Got my rig last night and mostly set it up last night. I have a few fan setup / cooling questions I'm hoping you knowledgeable folks could shed some light on.
I got the Corsair Carbide Air 540 cube case along with a Corsair H110 liquid cooler. Thus, I have a total of 5 fans.
The 3 case fans are 3-pin's. The two in front are intakes, and the one in the back is an exhaust.
I currently have the H110 fans set it up in a push configuration (they're setup above the radiator, so push cool air from the outside through the radiator and into the case). Those two fans are 4-pins.
My motherboard has 3 4-pin fan headers for the chassis.
I'm going to pick up a Molex -> 3 pin fan adapter tonight (assuming they sell them at Best Buy... fingers crossed) since I clearly don't have enough slots to plug in all of the fans.
*Edit* Actually I found
this part from Amazon which seems perfect for my needs. It uses the Molex for additional power, and has a 4-pin connector which I can plug into the motherboard, and it then splits that into 4 for multiple fans (which will all run at the same speed). I also didn't see an additional fan header on my motherboard (Asus MAXIMUS VI HERO). Thus, my setup will likely be cooler pump into CPU_FAN, two radiator fans split from CPU_OPT, and the three case fans into the Chassis Fans 1-3 on the mobo. Sounds reasonable to me! Hope others think the same and I'm not making any errors.

*End Edit*
My question is, which fans should I plug into the motherboard, and which should I plug into the molex fan adapter?
Right now I was planning to plug in the case fans into the motherboard, and the radiator fans into the adapter. My understanding is that those radiator fans will always be running at full speed though, since they aren't connected to the motherboard, and thus won't be able to be controlled by it. I was reading there aren't any issues with plugging a 4-pin fan into a 3-pin header since the 4th pin is PWM, which controls its speed. I also don't believe there are any issues with plugging the 3-pin fans into the 4-pin fan headers, and I read depending on the motherboard, it may still be able to control fan speed using variable voltage instead of using PWM. I turned on the machine for a few seconds last night to verify I hooked everything up correctly (with the exception of the radiator fans), and it did seem like the case fans worked at least.
The other issue is that the radiator fan cables aren't that long, so I don't think they'll both be able to reach two chassis fan headers on the motherboard. I'm pretty sure one of them will, but not both.
Does my plan seem reasonable? How do other people have their fan setups? Is it worth it to spend the money on a dedicated fan controller (if so, recommendations are welcome since I've never owned one)?
This issue has always been a problem in my builds since I don't think about it before hand. I would love it if some more experienced folks can give some advice on the best way to set these up.
Secondary question, but does it really matter how I set up the radiator fans in terms of push, pull or push/pull? Originally, I wanted to have the radiator on top and then fans pulling air through them, but I don't have the appropriate screws to do this it seems. Reason being is that it would be a lot easier to clean the radiator since I could just wipe off the top of the radiator much more easily, but in my current configuration, I would have to unscrew everything to take off the fans and then wipe down the radiator. Corsair is sending me a dust filter which should be able to mitigate this though in my current setup.