Shake I see you
Not even in the game for a month already got that bug
I just wanna get on your level, brah!
Shake I see you
Not even in the game for a month already got that bug
Agree on all accounts. It's just so much faster and I do less BS-ing around to get to what I want. Also, the additional FPS is games doesn't hurt!
I was wondering if anyone has bought the following case and if they have what their thoughts are on it.
I just this past weekend took my gaming/HTPC system and brought it into the living room. I hate having the case I currently having sit on the ground. I wanted to get this case to place it on my AV stand with all the rest of my components and seems to be a bit taller in height over my receiver.
mkenyon, welcome back to the land of the living. Having excluded CaseLabs on the grounds of insane EU shipping costs, are there any other cases I should be looking at before pulling the trigger on a 900D?
I think that a PWM fan requires a 4 pin connector. That's usually the one near the CPU socket. If the others fan connectors are only 3 pin, then I think you can only have them full speed or off. I can't quite remember if you can set the speed in the BIOS.
I think a 7970 would be a better value than a 4gb 670, considering those are around $440 and 7970s (non GHz) are $400
Don't want an AMD card not a fan of the CCC or being unable to multi/supersample.
Just to make sure you are aware, while that thing is shaped like a HTPC case, it is not a small from factor(itx/matx). It is still quite large, you can look at videos of it on youtube to see how large. If that doesn't bother you that is fine, just want to make sure you know that it is still quite sizeable and not gonna fit into any traditional entertainment center.
Yes I know but you can not update your drivers so its pretty pointless.
Switched to an Asrock Z77E-ITX in preparation for my Compact Splash Case.
Got my hands dirty with a manual overclock, got my 3770K up from 4.6Ghz (previously on auto overclock on the Maximus V Gene) to 4.7Ghz stable @1.368V. Chip seems willing to go to 4.8Ghz but I'll wait till I get my watercooling gear and possibly a hammer and vice delidding job before continuing. Dat heatwall.
Also bent some CPU socket pins and rebent them back, shorted out my CPU fan header and had to return a Lian Li case because of factory defect (can ya believe it?) and a malfunctioning Corsair H80i, been a real busy PC building and learning week! Feel like I've ranked up!
There's nothing that indicates the extra memory on a 670 helps at higher resolutions. The card chokes before that extra memory is helpful due to limited bandwidth.
I think a better plan is to get a single 670, and then sell it when the new 7xx series is released with more memory and memory bandwidth. Seems like it's almost an inevitability with PS4 specs being what they are. I have reservations about the current class of cards being a good 2-3 year investment, but am basing that statement purely on speculation and zero hard data. It's just a gut feeling.
Splashbuddies! I'm thinking of selling my Asus P8Z77-I and getting the Gigabyte board instead so I can hackintosh easily.
Though I'm pretty sure my 2550K will do 5ghz stable under water with the Asus, since I could get it to post, boot and run windows at that speed on air (crashes under any load though). Decisions!
And this is all if I don't put the Splash on hold for a couple months because I need a new MacBook for work..![]()
Hey Splashbuds!
Get that Macbook for work now then sell it when you can hackintosh with the Splash? Interesting bit about using the Gigabyte board for that, never knew. Might explore that option one day!
I've tried both MSI Afterburner and Catalyst.
I should also mention that it seems like the card isn't behaving properly outside of overclocking - it never gets to the 975Mhz stock 'boost' speed regardless of the load (it's never more than 925. which is the 'standard' speed). As far as I can tell the boost speed is the speed that the overclock controls (it's the default in Catalyst overdrive), so for some reason my card never reaches it in the first place.
Open up Afterburner and run an in-game benchmark of your choice. After it is done, look at Afterburner and you should see a section that is called "Core Clock". Let me know if you see a straight line in the graph, or if there are a lot of peaks and valleys.
Quick Question....
I am going to be removing a Hard Drive from my system, Drive H and replacing it with a newer higher capacity Hard Drive. I already removed all the files from the drive and cleaned it out. Before removing it physically, do I have to do anything within Windows to remove it or can I just take it out and pop in the newer HDD and there wont be issues?
Is it just a storage drive? If yes then it should be that easy.
Fixed.I want to buy it and just sit in it in my living room until the arrival of Maxwell.
Yes, it is just for additional Storage. I have the OS on a SSD and just wanted a HDD to the mass storage since I might be doing some video stuff in the near future.
Didn't know Corsair made SFX PSUs
OK, so I ran the Bioshock Infinite benchmark (not overclocked) and it flicked to 975 for a split second at the start of the test. It then fluctuated between 501 and 925 for a bit before settling on 925. I ran the Tomb Raider benchmark on max settings and the same thing happened - it only hit 975 for a second in the middle of the test. The rest was 925 or 501. There are peaks and troughs, but it's mostly 925.
I wouldn't be so bothered about this 'turbo boost' nonsense if it wasn't seemingly the only way to overclock the thing! If it isn't faulty, it seems like a daft feature. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
Didn't know Corsair made SFX PSUs![]()
Hmm...can you run a test again and take a picture of the core clock graph and post it up?
Ok I put the RAM in the correct slots, tried it and still wouldn't post. Took the GPU out, plugged the 6-pin into the mobo and then hooked it up to the TV via the mobo HDMI. Voila, it now boots! Got into the BIOS too and checked it out. I don't have the OS yet (will be here tomorrow) so I really can't do anything. Can I update the BIOS without Windows to see if that's why I'm having problems?
Yeah most modern BIOS have a flash inside them or can download the new bios from inside the bios and install it. I don't think there is anything wrong with your PC at all, some mobo's just don't like to boot certain ways. Once you install windows, reconnect your card, download the driver, shut down, connect to your card, then you should be fine.
Man, is anyone ever going to offer an all-in-one liquid cooling solution for GPUs? I'd love something like the h100 for my 690GTX.
Looking for a motherboard for this build :
Intel Core i7-3770 Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz (3.9GHz Turbo) LGA 1155 77W Quad-Core Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics 4000 BX80637I73770
I want to spend no more that 170 tops, I am kind of overextending as it is.
I was looking at GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD4H LGA 1155 but have heard that there are better options for the money.
I will not be doing much if any overclocking right away.
Looking to not have to worry about much pc wise for a while.
With that processor you won't be overclocking at all. You need the K version of it.
That kinda cash is in between board classes. Spend 30-50 dollars more to get something amazing. Spend 30-50 less to get something really good.
Definitely not what I was expecting, as the boost cards tend to "throttle" between their two speeds. What resolution are you running?
Edit: I just noticed that you are not getting a core voltage reading...did you attempt to change the values? If so, click reset, then apply, and run the same test again. Before overclocking, I want to make sure we are starting at the default settings so we can tell if the card is working properly.
ok lets say for 200
Does a Titan fit in an FT09-Mini, does any body know?
Get one of the enthusiast boards in the OP. The MSI MPower is quite good, or you could spend less and get an Asus P8Z77-LK which is still a solid board but a lot cheaper. The OP is there for a reason friendMotherboard choice comes down to a lot of personal preference, I know I agonized over my current motherboard for a couple months before choosing (and I still want to change it).