Bought the antec tricool fan instead of the coolermaster one.
Same as my old one, it's not inaudible but it makes the same noise and is pretty quiet so w/e I'm used to it. I didn't want to deal with the potentially much worse coolermaster one.
Going to a brand new hard drive after limping along with my broken damaged sectors ticking and rattling spinpoint f1 for 1.5 years out of sheer stubborness (I refused to pay more than 50 euros for a HDD with the stupid price inflation after the floods and it took until now for prices to return to pre flood baseline

) is so great.
No more ticking, clicking and rattling noise, boot up in under a minute, everything opens instantly again.
That brand new PC feel without actually buying a new pc.
For once I decided to not be an idiot and actually make a seperate boot partition too, so I can actually format without having to back up all my shit now ...
Something I neglected to do with my previous 2 hard drives
Anyone here own an antec sonata III case?
If so maybe you can help me:
While looking in the manual for the first time ever (was making sure I hooked the fan up right

) I discovered it actually has a dust filter in the front hidden behind the front panel...
How on earth do you remove the front panel to access to filter without removing the DVD drive as well? (which for some reason won't come out,all the drive bays use a simple convenient slide rail with 2 clamps that you can move to loosen them, but the dvd one won't come loose, the other ones go easy I didn't want to force it)
The front panel is held on by 6 plastic clamps inside the case that you have to unlock to get it off; But the 6th one is located directly next to the top drive bay on the right side of the case (not the side where you take the panel off to open the case)
It seems really silly that you'd have to remove any drives in the frontal drive bays just to get access to that clamp just to remove the washable filter (which I noticed through the gap has about half a cm of dust clogging it up), especially since the manual recommends cleaning the filter out every other month.
Surely they didn't make it such a pain to access