Its not aimed at 'women'. Its aimed at middle-upper class women living in big american cities who never read a comic book in their lives.she hulk is ok but its aimed at women mostly. its ok to aim things at women to
Its not aimed at 'women'. Its aimed at middle-upper class women living in big american cities who never read a comic book in their lives.she hulk is ok but its aimed at women mostly. its ok to aim things at women to
Everyone knows why it's happening. It's not some fucking mystery nobody can wrap their heads around. Gaming has gone mainstream, it's a big business, and studios and publishers are being run accordingly.These types of threads are increasing but yet nobody wants to have a serious conversation about why this is happening.
When CDPR did their own post-mortem of why Cyberpunk released in the state it did, they laid most of the blame on the shoulders of CEO's to push it out before christmas, even though the developers and people on the ground said it needed more time.EDMIX look I know it's easy to dismiss this thread as sexist (and i certainly disagree that women are ruining the game industry as a fan of female protagonists myself) but genuinely there is a shift. It's not the casuals making the games. It's the ceos, the investors, the shareholders. There's a reason Halo Infinite exists. There's a reason BF2042 exists.
There's a reason COD seems to keep regressing every year unless they look to remake a past game.
I don't see how you can pretend these games don't exist when since 2017 they've been flooding the AAA industry.
Sony isn't the only publisher out there, and they don't represent the entire AAA industry.
Its not aimed at 'women'. Its aimed at middle-upper class women living in big american cities who never read a comic book in their lives.
Why would anyone come to that conclusion without taking other factors into consideration? Yes, hiring based on check boxes and not on merit is going to have a detrimental effect on any product or service, that goes without saying.Oh please, its clear as night and day what the OP is insinuating. Maybe the intention isnt there, but how would anyone come to any other conclusion based on those pics?
Why would anyone come to that conclusion without taking other factors into consideration? Yes, hiring based on check boxes and not on merit is going to have a detrimental effect on any product or service, that goes without saying.
That is not quite true. Last gen they removed booklets (along with other goodies) from inside games and they kelpt the price at 60 while the cut costs. So indireclty that is a price increase or more accuratly a profit increase for them. And the current gen more and more companies have increased the price at 70 or more, and the collector/special/limited editions are becoming more and more expensive than the past while packing the same extras.Games have become more expensive to develop while still selling at $60, along with more competition at lower price points such as $20 and under indie games.
There’s been like 30 “old man yells at clouds” thread this weekend. No games developers aren’t worse. People just prefer things that came about in their formative years. We literally got Elden ring a game that had as good of a case as any for GOAT. Ragnarok is also this year which at least will be one of the highest quality games we’ve seen. Enjoy that we have a great hobby with superb out put. Or play the old games you love so much.
The horror of making a show for women who have never read a comic book. My god, how can Marvel and Disney do this to us?! Criminals. Lock them up. All of them.Its not aimed at 'women'. Its aimed at middle-upper class women living in big american cities who never read a comic book in their lives.
Calm your emotions.How do you or the OP know that the women in the second pic he is making fun of, have no talent? Hiring for diversity as long as the talent is there is fine. Hiring just FOR diversity, is not ofc but how the fuck do you or anyone know that they are not talented? Its just a shitty assumption and this topic is shit.
I mean... all the games you listed would be a dime a dozen masterpiece in the 2000s. in 2001 alone we got games that were most definitely more influential than the stuff you postedBasically Boomer threads lol
I don't even see much evidence of this "aren't as good" as the record sales clearly show someone is buying those games and if they were bad, the public would just avoid those games in general as its not like we have zero flops or something.
Many need to consider, we are at a stage now in gaming where A to AA titles can like this can exist
and AAA titles can exist like this
We had babies out here PEEING ON FOLKS IN AAA 4K Pee textures lol
So I don't see much to argue anything is declining. Some thing exist for everyone in the AAA space no different then the A or AA space.
I'd argue a better topic might be sustainability as the cost of gaming development grows, the harder it is for studios to put out titles that might take risk. Its why I support the $70 price tag and would argue it should likely even be higher based on inflation. So an idea of something declining is hard to prove as game sales directly contradict this, quality is even harder to prove as its a deeply subjective and with games being more and more complex as generations go, its hard to gauge how a game really should be day 1 based on someone's view from 30 years ago or something, they weren't worried about no Ray Tracing 30 years ago lol
So for the most part , I see this as some boomer, jaded gamer idea. A lot of IP i liked back then, I still like how and got many sequels to games I loved during the PS1, PS2 generation etc on top of new AAA titles with new ideas.
So gamers ask for creatively and something different and then bash this.
So I find many cry about wanting something different, but might literally bash that different game and then get shocked when something like this moves 30 million lol
Hmm don’t think thats entirely true. I dont even think women in general are interested in watching superhero stuff.she hulk is ok but its aimed at women mostly. its ok to aim things at women to
Calm your emotions.
I have not called into question their talent. That isn't the point I'm making. I could just as easily ask how do you know that they are on the same level or more talented than their predecessors?
The point is that the people making the games are no longer the ones making the games, talented or not. And the games they are making are no longer aimed at the audiences that they used to be made for.
We've had this discussion on gaming forums for a decade and more. I remember discussing this very topic back when COD first got popular, and how the casual market would change the industry and push the hardcore market to one side. The hardcore, old school gamers were told "it's jsut more people playing, it won't change the industry, you will still have the games made for you!" Now look where we are. From Mw2, which was considered a downgrade in the world of online competitive shooting, to the absolute state of the genre today. Pay to win, loot boxes, mtx, £20 skins?
The only reason this topic is resurfacing again is because the market is shifting again. Microsoft have even said they want people playing on more devices than ever. There are 4 billion phones out there and, at best, 150 million console players and 150 million PC players. Just like the smaller hardcore audience was ignored for the larger, more lucrative casual audience, so too will that casual audience be tossed aside for the smartphone audience.
That's the whole point. There is a shift in the industry, reminiscent of the one that happened around 2008, one that older gamers have seen before and are going through again.
Hmm don’t think thats entirely true. I dont even think women in general are interested in watching superhero stuff.
A small minority sure but in general nahh. The difference is that this show and many other like it have some type of a message aimed at both young men and women. ”Women are strong as men” & ”women need no man” .
So the message gets to be more important than the quality of said product. Same thing is happening with games. For example, Horizon Forbidden west one of the latest games with a female protag has this exact message i was talking about.
Yet, they rake in billions. Don't give me the "they're expensive bit" when they figured out ways to make you pay for shit you don't need on a constant basis.Games have become more expensive to develop while still selling at $60, along with more competition at lower price points such as $20 and under indie games. It's just not worth taking risks on a high budget game
I'm discussing my points on the OP's thread. He can argue his own points, i only speak from what I see and perceive. You say the OP and this thread assumes things, while assuming yourself without data to back you up. Even when I tell you in my own words the point I am making, you dismiss it in favour of an assumption.No, the topic is pretty clear. You;'re just putting words into OP that are just not there. It's clear what he wanted to do with this topic. Its just a pointless thread that assumes diverse women are not actual gamers and they are the ones making the games these days. He also assumes games are just corporate products instead of games which is partially true but not entirely. That is it.
wow how out of touch are you? loads of women I know love the superhero stuff. look at the audience next time you go the cinema, black panther is out next month and look at the audience
My favorite game this year is Neon White, played it more than Horizon Forbidden West. People will immediately dismiss it because it's not some 100 million dollar 30 fps movie simulator.You are not a gamer? Get off your ass and start making video games.
OP right now
in 2001 alone we got games that were most definitely more influential than the stuff you posted
You are correct in many ways OP. But I think there is a lot you are leaving out, mostly because the actual story is much too complex to put a simple narrative on.
For example, those old Japanese game company bosses were bloodthirsty businessmen who only cared about making money. Think Namco, Capcom, Konami, Sega and Nintendo. Hiroshi Yamauchi never played a game in his life, and yet he somehow managed to make Nintendo prolific, profitable, and top quality.
I recall reading about the making of Kid Icarus. It was mostly done by one guy who had never made a game before. But by all appearances, it seems just like any other game at the time. Shigeru Miyamoto was hired as a toy designer, who had little to no interest in video games.
Keep in mind that this was for a relatively small market. By contrast games are big business today, and very expensive and time consuming to produce AND they have keep one upping previous generations on everything. With this much money involved, it is natural that the businesses involved will become more conservative, which of course means focus grouping it to death. This has always been human nature.
“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part.”
Just think of companies that didn’t become conservative. Ion Storm was completely reckless, and Romero has still mot recovered 25 years later. Sega was pumping games out in the mid 90’s. Have you ever heard of the game “Cool Riders”?
This game came out the year AFTER Daytona. It was never ported. Sega has many such games. Such behavior is simple unsustainable.
Gaming got too big for its breeches.
Games are 100% corporate products
I'm discussing my points on the OP's thread. He can argue his own points, i only speak from what I see and perceive. You say the OP and this thread assumes things, while assuming yourself without data to back you up. Even when I tell you in my own words the point I am making, you dismiss it in favour of an assumption.
Another way to phrase this is: "Games have become formulaic products that are no longer considered art and therefore no longer require artistry. Profit margin is the ONLY thing that matters and games are designed to capitalize on this above all else." The same thing can be said for hollywood movies. Remarkably GotY awards and oscars still tend to go to games/movies that respect the art form and try something creative.Games have become more expensive to develop while still selling at $60, along with more competition at lower price points such as $20 and under indie games. It's just not worth taking risks on a high budget game
I don't doubt there are examples of passion projects. But they aren't the mainstay or majority of the industry like they used to be. The money in the industry isn't generated by Tunic, NMS or any of the others. It's generated by committee designed corporations aiming at the lowest common denominator because that's where the money is.Maybe the ones youre playing. Heres at least one example of your statement being factually untrue. I can give you a million more prolly.
I am defending this topic because he raises a point I agree with; that games are no longer made for gamers.I attacked OP's topic, not your points so why are you quoting me asking for clarification on OP"s statement unless you;'re defending his shitty topic? Yes both me and OP assume things thats why this topic should not exist without evidence, which is why I even started this debate in the first place.
i sincerely disagree with this oneIn regards to how long games take to make, we can't do much about that, but I feel even more so...that deep development means you can't live off of just copying the next guy, by the time your game comes out, that fad, trend etc might already be gone, you must be the first to innovate to really take that crown.
Hmm don’t think thats entirely true. I dont even think women in general are interested in watching superhero stuff.
A small minority sure but in general nahh. The difference is that this show and many other like it have some type of a message aimed at both young men and women. ”Women are strong as men” & ”women need no man” .
So the message gets to be more important than the quality of said product. Same thing is happening with games. For example, Horizon Forbidden west one of the latest games with a female protag has this exact message i was talking about.
But they aren't the mainstay or majority of the industry like they used to be
100% correct. Unfortunately, those gamers aren't gamers. Those buying MTX and cashgrab products don't care about the industry because they're products themselves. They are addicts who need another fix. I agree with you on that 100%Also untrue. The ratio of indie games vs big corporate games releasing per year is probably staggering to even mention. Theres at least 20 made with passion indies made by diverse people who love games or classic games being rsled per month. Also whose fault is it that those big chunks of money go to the corporations that make products not games? Are you saying its the devs fault? The diversity cast? No, it's the dumb gamers buying mtx and cashgrab products that is to blame. There is nothing to discuss in this topic. It's a stupid attack at some talented people.
100% correct. Unfortunately, those gamers aren't gamers. Those buying MTX and cashgrab products don't care about the industry because they're products themselves. They are addicts who need another fix. I agree with you on that 100%