Seriously, keep an eye out. Check the Humble Store as well. I got SotFS for $10 there which is an INSANE value considering the abundant (albeit uneven) content.You know what? I love the series and this is the only entry I haven't even tried. Next time it goes on sale on Steam I'm gonna pick it up.
The movement is fucking weird and the hitboxes are off. Also the roll doesn't work like it does in literally every other Souls game.
FixedSpotted the From Software B team employee
All Souls games are worth playing because they're all good games.
Counter argument: Don't waste your time. Play Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne instead.
Maybe they were foreshadowing DS3.It's the prettiest of their games imo (artistically, environmentally) but also the... weirdest? And not the good weird like Bloodborne is. I mean the kind of weird where you trek across bridges over an ocean to a tower, descend the tower WELL below sea level, and then come out... at sea level. Then continue venturing down below sea level through caves, only to come out... at sea level again.
So while most Souls games have this amazing feeling of the world being connected geographically and being able to work out where you are in relation to all the other locations, Dark Souls 2 is just a jumbled collection of locations that make absolutely no sense in relation to each other and never feel like they fit. Maybe that was a deliberate goal? I definitely didn't appreciate it.
I'm trying. I'm really trying to enjoy DS2 but the roll immunity is absolutely vital for me. It just doesn't feel the same as DS1, Bloodborne and DS3.
Whenever someone tries to drag themselves through Dark Souls 2 I just assume that they didn't have the desirez to beat it.
All Souls games are worth playing because they're all good games.
Played it, got bored. Like all other Dark Souls games, massively overhyped on GAF made me expect more. Ruined it. I blame GAF.
I beat the game and I still think that it's garbage. Even the dlcs are only great if you ignore the terrible co-op areas.Whenever someone tries to drag Dark Souls 2 I just assume that they didn't have the skillz to beat it.
Whenever someone tries to drag Dark Souls 2 I just assume that they didn't have the skillz to beat it.
Counter argument: Don't waste your time. Play Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne instead.
Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls 1.
There, I said it.
DS1 had a great first half, but its final half devolved into awful design and repetition.