Just got my Vive a few days ago. Stuff's been trickling in, 1070 a day after the Vive, cleaned a room up for it the next day, VRCover coming soon, along with headphones with a detachable short cable, got an Xbox controller for PC finally for ReVive and such.
Tried out a bunch of stuff, still have a lot more to look at. In general it seems like a lot of experiences are really short and at least a little bit janky in some way, but then a lot of those are free as well. I think I'm naturally/unintentionally gravitating toward stuff that I expect to be quicker to get through so I can try something else.
I can't believe that "The Rose and I" once cost $5! It had nice visual and sound design but it felt like an end-of-TV-show studio bumper spread out to 5 minutes. Still cool to see, along with ABE VR and Colosse, worthwhile experiments. ABE is really cliche and seeing "yourself" is weird, Colosse has a neat style and sense of scale.
Audioshield is super jank. I mean, once you're in a song and playing it it's pretty cool, but it feels like it has 3 minute load times on every song. First time I thought something went wrong and it crashed, but just had to keep waiting. If I go to C: to navigate to my own music the whole thing becomes unresponsive, can't pick folders, can't go back. Have to force quit. I guess I'll need to put stuff in My Music, see if that works better.
The Cubicle is a really neat experience for being free. I had trouble getting it to run a couple times, both the first two times I exited out and it didn't actually quit so I kept hearing office sounds while in Vive Home. One time the controller/file sorter was completely unresponsive. But once it worked it actually gave one of the better senses of motion of all the stuff I tried. Actually, same comments for Poly Runner, minus any difficulties. Good retro look and fun to try out.
Trials on Tatooine is too brief, but hey what would you expect for a free product from Disney, just trying to deliver anything at all Star Wars-related as quickly as possible, get a lightsaber into peoples' hands and generate some buzz.

Millenium Falcon landing over you is great stuff. I had a big problem though, when I needed to hit some buttons they were past the wall of my room! Couldn't reach them. For some reason they were positioned past the edge of the chaperone border, and even then some, just an inch too far. Not sure how I should adjust things to fix it.
Realities takes up far too much space for what it offers right now (I'm sure it's justified, I just have limited SSD space!). Some of the locations were interesting, the castle had some bad geometry and texturing issues though, probably due to long range drone-captured images. The Alcatraz cell and the cave were my favorite locations.
NVIDIA VR Funhouse was fun, though I'm not a big fan of the circus aesthetic in general. It got better the longer it went, shooting with dual pistols at glass stuff being fired out of a cannon is AWESOME. Great destructible physics shown off in general, definitely spend a long time blasting out all the wood slats in the shooting gallery. I'd make similar comments about Waltz of the Wizard which feels in kind of the same category, actually I think it's better than Funhouse, some really cool stuff there. Good demo material.
Didn't spend much time with Tabletop Simulator but it had a great sense of the table and its contents being real. I wish it had as natural an object manipulation system as some other demos, and the skybox-with-no-floor thing is really weird, but I also get that VR has been retrofitted on. I would love real rooms though, it'd complete the experience.
On the subject of retrofitted games, Euro Truck Simulator 2 looked pretty bad and had a lot of hitches (judder? dropped frames?), and I made the mistake of pressing 2 to get the outside-of-truck view which made my head swim real quick. Only thing that's done that so far. I might give it another try, might need to set rendertargetmultiplier back to 1.0 from the 1.5 I had it at for everything...
Meanwhile, Vivecraft is
incredible. Maybe the best thing I've tried so far, maybe because I've already spent so much time in that world that it's like coming home for real. Interaction is so well-polished and natural, had it figured out quickly, I could play the game like that for a long time if not for being tired of standing up! UI on one hand, interact with the other, easy to teleport around...blocks so huge. Caves 2spooky.
The Lab is the other best thing, as expected. I haven't even done most of it yet. The shooting game where you're standing in the cylinder, weaving your hand around in this bullet hell...that's just nuts, and a brilliant idea, works so well. Oh wait, I remember why I stopped though...I was trying to start up the robot repair center and kept getting booted back to nothing like the game was crashing
(same as these people). But I
think it may have been a Windows firewall thing that was popped up on the computer afterward.
But yeah like I said initially, lots of software weirdness. Even outside of games. Had several problems already getting everything recognized and base stations woken up. Never the same problem twice, it gets pretty frustrating. I guess I just can't change Vive's USB port on the computer without reinstalling everything, tried another port and everything freaked out, "driver could not be installed," so whatever.
Anyway now I'm looking into how to play Elite Dangerous, watching tutorial videos because I've heard it's impenetrable. I assume I need to learn to play outside of VR first anyway. But there's plenty of other stuff I should try too, lots of actual games I bought during the Steam sale in anticipation of this, like Vanishing Realms and The Gallery and Cosmic Trip...
Mostly at this point I'm worried that I'm going to get robbed and not even realize it's happening. People lookin' in the windows like