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I found the cringiest scene in video game history.


sure, that is why everyone deemed tlou2 as woke, extreme leftist etc, for "not giving a shit about lesbians" lol
Exactly. Nobody gives a shit. So when something tries so hard to make us give a shit, it's deemed as "woke" in a condescending tone.

So, it's not because it has lesbians in it, it's because the developers try so hard to make us care about them being lesbians. Can you understand the difference?

But it doesn't matter anyway because this topic is about cringy scenes and that scene is cringe inducing regardless the sexual orientation of the characters.

In conclusion, you have no case here.


Came here expecting tlou 2

(And not the gay parts), just the whole game In general
I'd say TLoU2 is more awkward than cringe, with stuff like bigot sandwich, poor chemistry between Ellie and what-was-her-name nose girl, plain awkward dialogues between Abby and airbender tomboy, and THAT scene of course
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Gold Member
Not getting into the whole TLOU2 thing again, the mere existence of lesbians in the game isn't what anybody with any sense was complaining about because Ellie's been a lesbian since Left Behind it's old news.

Sorry to take a dump on a shitty scene I'll be a better ally next time.

yeah, that is why people even revived the idea that Ellie been a lesbian in left behind meant that Druckman supported pedophilia as he sexualized a minor.

you can keep your irony as I don't really subscribe to leftist politics or the language of allyship. I just feel that people complained too much about too little.
Actually good one bringing this up. I am still not sure what Kojima tried to do there (maybe spreading some positivity about video games and picking the most loved game Mario) and I give Kojima a lot of freedom of expression, but that scene made me feel extra weird.

If someone can explain it to me I'd love to understand it

He is a westaboo hack and has no social skills so he thought it was impactful.


TLoU 2 scene was fine. It is not terribly different from Drake and Elena on UC4. It's a gay couple, they do the same silly stuff that a straight couple does.
Preeeety sure the most awkward scene people mock in that game was a completely straight one



Fuckin' bigot sandwiches.


I personally prefer Bigote Sandwiches lol



Hmm. I thought that moment from Battletoads is exactly what it is: tongue-in-cheek and totally self-aware intentional bad comedy. It didn't make me laugh even though the game is funny in bits and pieces, but there is nothing really cringy about it. Now you can take pretty much every second Japanese game, especially one that takes itself really seriously, and it will be a special avalanche of cringe overload. And I say that as someone who enjoys many of those games.
What is that scene from that jrpg with the little girl who wants to sleep with the older guy and the older guy explains that isnt appropriate and it's on a spaceship or something? You know the one.


Some of these examples aren't really cringe, the Battletoads one really harkens back to 90s cartoons like Earthworm Jim and Biker Mice from Mars, it wouldn't be too outta place there

Real cringe often comes from E3, the Kinect show offs and Ubisofts Players "communicating" in game with Military fallouts for example
Someone took a Pixar meme and thought it was a good idea to make an entire cutscene out of it? :unsure:

Bruh, I knew the new Battletoads was a bit off but I'm not sure what's worse. Is this what Boomers who wrote this thought was funny, or is it that kids today consider that to be funny?


you must not have played tlou2... it's way more cringe than that.


Amazing game with a good stock story and loveable characters.

But Cuckmann couldn't help himself and had to bring a sassy black woman to beat the crap of both the male protagonists at the same time because do you know that women are as strong or even stronger than men?

And his desire for feminist & woke fanservice it's becoming bigger and bigger, we went from Nadine to that Tumblr fanfic called The Last Of Us 2.

I wonder what we will see in the next Cuckmann entry. I'm already salivating.
I chuckled at amazing game, well done mate :ROFLMAO:


i find nothing funny about
If there only was other games you could play...

Is this a trick question?
I bet the answer is the same as the answer to this enigma:
Being a homophobe is normal... to a homophobe... what would you assume being a homophobe is, to a none homophobe person???

Grow up a little and become more assured of your sexual orientation. I bet you would feel better.
haaa haha , doesn't like sense.. shout homophobe!, works for other bigots.

don't bet on knowing the enigma , or else , even care to know, till...you find the truth in yourself

before you question mine.




Out of context this appears cringe, especially with the introduction of voice acting. But in context, if you understand their struggle, they're purposefully forcing a laugh in difficult times. The VA in X was really good for the time and it still holds up well today.
In your opinion.

I played the game at launch and as I said multiple times, I have 100% the game a few times. I have seen this in context many times and it made me cringe, maybe not so much these days but when I first played it definitely.

Don't get me wrong this is one of my fave Final Fantasys, I would say this was squares last great FF imo, but that still does not change the fact that this scene made me cringe.

I only threw the gif up for a laugh, surprised at all the comments against it tbh.
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Why is everyone cringing at this? Just because they're lesbians? I mean, make Dina a guy and how exactly is that a bad scene for you guys? It's the classic 'don't go, we have something here - don't fuck it up' convo every protagonist has with their love interest when they're about to fight the bad guy. Classic Peter Parker/Mary Jane stuff.

Oh, and about cringy ...

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Reseterror Resettler
Why is everyone cringing at this? Just because they're lesbians?

Assuming the entire board isn't composed of -ists and -phobes here, bear with me.

I think (certainly in my case) it's the exhibition of intimacy front and center like we're *really* supposed to care or be invested that is cringey. Here's a play by play of the relationship from inception to oblivion:

-bisexual pregnant chick gets fucked up at a party and macks on Ellie.
-Ellie gets stoned with the chick and they bone.
-Ellie's father figure is brutally murdered and suddenly "this chick I think is kinda hot when I'm wasted," is now my "ride or die,"
-Synagogues and gay book stores
-I'm preggers!
-Stay on this couch. For the rest of forever.
-You didn't stay on the couch, now you're receiving elective cosmetic surgery on your face from Dr. She-Ra.

In a game about mushroom zombies and university raiding cannibal pedos, this by far is the most unbelievable thing that they ask you to suspend your disbelief about. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. My proof is two-fold. I didn't give a shit about Jesse, either. And I was quite touched, driven and invested in the last scene with Joel and Ellie. It comes down to writing, and the quality (or lack thereof) associated with it.

Giving me details about family, religion, what types of movies and music the characters like, sure thing. That's valuable information that informs CHARACTER. But it does *nothing* to build any sort of bond between two characters. Saying "babe," or "I love you," after having all of an hour together in gameplay is a contrivance. It's a clear case of "we want the characters in this specific spot, but we can't be asked to make it happen organically,"

This is why shit like dancing in the kitchen comes across as goofy at best and flat at worst. Because the player has no reason to be invested in this relationship which has magically formed with no chemistry whatsoever.
Why is everyone cringing at this? Just because they're lesbians? I mean, make Dina a guy and how exactly is that a bad scene for you guys? It's the classic 'don't go, we have something here - don't fuck it up' convo every protagonist has with their love interest when they're about to fight the bad guy. Classic Peter Parker/Mary Jane stuff.

Oh, and about cringy ...

This wins the thread.


Neo Member
Exactly. Nobody gives a shit. So when something tries so hard to make us give a shit, it's deemed as "woke" in a condescending tone.

So, it's not because it has lesbians in it, it's because the developers try so hard to make us care about them being lesbians. Can you understand the difference?

But it doesn't matter anyway because this topic is about cringy scenes and that scene is cringe inducing regardless the sexual orientation of the characters.

In conclusion, you have no case here.

It's cringe to me because it feels like the end product of straight people writing gay people in a way to appeal to other straight game journos and Twitter.


Assuming the entire board isn't composed of -ists and -phobes here, bear with me.

I think (certainly in my case) it's the exhibition of intimacy front and center like we're *really* supposed to care or be invested that is cringey. Here's a play by play of the relationship from inception to oblivion:

-bisexual pregnant chick gets fucked up at a party and macks on Ellie.
-Ellie gets stoned with the chick and they bone.
-Ellie's father figure is brutally murdered and suddenly "this chick I think is kinda hot when I'm wasted," is now my "ride or die,"
-Synagogues and gay book stores
-I'm preggers!
-Stay on this couch. For the rest of forever.
-You didn't stay on the couch, now you're receiving elective cosmetic surgery on your face from Dr. She-Ra.

In a game about mushroom zombies and university raiding cannibal pedos, this by far is the most unbelievable thing that they ask you to suspend your disbelief about. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation. My proof is two-fold. I didn't give a shit about Jesse, either. And I was quite touched, driven and invested in the last scene with Joel and Ellie. It comes down to writing, and the quality (or lack thereof) associated with it.

Giving me details about family, religion, what types of movies and music the characters like, sure thing. That's valuable information that informs CHARACTER. But it does *nothing* to build any sort of bond between two characters. Saying "babe," or "I love you," after having all of an hour together in gameplay is a contrivance. It's a clear case of "we want the characters in this specific spot, but we can't be asked to make it happen organically,"

This is why shit like dancing in the kitchen comes across as goofy at best and flat at worst. Because the player has no reason to be invested in this relationship which has magically formed with no chemistry whatsoever.
Thanks for the detailed train of thought.

Just to be clear, I haven't played the game (yet), but I saw this scene only mainly because people were commenting on how bad it was ... and I didn't think it was bad at all.

Sure, I lack context, and maybe my headcanon quickly filled the blanks and hypothesized this romance was earned, not flat-out given, but I compared this scene to every other love story scene where the protagonist has the 'sorry hun, gotta fight my nemesis' moment with his love interest which is all 'DoN't YoU DaRe, We HaVe a ChIlD!'. It that vein, I thought the scene was pretty spot on.
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This is more funny than cringe
I don't know - listening to professional players showing how utterly horrible they are at VAing, I couldn't help but cringe myself. I was like 'Dude, are you on drugs or something right now? At least TRY to act!!'


Reseterror Resettler

Thanks for the detailed train of thought.

Just to be clear, I haven't played the game (yet), but I saw this scene only mainly because people were commenting on how bad it was ... and I didn't think it was bad at all.

Sure, I lack context, and maybe my headcanon quickly filled the blanks and hypothesized this romance was earned, not flat-out given, but I compared this scene to every other love story scene where the protagonist has the 'sorry hun, gotta fight my nemesis' moment with his love interest which is all 'DoN't YoU DaRe, We HaVe a ChIlD!'. It that vein, I thought the scene was pretty spot on.

Yeah, I mean, the voice work and the intention of the scene is carried out well enough, I just feel none of the "payoffs," are earned in the narrative. There's no individual "bad," part of this game, per say, but it's all built on a faulty foundation where a bunch of scenes that are good, perhaps even great in a vacuum don't flow well enough together to do the narrative they're placed within justice. The first game was very slow and methodical with it's character and world building, it worked in such a way that a lot of the bigger narrative moments seemed small out of context, essentially the opposite of the sequel's problem. Things like Ellie getting a gun from Joel, the giraffe sequence, the farmhouse argument. In other less deliberately paced narratives, these would seem almost inconsequential, but they were major turning points with the story that was being told.

Here, we see things and just have to accept them. In isolation, a lot of these emotional or bombastic moments seem like they would fit as punctuation marks to a thrilling plot, but I feel like they're just haphazardly placed into the narrative without proper buildup.

And all of this should be taken with the knowledge that I *did* enjoy the game. I feel like my grievances are evidence to the quality of writing that I know the studio is capable of. It warrants some form of analysis and discussion. If I thought it was complete trash, I wouldn't bother.


We are being overrun by Reetards. Kinda sad, NeoGAF was actually better again. :messenger_loudly_crying:
Yeah, idk why people complain about this place then come running back here as soon as they get banned from retardera.

All good man. Don't let haters get to you. You are better than this.
He 100% is not but ok lol.
Anyone who thinks that scene in TLOU2 is cringe need serious medical attention. Fucking disappointment this forum.
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