Is there a diagnostic tool out there that can log what happens when your system crashes? I got my 4k monitor last week, and have tried to run Heaven on it 3x, and BF4 1x. The first two Heaven runs I had a heavy OC on my 780Tis. About halfway through the PC completely shut down. Also tried BF4 SP and it got to the intro credits and shut down. The third time I set everything back to default . PC shutdown again when running Heaven.
Event Viewer doesn't tell me anything...all it says is:
The previous system shutdown at 8:27:10 AM on ‎5/‎18/‎2014 was unexpected.
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
This doesn't really help me a whole lot. I'm leaning towards this being a PSU issue...but I'm not sure

. Some kind of diagnostic tool would be helpful.