I just played Raw Data again (was waiting for the friend-related framedrop fix) and it's really amazingly fun in coop, especially playing with someone you know of course.
However, it does show two things clearly:
- GPU hardware requirements for unwavering 90 FPS (no reprojection) with good IQ and contemporary graphics are just insane. I have a 1080, and if I don't want to drop below 90 FPS ever I can basically only play the game at 1.1 scaling and with reduced shadow/postprocessing settings. IQ increases significantly all the way up to 2.0 -- so basically the best current single GPU isn't even close to being enough to maximize IQ on these "low-res" first gen headsets. Sure, it's an indie game and unfinished, but neither of those changes the raw pixel pushing requirements all that much.
- In the long run I really want full body tracking. Before playing a co-op game I was getting unsure on whether this is actually worth it, but no I'd happily strap some trackers to my legs/arms in order to get a better in-game representation.
Luckily lighthouse is in ready for that in principle.
The game is in early access, according to everything I read about game development, performance optimization comes last. Also, the new pascal GPU's have been out for a month, and I'm sure we'll see a ton of optimization built into the driver updates moving forward.