I'm guessing they're relevant for the 680 as well? I don't want to uninstall Afterburner to use PrecisionX

Has Afterburner improved at all? I'm thinking it might be fine for my use; I don't want to increase voltage much if at all.
I have an R4 with just the stock fans at the moment(212 EVO on 3570k). Would adding a few case fans do any kind of noticeable cooling vs the noise they add? Windowless if that matters, though the F12 looks nice.
GPU overclocking is really really simple with Kepler, due to how locked down they are.
For stress testing - do two loops of Uniengine Heaven for quick checks, then 30 min or longer once you have settled to ensure full stability.
1) Increase clock offset until unstable.
2) Dial back to last known stable offset.
3) Increase memory offset until unstable.
4) Dial back to last known stable memory offset.
5) Ensure the card stays below 70C during stress testing, as that is the point they will dynamically adjust voltage and offset to maintain lower temps.
Only add more fans if you are currently experiencing trouble with temps. Otherwise there really isn't any point.