Well... I already have the Windows 7

It's in the build because it's just to show what'll be on there. But as for cost, it won't cost me a penny towards this build.
Will definitely heed the advice on the motherboard and will upgrade it then.
As for the RAM, before I drop it to 16GB, you mentioned video editing. If I wanted to make HD videos edited together from captured footage in future, would 16GB still be enough or should I keep it at 32GB?
Thanks again for the advice.
Ahh I see, mate. I'm new to all this myself so can't speak either way.
Damn, you've convinced me, like the above guy, to change motherboards then. Though he recommends the 4H, and you the 3H. Which one is it?
And yeah really thinking of dropping the RAM then. But as above, if I get into video editing now and again for captured footage, and want to make HD vids in Sony Vegas, should I still keep the 32GB? This would be once in a blue moon btw.
And yeah, definitely upgrading the SSD then. Cheers.