Finally took photos of my new build. Don't mind the mess

The cabling could probably be better, but it's not a big deal. I love the way it looks.
Full specs:
ASUS 23" IPS VS239H-P Monitor
Corsair 600T Graphite ATX - LE White
Intel i7 - 3770K
Coolmaster Hyper 212 EVO
ASRock Z77 Extreme 4
Crucial 16GB 8X2 DDR3 1600
120gb SSD (thanks liquid!)
eVGA GTX 670 4gb OC'd
Corsair 600W CXMOD 80+BRZ ATX PSU
Creative Inspire A220 Speakers
Thank you everyone in this thread who has helped me out lately. It's a godsend. This was my first full build, even though I've replaced everything at one point or another on other PCs. Sadly one of my SATA power connections actually broke so I need to get another one (even though I don't need it right now). Other than that, this build went flawlessly, even though some part were a pain to put in (stupid 212 evo). Now I just need a proper keyboard and a MB adapter for the USB 3.0 on the front and I'm done. Oh and eventually an proper desk as well. Thank you all