Also start at the community. Fathers stop having kids and running off.
How would that help end racism? How is that relevant at all?
Also start at the community. Fathers stop having kids and running off.
How do you get out of bed in the morning with all of that guilt?
And yet that is how most on the planet would see the issue. If this discussion is supposed to be realistic at all, and not just a total whteguilt party, it's a relevant POVIt's interesting to me that you're okay with a group of people being significantly advantaged due to the sacrifices of another group, but not okay with the advantaged group giving something back to the disadvantaged one. "I don't owe you anything because I didn't do it" is the worst defense in regard to this issue. It's actually completely toxic to the discussion.
Germans did pay reparations, all over the place. You seem to be unaware that reparations after wars has been fairly common in human history. And it's not the sins of the fathers, it's the money and societal power accrued while blacks were held down and kept out of the race.
So, given that you brought up the holocaust, and given that Germany did pay reparations to Israel, why shouldn't we pay reparations to the descendants of slaves?
Also start at the community. Fathers stop having kids and running off.
Another question is, do all Black people suffer the same kind of institutional racism? A first-generation immigrant from a wealthy Ethiopian family will likely have a different experience from a working-class all-American guy whose family has lived in Louisiana for three hundred years.
In terms of education, what we really need is to make sure that all schools are of a good standard, giving everyone equal opportunities to learn.
The argument for reparations for all blacks says blacks who come to America are subjected to the same type of racist treatment as multi generation blacks descended from southern slaves.
What's the statute of limitations on kidnapping generations of people, breaking their families apart, making their education illegal, torturing and killing them? Furthermore, Germany is still in negotiations with holocaust survivors over stolen lands and goods, and as recently as 1999 created a fund for holocaust survivors to be paid by the German companies that stole their labor.I think the key difference though is the generation that paid those reparations was the generation that allowed the holocaust to happen in the first place. The holocaust happened between 1941-1945, the initial reparations were paid between 1952-1966.
It makes sense for the generation that saw an event happen to be held accountable, I don't think it makes sense for their great-great-great grandchildren to have to pay for their actions though.
Also start at the community. Fathers stop having kids and running off.
And yet that is how most on the planet would see the issue. If this discussion is supposed to be realistic at all, and not just a total whteguilt party, it's a relevant POV
You can hold the position of giving something back without being guilty. These two things are not mutually exclusive.
You don't have to feel guilty to know that you're privileged, understand that your privilege has helped benefit your group as a whole, and want to do something to level the playing field.
Higher taxes of rich and wealthy people, most notably White ones. Provide this taxed money to education, health, security, etc. in Black communities.
It's interesting to me that you're okay with a group of people being significantly advantaged due to the sacrifices of another group, but not okay with the advantaged group giving something back to the disadvantaged one. "I don't owe you anything because I didn't do it" is the worst defense in regard to this issue. It's actually completely toxic to the discussion.
You have benefitted from the instution of slavery. You continue to do so right now. Why is it fair for you to reap the benefit but not not to give back to those who have been disadvantaged because of it?
Fair enough. Didn't intend to sound holier than thou.You know how annoying it is when i see people say that? I don't assume you do that Entrement,You don't need to pat yourself on the back for not "refuting racism"
Your no better than "I'm not a racist."
As for the OP....uh there is really nothing you can do. I don't want some bullshit reparations, espcecially when the unforseen circumstances are pretty obvious to see. Affirmative action and free tax money sound more like campaign promises than legit desire to right a wrong as well.
The most powerful thing you could is treat black people fairly under the law. That's it imo. No double standard bullshit..
When are the atrocities a certain group did to a other group of people forgiven?
Using the Chinese is fairly bad, they aren't 'affected' by it, they are now racist as well. The Han Chinese pretty much run China and do a pretty good job of keeping the rest of the country 'down'.When they stop affecting the people harmed. As far as I know, Chinese people do not continue to suffer because of the Mongol conquests. English people aren't all poor because of the decades of Norse rule. Black people, by contrast, still feel the effects of slavery.
Wait, do you want to tax people based on their race?
That's not how it is going to play out when you demand a (global?) tax aimed only at white people, for example.
reality doesn't work like that. Maybe in white guilt fantasies.
When are the atrocities a certain group did to a other group of people forgiven?
10 generations, 100, a 1000. I think this entire group mentality is a part of the problem of racism. should i feel guilty my great 10 generations a go grand pa owed slaves. No, should i be mad at the germans because they killed a few of my family members in concentration camps. No.
Thats my opinion, i do not mean any disrespect i just want to have a healthy rational discussion.
Wait, do you want to tax people based on their race?
Taxing based on race and reparations don't need to be the same thing. A tax cut for all or most Black people wouldn't harm white people at all, but have an important lasting impact.
I don't. Governments should pay reparations. Depending on how they're structured, you might simply be able to cut other things, like defense to pay for them. If taxes have to be raised, they should be raised first on those who currently benefit the most from the contribution slavery provided to the economic engine of the country, in other words, the wealthiest citizens. And yes, that means wealthy black families will be taxed to possibly pay themselves. That's okay. Wealthy black families, and really, everyone in the country, have benefitted from slavery, too.Wait, do you want to tax people based on their race?
When they stop affecting the people harmed. As far as I know, Chinese people do not continue to suffer because of the Mongol conquests. English people aren't all poor because of the decades of Norse rule. Black people, by contrast, still feel the effects of slavery.
When are the atrocities a certain group did to a other group of people forgiven?
Wait, do you want to tax people based on their race?
man, ending the drug war - and either completely overhauling other things disproportionately applied to blacks such as the 3 strike law, capital punishment, higher sentencing etc - would have huge effects for everyone, but especially those in need of it
He addressed it by further doubling down on the drug war unfortunately.One of my issues with Obama is he never once spoke on this. I don't mean do something about it; because that's hilariously unrealistic given the Republican Tea Party and how much the detest anyone who isn't white, male and Christian. I mean simply speaking on it in depth to raise general public awareness. Then again I guess he couldn't because you know people would be like "Aha! The other shoe has dropped! He's trying to rally up black people to kill us!"
Can't have the general populous feeling attacked.
I'm a believer in forced integration of communities. (Maybe something like quotas for races, kind of like they do for money in some places,I think?)
I think that would address things like police occupation of communities (I don't think you could do that without significant blowback if you do that to the majority)
I think that also somewhat addresses the race disparity in education.
yup.He addressed it by further doubling down on the drug war unfortunately.
He addressed it by further doubling down on the drug war unfortunately.
Usually when you do something that is seen as a sign of asking for forgiveness.
they can complain about racism that happens today, thats an obvious given, but to me it seems like you are letting people complain about others that had nothing to do with a lot of the racism in the past. that just sounds highly unreasonable(sorry if thats not what you meant)People have to accept that I. Racism is still around II. Even if you yourself did not cause racism, racism has a lingering effect. So this idea that everyone born in the last 20 years should just get over it are missing the point.
So yeah those saying empathy are spot on. But I also think there needs to be a drastic change in perspective. I know far too many people who were raised to not see skin color, only to feel angry later in life since they didn't cause racism etc. etc.
And that didn't happen and it should have happend. but thats too late now. nobody is alive who experienced it.
So because of there skin color people are moraly/financially obligated because of someone else his skin color. (i'm talking about black and white skin) (i'm going to bed sorry)
This plus ending the war on drugs. In terms of actual, measurable, statistical impact I think these are the highest priorities
And that didn't happen and it should have happend. but thats too late now. nobody is alive who experienced it.
So because of there skin color people are moraly/financially obligated because of someone else his skin color. (i'm talking about black and white skin) (i'm going to bed sorry)
This is all going to take time. In the grand scheme of things, the situations you are speaking to didn't happen that long ago. Many of the people that experienced that time period are still alive today. Some are passing down those feelings to their children which will make it even harder.
But there is plenty of empathy out there. You see it here on gaf when one of those videos pop up. You see it on Facebook. There are a lot of good people out there. Again, it's going to take time.
I don't think many of your suggestions will help the situation because it will create an even bigger us vs. them mentality which is good for no one.
I also think that my people can look for ways to do for themselves instead of waiting for these solutions. A lot are. But many aren't.
One of my issues with Obama is he never once spoke on this. I don't mean do something about it; because that's hilariously unrealistic given the Republican Tea Party and how much the detest anyone who isn't white, male and Christian. I mean simply speaking on it in depth to raise general public awareness. Then again I guess he couldn't because you know people would be like "Aha! The other shoe has dropped! He's trying to rally up black people to kill us!"
Can't have the general populous feeling attacked.
Africans enslaved other Africans! - African history wasn't well-documented until Europeans arrived. Moreover, if armed and hostile Europeans arrived and demanded local societies for slaves, what do you think they would do? Finally, slaves in the African societies in question were treated with more integrity and individuality than as subhuman as in Europe and the US.
That's basically how I feel. I have absolutely *nothing* to do with any past(or current) bigotry from other white people. I don't like being lumped in with them just because of the color of my skin. It seems to me it perpetuates this 'skin color defines you' mentality that is at the heart of racism and prejudice of all kinds(in terms of people pre-judging somebody based on some singular attribute of theirs, be it sex, race, nationality, whatever).I've been pretty cool to people of all races my whole life, and am teaching my daughter to do the same. I don't think I have anything to make amends for beyond that, honestly. We all struggle against the man.