So I saw a corrupted zone with "level 23" written on it.
Alright, I'm level 25, why not have a go?
Went there and saw a Stalker. Fair enough, hard battle but I can take it...
I deplete his health to a third, when another one comes...Ok, it's hard but I can do this!
killed the first one, took the second one's health to a half when another one comes and bam I'm dead. Tried it a couple more times and died over and over until I just ragequit.
tl;dr wtf do I do against Stalkers??? I first use the Tear arrows to get their range weapons off, and then hardpoint on weak spots...but it doesn't seem to be working that well.
I have the shadow carja sharpshot bow and the shadow carja hunter bow, the carja sling (which I never use) and the carja tripcaster.