4gb card prices are freaky
When not where
4GB ones aren't cheap no but I feel they offer the chance for greater longevity, and if you do come to SLI then you won't be stuck with 2GB of VRAM.
4gb card prices are freaky
Wait until it's tested with two separate cards. They use some special sauce on the 7990 to help with matching frames that might be more effective than a crossfire bridge.
Not saying that it doesn't fix the issues, but I think it's still worth waiting on something concrete.
When not whereif it's in the next month or two remember that Haswell isn't far off (slated for June 2nd) and rumours are circulating that Nvidia will be updating their GPU line up in May as well.
Read that the 7xx series is coming out in may and I bought a 680 in February D:
So this is what it feels like to be a part of the PC master race...
Read that the 7xx series is coming out in may and I bought a 680 in February D:
So this is what it feels like to be a part of the PC master race...
TechReport, no doubt. Anand is pretty good too. Been meaning to listen to PCPerspective's as well, but haven't gotten around to it yet.Can some recommend a good pc hardware podcast?
To make you feel better, the 770 is rumored to be a rebranded 680.Read that the 7xx series is coming out in may and I bought a 680 in February D:
So this is what it feels like to be a part of the PC master race...
The USB 3.0 ports on my rig have stopped working, my motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-X79-UD3. Is there anything that I can do to rule out me being stupid?
They were working but today I noticed that my external hard drive wasn't showing up so I plugged it into a 2.0 port and it's fine. Nothing that I plug into the 3.0 ports works, my mouse lights up for a split second when I plug it into a 3.0 port and that's it.
Well, that about seals the deal; I'm getting a second 7950 when that patch drops. That about fixes everything.
Witcher 3, you don't phase me.
Crossfire doesn't have any input lag, that's an SLI specific thing. If the drivers are as impressive as they first seem, I wouldn't imagine much stutter, especially if playing on a 120Hz display. I've never noticed much stuttering at all on my 690, though I never really noticed it on the 7970 either.
Anyone tried the new AMD beta drivers (13.4)? Heard they're supposed to clean up xfire stutter and maybe improve frame latency too...
Crossfire doesn't have any input lag, that's an SLI specific thing. If the drivers are as impressive as they first seem, I wouldn't imagine much stutter, especially if playing on a 120Hz display. I've never noticed much stuttering at all on my 690, though I never really noticed it on the 7970 either.
Did you check device manager to make sure your USB 3 drivers are installed? For your board it's fresco USB 3.0 driver(from gigabytes site)
PC perspective is the best. Maximum PC sucks now.Can some recommend a good pc hardware podcast?
Yeah reading the article now, frame metering in CFX adds delay which will most likely add input delay as well. Not looking good!
Also animation smoothness is a good terminology to describe the stutter that you get with current GPU rendering tech; single gpu configs so far have superior animation smoothness compared to multi-gpu set ups, frame metered or not.
It is my unerstanding that the reason crossfire never used frame metering is because it added input lag. The frame metering they are adding will add input lag much like SLI does now. Source was the bajillion pcper articles just can't remember which one specifically mentioned that.
Looks like I'll be staying single card in the future.
The more I look at the Bitfenix Prodigy the better it looks. I wouldn't mind building a midget pc someday...
Next to a Define R4:The more I look at the Bitfenix Prodigy the better it looks. I wouldn't mind building a midget pc someday...
Does anyone know if a xfx 7950 dd (non black) is overclockable?
I'm just curious, I think is too hot here to actually do it...
What Kharma said above. Also, the X660 is on sale:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151088&Tpk=seasonic x650&IsVirtualParent=1
Promo code EMCYTZT3330 for an additional 15% off, which makes it a bit cheaper than the XFX one.
To be clear, these are all pretty much the same powersupply. Seasonic is the OEM for those XFX Pro's and the Corsair AX series (though not the AX x60i, though they are still great).
It is, this is the same unit but is cheaper http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207029
I was seriously considering an X51 but it didn't have enough hard drive space, I know NAS blah blah but still.
My non OC'd 7970 runs around 58-61C temp wise while playing Crysis 3 (1080p, avg 47-60fps with mix of high/very high settings). Are those normal temps?
I think it's the best gaming case available though. Large enough to house some serious hardware as well as enough fan spots to get away with quality, low RPM choices to keep noise down.
Looking at the alienware site, one of the configurations comes with a 2TB hdd. How much hdd space to you want?
Hey guys, so I'm currently running this build, not overclocked yet, but I had a question about temperatures for the CPU.
Just doing basic stuff (i.e. having Steam open, Skype open, and some internet windows open) the temperature spread between the four cores is 40-44 for the first one, and then about 33-36 for the other ones.
When I was running Bioshock Infinite on very high, the temperature spread (at max) was 58 celsius for the first core, 56 for the second, 53 for the third, and 54 for the last.
Should I be concerned for these temperatures at all? I'm almost a bit nervous for overclocking now since I'm a bit unsure about temperature ranges...
I think it's the best gaming case available though. Large enough to house some serious hardware as well as enough fan spots to get away with quality, low RPM choices to keep noise down.
All GPUs are overclockable, just to different amounts
Good to know.
How do you guys sell your GPUs? Ebay or Craigslist?
How do you guys sell your GPUs? Ebay or Craigslist?