinosaurs. They pretty much nailed it. I'm still amazed at how this came together.
Depends what for. Each will have two slots to add mods, but will also have increased protection against a specific element
- blazon against fire, sparkwork against shock etc.

For the first one pick one you tend to get hit by. I went with ice because that protects against snapmaws and glint hawks - and then added more ice protection in the slots. The medium stealth is my usual armour when I'm travelling, but then I switch on the ice armour if I go near anything with an ice attack

Later on when you have more money you can buy more

Honestly, any of them are good depending on if the enemy specializes in fire or freeze or whatever. I find many of the stronger enemies use fire and freeze and change my outfit accordingly.

Stealth one is great for bandit camps and any time you want to sneak up on a dino.
So the general idea is that you should be switching armor on the fly. I wish there was an outfit wheel in that case. Seems like the stealth armor is best for traversal, you won't aggro machines if you have stealth sprint.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
What's the best way to make money in this game. I'm
Broke right now.

Kill, loot, sell.

You really won't need more than one 'stack' of any loot items you find, so besides the items which just say 'sell for shards', if you have multilpe stacks of robot parts, you should be safe selling all of those too. Hold on to animal parts and some meats that you would need for crafting, you can buy robot parts later, you can't buy or restore animal parts if you discard them.

And if you were like me, focusing a lot on stealth and melee in the starting hours of the game, you can sell off ropes and arrow crafting components too if you have a surplus.


I'm pretty sure no one use balloon bomb trap.

The only places I've them to be of any use is
at the end of Cauldrons, where you can rig the entire area with traps before lowering the force field with enemies inside.
Otherwise, proximity bombs do more or less the same thing and don't force you to leave cover, and trip wires cover a much larger area.


Once you have all the toys, everything is silly easy to kill. That said, I spent 85% of the game in the stealth armor, fully slotted with more stealth. I could sprint right up to most enemies and get a free silent takedown crit. If they survived that, I could usually get 3 fierce spear attacks in while they were getting up, which would dizzy them, allowing for another crit attack. It wasn't until stormbirds that I started looking at other armors/weapons.
Once you have all the toys, everything is silly easy to kill. That said, I spent 85% of the game in the stealth armor, fully slotted with more stealth. I could sprint right up to most enemies and get a free silent takedown crit. If they survived that, I could usually get 3 fierce spear attacks in while they were getting up, which would dizzy them, allowing for another crit attack. It wasn't until stormbirds that I started looking at other armors/weapons.

All you need for Stormbird are freeze and hardpoint arrows with triple shot to the chest.
What's the best way to make money in this game. I'm
Broke right now.
If you have harvest arrows (from shadow sharpshot bow) you can do blaze grinding from a herd of grazers. If not, go raid bandit camps and loot their ancient debris.

Or you can listen to what others have said, that works too
So the general idea is that you should be switching armor on the fly. I wish there was an outfit wheel in that case. Seems like the stealth armor is best for traversal, you won't aggro machines if you have stealth sprint.

Well, I usually switch beforehand. After a while, you know what enemies have freeze attacks, fire attacks, etc. So when I see them, I put on the correct outfit, just like I put on stealth before going into a bandit camp.

That kind of wheel wouldn't be a bad idea, though!


I tried the stealth armor these last days and is too OP for me, to the point is not even fun in some situations (e.g. you can sprint right next to a machine and still be unnoticed). To be honest, I generally avoid any kind of stealth strategy, this game shines the most when you are noticed by mistake and you end up confronting 2 Sawtooths, 3 Ravagers, 1 Thunderjaw and 8 Watchers at the same time


During combat I use:

Left: Hunter Bow
Up: Ropecaster
Down: War Bow
Right: Rattler

For hard fights I might trade in the Rattler for a sling or tripcaster. And I used the bomb slingshot thing for awhile.

But I usually stick to my main 4.
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