Holy crap I didn't know this was so...common.
Honestly, I've never even heard about it.
Honestly, I've never even heard about it.
Holy crap I didn't know this was so...common.
Honestly, I've never even heard about it.
Same situation here, also happened to me when I was in high school. It was an absolute bitch before the surgery and hurt like a motherfucker whenever the gauze had to be changed after the surgery. Good thing my parents were able to convince one of the nurses from the hospital to show up to our place everyday and change the bandages/gauze before going to the hospital (it was on his way anyway).I hate to imagine what my parents saw when they had to replace the gauze back there, but I can only assume it was grotesque. I honestly wouldn't have made it through this whole recovery process without them.
Really glad that's behind me.
Damn, I had no idea these were so commonmaybe gamers are more susceptible to sitting on the same spot on their ass for hours at a time?
Nice read OP.
I have one but it isn't removed. When it went painful I just had surgery to have it drained. Left with an open wound a few centimeters in size. Had it for a few months but healed okay, no problems from it since I had the surgery a year ago.
Just wondering from you (and other gaffers) what how much do you have removed from your backside if you have the removal surgery. I'm curious in the chance I have to have it done, but I worry if I have it done it'll fuck my lower back up forever or something
I had mine popped at an emergency room. I didn't know pus had a smell but oh it smelled. It was putrid.
Then got an excision surgery wherein I was put to sleep like you.
Did they give you a lot of pain meds? They dumped like 2 months daily supply of opiates on me lol
So, could you say the Xbox being 499 could have saved your life?
Bless ye Phil Spencer. Saviour of asses.
That anesthesiologist is a fucking idiot, for at least 2 reasons:
1. Your surgeon told you she was going to remove a large chunk of your butt. You want to be in any other state other than completely knocked out for that?
2. This operation is ideally done with the patient in the prone jack knife position. This generally requires a general anesthetic and a secured airway. You being partially awake is not a secured airway.
Your story left out the best part: how much gauze can you fit into your crater, or did your surgeon take the leap of faith and give you a cutaneous flap. Edit: I see that was addressed in a later post. glhf, saline is your friend
I feel your pain OP. I had a Pilonidal Sinus excision in March and have had complications and still am not healed. Those were dark days having that packed in the first couple months. Wishing you the best of luck and no setbacks!
You got to have sleep surgery? Lucky.
They had me lay on my stomach, numbed my back with wart-ice and a shot and then just cut me up and scraped it out right there in the urgent care clinic.
I screamed like a bitch.
Damn, I had no idea these were so commonmaybe gamers are more susceptible to sitting on the same spot on their ass for hours at a time?
I also had one, a few months back. Though it was a pimple at first, too, but then it grew painful to sit down and I went to urgent care. They used some honestly inadequate local anesthesia and just lanced it. No fun, but I'm glad I managed to avoid surgery.
Anyway, congrats on getting it fixed, and kudos for overcoming your fear of surgery!
That's officially the longest story I've read about a man's ass.
Yeah this could be, but in my experience many people can have pilomidal cysts regardless of activity level, although they pretty much stop causing problems at around age 30.
Fun fact: this used to be called Jeep Rider's Disease because people who rode in jeeps during world war 2 were highly susceptible to getting pilonidal cysts. The friction from the seats and rough terrain were implicated.
Glad you made it out fine, I also have trouble dealing with needles. When they hook me up with IV or take blood I can't even look. Last year I had to go through surgery again due to my cyst returning out of nowhere. The first was in 2011 and it sucked. I had a vacuum seal machine attached to me for a month or two to help speed up the healing process. Fortunately since I immediately went to the doctor last year when the symptoms came back I only had a little bit of tissue removed and healed pretty quickly.
What the fuck with everyone having this stuff, now I'm thinking surely I'll end up with this crap eventually. Wtf![]()
I'm currently doing my med/surg clinical rotation in nursing school right now, and will definitely get to help patients during pre- and post-operation; we even get to view a few operations take place. Definitely an interesting story to read with the start of my semester, so thanks for sharing your story.
I had it removed too OP. I waited a whole year before I could get the courage to go through with the procedure because like you, I never thought I would see the inside of an operation theater. But even a pussy as big as me did not end up writing a 5 page full melodrama.
In all seriousness, have a happy recovery. The worst part for me was the 4-5 week recovery sincd I went with the open wound technique that takes out the whole area.
I have one and would love to get it removed. Would probably have to be over the summer when I'm off work. Maybe next summer I will.
Way to go OP. I've had mine for about 15 years now. It's gotten to the point where I know what can agitate it, and if I feel it getting irritated i can take action to help it. I never thought I had the time or money for surgery, especially considering the recovery. But, I may just be inspired to do so. I'm done dealing with this thing.
I had one too. They cut it out then they burned it shut.
Just had a local anesthetic. That was the worst part tbh. Having a needle go in at your tailbone was not a nice feeling. Them burning the wound shut gave of a BBQ kinda smell. It was not a huge wound though.
That was a nice story OP, read through it all, it was nice that you was able to get over your fear, im surprised just how freaked out you were for it, but it isnt so bad, especially when you get put to sleep and then they show you what they did to you while you was asleep, it being surreal seeing whats inside your body.
I'm going in for this exact thing in about two weeks.
Helpful, timely threads are helpful and timely.
Edit: To actually add to the thread, my pre-surgery appointment doc basically said if I wanted to sleep through it, he could do that, but felt that a local would be enough, "although it's going to be a boring being awake on my stomach for three hours following the surgery".
Same situation here, also happened to me when I was in high school. It was an absolute bitch before the surgery and hurt like a motherfucker whenever the gauze had to be changed after the surgery. Good thing my parents were able to convince one of the nurses from the hospital to show up to our place everyday and change the bandages/gauze before going to the hospital (it was on his way anyway).
Really glad that's behind me.
Had one removed two years ago, got sepsis because of the open wound, almost died.
I'm still having problems with the skin breaking because it's fragile, but I haven't had any new cysts and am praying I never will.
Good luck with your recovery OP, if nothing else it will make you grow a lot as a person.
Yep. Truckers and gamers, that's who gets it.
I have one but its only flared up a couple times in the past 5 years. It hurts terribly for a day or two and then it actually drains itself nicely. If it ever happens again and doesn't drain itself I'll end up having to get it removed too![]()
What a story Pet.
Kinda know how you feel, 'cept the problem was an abscess in my ass. Wew.
Hope you feel better.
Cool to read the story from the other side. I know a few surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists that have kind of lost that 'touch' of a great bedside manner.
All they see is another name and procedure on a list and in turn they lose track that there's a really anxious person behind that name that is entrusfing you with his/her life, and how a few gentle words can make all the difference in the world.
Thanks for the writeup, OP. Hope you're doing well.
I'm glad you were able to get that taken care of! Good luck on the recovery.
I made a thread about those cysts awhile ago.
Guys, please invest in a good chair and practice good posture while sitting. Don't slide down and rest all your weight on your tailbone.
Put those butt cheeks to good use.
But then you get perianal cysts. /s
The doc told me ingrown hair is the most probable cause. I think that cyst is the most painful thing I ever experienced. I waited too long before going to the clinic.
They prescribed me antibiotics and painkillers, and it popped a few days in my bed. Gross.
Guys, please invest in a good chair and practice good posture while sitting. Don't slide down and rest all your weight on your tailbone.
Put those butt cheeks to good use.
I'm exactly that and I've started shaving. Hopefully it doesn't come back.If you're a hairy dude in your teens or 20s, take care of that butt.
DonShula said:I'm legit surprised at the number of people in this thread saying they have this.
Infections aren't OK to ignore for weeks at a time. I don't say that in a judging manner. I mean it. Please take care of yourselves. If you have pain somewhere you shouldn't, and it doesn't go away after a few days, ignoring it is a bad idea.
The surgery isn't so bad.
It's the recovery that gets you.
The surgery isn't so bad.
It's the recovery that gets you.